Commit 0922b446 authored by Koosha KM's avatar Koosha KM Committed by David Lawrence

Bug 1054642: quoteUrls() enters an infinite loop with a list of nonexistent bug ids to be linkified

parent dfcf3064
......@@ -263,28 +263,23 @@ sub quoteUrls {
my $bugs_re = qr/\Q$bugs_word\E$s*\#?$s*
while ($text =~ m/($bugs_re)/g) {
my $offset = $-[0];
my $length = $+[0] - $-[0];
my $match = $1;
$text =~ s{($bugs_re)}{
my $match = $1;
$match =~ s/((?:#$s*)?(\d+))/$bug_link_func->($2, $1);/eg;
# Replace the old string with the linkified one.
substr($text, $offset, $length) = $match;
my $comments_word = template_var('terms')->{comments};
my $comments_re = qr/(?:comments|\Q$comments_word\E)$s*\#?$s*
while ($text =~ m/($comments_re)/g) {
my $offset = $-[0];
my $length = $+[0] - $-[0];
my $match = $1;
$text =~ s{($comments_re)}{
my $match = $1;
$match =~ s|((?:#$s*)?(\d+))|<a href="$current_bugurl#c$2">$1</a>|g;
substr($text, $offset, $length) = $match;
# Old duplicate markers. These don't use $bug_word because they are old
# and were never customizable.
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