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Commit 0ab45f45 authored by's avatar

The "And" and "Or" buttons now work faster, if you have Javascript

enabled. (If you don't have Javascript, they work just like they did before.)
parent 2966b6c0
......@@ -694,6 +694,8 @@ my @types = (
print qq{<A NAME="chart"> </A>\n};
foreach my $cmd (grep(/^cmd-/, keys(%::FORM))) {
if ($cmd =~ /^cmd-add(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)$/) {
$::FORM{"field$1-$2-$3"} = "xyzzy";
......@@ -709,7 +711,7 @@ if (!exists $::FORM{'field0-0-0'}) {
$::FORM{'field0-0-0'} = "xyzzy";
print qq{<A NAME="chart"> </A>\n};
my $jsmagic = qq{ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;"};
my $chart;
for ($chart=0 ; exists $::FORM{"field$chart-0-0"} ; $chart++) {
......@@ -732,7 +734,7 @@ for ($chart=0 ; exists $::FORM{"field$chart-0-0"} ; $chart++) {
push(@cols, $line);
push(@rows, "<TR>" . join(qq{<TD ALIGN="center"> or </TD>\n}, @cols) .
qq{<TD><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Or" NAME="cmd-add$chart-$row-$col"></TD></TR>});
qq{<TD><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Or" NAME="cmd-add$chart-$row-$col" $jsmagic></TD></TR>});
print qq{
......@@ -740,13 +742,13 @@ for ($chart=0 ; exists $::FORM{"field$chart-0-0"} ; $chart++) {
print join('<TR><TD>And</TD></TR>', @rows);
print qq{
<TR><TD><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="And" NAME="cmd-add$chart-$row-0">
<TR><TD><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="And" NAME="cmd-add$chart-$row-0" $jsmagic>
my $n = $chart + 1;
if (!exists $::FORM{"field$n-0-0"}) {
print qq{
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Add another boolean chart" NAME="cmd-add$n-0-0">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Add another boolean chart" NAME="cmd-add$n-0-0" $jsmagic>
<NOBR><A HREF="booleanchart.html">What is this stuff?</A></NOBR>
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