Commit 0bb934c7 authored by's avatar

Bug 140006 - ThrowTemplateError should try a template before using print…

Bug 140006 - ThrowTemplateError should try a template before using print statements. Patch by gerv, r=bbaetz, justdave.
parent b95d2994
......@@ -916,24 +916,33 @@ sub ThrowUserError {
# This should only be called if a template->process() fails.
# The Content-Type will already have been printed.
sub ThrowTemplateError {
my ($error) = html_quote((@_));
my $maintainer = Param('maintainer');
($vars->{'error'}) = (@_);
$vars->{'title'} = "Template Error";
print <<END;
Bugzilla has suffered an internal error. Please save this page and send
it to $maintainer with details of what you were doing at the time this
message appeared.
<script> <!--
document.write("<p>URL: " + document.location + "</p>");
// -->
<p>Template->process() failed: $error</p>
# Try a template first; but if this one fails too, fall back
# on plain old print statements.
if (!$template->process("global/code-error.html.tmpl", $vars)) {
my $maintainer = Param('maintainer');
my $error = html_quote($vars->{'error'});
my $error2 = html_quote($template->error());
print <<END;
Bugzilla has suffered an internal error. Please save this page and
send it to $maintainer with details of what you were doing at the
time this message appeared.
<script> <!--
document.write("<p>URL: " + document.location + "</p>");
// -->
<p>Template->process() failed twice.<br>
First error: $error<br>
Second error: $error2</p>
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