Commit 09bdfab6 authored by's avatar

Bug 284264: Move canSeeUser from editusers.cgi to - Patch by Marc…

Bug 284264: Move canSeeUser from editusers.cgi to - Patch by Marc Schumann <> r=mkanat,joel a=justdave
parent e7d2b86c
......@@ -344,6 +344,29 @@ sub in_group {
return defined($res);
sub can_see_user {
my ($self, $otherUser) = @_;
my $query;
if (Param('usevisibilitygroups')) {
# If the user can see no groups, then no users are visible either.
my $visibleGroups = $self->visible_groups_as_string() || return 0;
$query = qq{SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT userid)
FROM profiles, user_group_map
WHERE userid = ?
AND user_id = userid
AND isbless = 0
AND group_id IN ($visibleGroups)
} else {
$query = qq{SELECT COUNT(userid)
FROM profiles
WHERE userid = ?
return Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array($query, undef, $otherUser->id);
sub can_see_bug {
my ($self, $bugid) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
......@@ -455,6 +478,11 @@ sub visible_groups_direct {
return $self->{visible_groups_direct};
sub visible_groups_as_string {
my $self = shift;
return join(', ', @{$self->visible_groups_inherited()});
sub derive_groups {
my ($self, $already_locked) = @_;
......@@ -1403,6 +1431,11 @@ are the names of the groups, whilst the values are the respective group ids.
(This is so that a set of all groupids for groups the user can bless can be
obtained by C<values(%{$user-E<gt>bless_groups})>.)
=item C<can_see_user(user)>
Returns 1 if the specified user account exists and is visible to the user,
0 otherwise.
=item C<can_see_bug(bug_id)>
Determines if the user can see the specified bug.
......@@ -1446,6 +1479,11 @@ be have derived groups up-to-date to select the users meeting this criteria.
Returns a list of groups that the user is aware of.
=item C<visible_groups_as_string>
Returns the result of C<visible_groups_direct> as a string (a comma-separated
=begin undocumented
This routine takes an optional argument. If true, then this routine will not
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ if ($action eq 'search') {
if (Param('usevisibilitygroups')) {
# Show only users in visible groups.
$visibleGroups = visibleGroupsAsString();
$visibleGroups = $user->visible_groups_as_string();
if ($visibleGroups) {
$query .= qq{, user_group_map AS ugm
......@@ -183,9 +183,9 @@ if ($action eq 'search') {
insert_new_user($login, $realname, $password, $disabledtext);
my $userid = $dbh->bz_last_key('profiles', 'userid');
$otherUserID = $dbh->bz_last_key('profiles', 'userid');
$vars->{'message'} = 'account_created';
$template->process('admin/users/edit.html.tmpl', $vars)
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ if ($action eq 'search') {
|| ThrowCodeError('invalid_user_id', {'userid' => $cgi->param('userid')});
|| ThrowUserError('auth_failure', {reason => "not_visible",
action => "modify",
object => "user"});
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ if ($action eq 'search') {
'group_group_map READ',
'group_group_map AS ggm READ');
|| ThrowUserError('auth_failure', {reason => "not_visible",
action => "modify",
object => "user"});
......@@ -395,10 +395,10 @@ if ($action eq 'search') {
$editusers || ThrowUserError('auth_failure', {group => "editusers",
action => "delete",
object => "users"});
canSeeUser($otherUserID) || ThrowUserError('auth_failure',
{reason => "not_visible",
action => "delete",
object => "user"});
|| ThrowUserError('auth_failure', {reason => "not_visible",
action => "delete",
object => "user"});
$vars->{'otheruser'} = $otherUser;
$vars->{'editcomponents'} = UserInGroup('editcomponents');
......@@ -495,10 +495,10 @@ if ($action eq 'search') {
{group => "editusers",
action => "delete",
object => "users"});
canSeeUser($otherUserID) || ThrowUserError('auth_failure',
{reason => "not_visible",
action => "delete",
object => "user"});
|| ThrowUserError('auth_failure', {reason => "not_visible",
action => "delete",
object => "user"});
&& ThrowUserError('user_has_responsibility');
......@@ -597,11 +597,6 @@ sub mirrorListSelectionValues {
# Give a list of IDs of groups the user can see.
sub visibleGroupsAsString {
return join(', ', @{$user->visible_groups_direct()});
# Give a list of IDs of groups the user may bless.
sub groupsUserMayBless {
my $user = shift;
......@@ -633,7 +628,7 @@ sub groupsUserMayBless {
# If visibilitygroups are used, restrict the set of groups.
if (Param('usevisibilitygroups')) {
# Users need to see a group in order to bless it.
my $visibleGroups = visibleGroupsAsString() || return {};
my $visibleGroups = $user->visible_groups_as_string() || return {};
$query .= " $connector id in ($visibleGroups)";
......@@ -642,45 +637,18 @@ sub groupsUserMayBless {
return $dbh->selectall_arrayref($query, {'Slice' => {}}, @bindValues);
# Determine whether the user can see a user. (Checks for existence, too.)
sub canSeeUser {
my $otherUserID = shift;
my $query;
if (Param('usevisibilitygroups')) {
# If the user can see no groups, then no users are visible either.
my $visibleGroups = visibleGroupsAsString() || return 0;
$query = qq{SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT userid)
FROM profiles, user_group_map
WHERE userid = ?
AND user_id = userid
AND isbless = 0
AND group_id IN ($visibleGroups)
} else {
$query = qq{SELECT COUNT(userid)
FROM profiles
WHERE userid = ?
return $dbh->selectrow_array($query, undef, $otherUserID);
# Retrieve user data for the user editing form. User creation and user
# editing code rely on this to call derive_groups().
sub userDataToVars {
my $userid = shift;
my $user = new Bugzilla::User($userid);
my $otheruserid = shift;
my $otheruser = new Bugzilla::User($otheruserid);
my $query;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$vars->{'otheruser'} = $user;
$vars->{'otheruser'} = $otheruser;
$vars->{'groups'} = groupsUserMayBless($user, 'id', 'name', 'description');
$vars->{'disabledtext'} = $dbh->selectrow_array(
'SELECT disabledtext FROM profiles WHERE userid = ?', undef, $userid);
$vars->{'permissions'} = $dbh->selectall_hashref(
qq{SELECT id,
......@@ -711,10 +679,10 @@ sub userDataToVars {
AND directbless.grant_type = ?
} . $dbh->sql_group_by('id'),
'id', undef,
($userid, GRANT_DIRECT,
$userid, GRANT_REGEXP,
$userid, GRANT_DIRECT));
($otheruserid, GRANT_DIRECT,
$otheruserid, GRANT_REGEXP,
$otheruserid, GRANT_DERIVED,
$otheruserid, GRANT_DIRECT));
# Find indirect bless permission.
$query = qq{SELECT
......@@ -725,7 +693,8 @@ sub userDataToVars {
AND ugm.isbless = 0
AND ggm.grant_type = ?
} . $dbh->sql_group_by('id');
foreach (@{$dbh->selectall_arrayref($query, undef, ($userid, GROUP_BLESS))}) {
foreach (@{$dbh->selectall_arrayref($query, undef,
($otheruserid, GROUP_BLESS))}) {
# Merge indirect bless permissions into permission variable.
$vars->{'permissions'}{${$_}[0]}{'indirectbless'} = 1;
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