Commit 1f0fa158 authored by's avatar

The source files for the Bugzilla Guide have long been using the XML version of…

The source files for the Bugzilla Guide have long been using the XML version of DocBook but still residing in the sgml/ directory with an extension of .sgml. In an effort to maintain CVS history, the raw files were copied on the CVS server to the xml/ directory and renamed to have .xml for the extension; any checkins before this one did have the .sgml extension.
parent fce46de5
......@@ -3,34 +3,32 @@ You'll find these directories and files here: # This README file
html/ # The compiled HTML docs from SGML sources (do not edit)
sgml/ # The original SGML doc sources (edit these)
xml/ # The original XML doc sources (edit these)
txt/ # The compiled text docs from SGML sources
ps/ # The compiled PostScript docs from SGML sources
pdf/ # The compiled Adobe PDF docs from SGML sources
A note about SGML:
The documentation is written in DocBook 3.1/4.1 SGML, and attempts to adhere
to the LinuxDoc standards everywhere applicable (
Please consult "The LDP Author Guide" at for details on how
to set up your personal environment for compiling SGML files.
A note about the XML:
The documentation is written in DocBook 4.1.2, and attempts to adhere
to the LinuxDoc standards everywhere applicable (
Please consult "The LDP Author Guide" at for details on how
to set up your personal environment for compiling XML files.
If you need to make corrections to typographical errors, or other minor
editing duties, feel free to use any text editor to make the changes. SGML
editing duties, feel free to use any text editor to make the changes. XML
is not rocket science -- simply make sure your text appears between
appropriate tags (like <para>This is a paragraph</para>) and we'll be fine.
If you are making more extensive changes, please ensure you at least validate
your SGML before checking it in with something like:
nsgmls -s Bugzilla-Guide.sgml
your XML before checking it in with something like:
nsgmls -s $JADE_PUB/xml.dcl Bugzilla-Guide.xml
When you validate, please validate the master document (Bugzilla-Guide.sgml)
When you validate, please validate the master document (Bugzilla-Guide.xml)
as well as the document you edited to ensure there are no critical errors.
The following errors are considered "normal" when validating with nsgmls:
DTDDECL catalog entries are not supported
"DOCTYPE" declaration not allowed in instance
The reason these occur is that free sgml validators do not yet support
The reason these occur is that free sgml/xml validators do not yet support
the DTDDECL catalog entries, and I've included DOCTYPE declarations in
entities referenced from Bugzilla-Guide.sgml so these entities can compile
entities referenced from Bugzilla-Guide.xml so these entities can compile
individually, if necessary. I suppose I ought to comment them out at some
point, but for now they are convenient and don't hurt anything.
......@@ -39,13 +37,13 @@ documentation. Please address comments and questions to the newsgroup:
news:// .
Trying to set up an SGML/XML Docbook editing environment the
Trying to set up an XML Docbook editing environment the
first time can be a daunting task.
I use Linux-Mandrake, in part, because it has a fully-functional
SGML/XML Docbook editing environment included as part of the
XML Docbook editing environment included as part of the
distribution CD's. If you have easier instructions for how to
do this for a particular Linux distribution or platform, please
let the team know at the mailing list:
......@@ -62,68 +60,96 @@ rpms:
Set up environment:
in your .bashrc add this line (after installing above RPMS):
export SGML_CATALOG_FILES=/etc/sgml/catalog
If you're getting these from RedHat, make sure you get the ones in the
rawhide area. The ones in the 7.2 distribution are too old and don't
include the XML stuff. The packages distrubuted with RedHat 8.0 and 9
and known to work.
Download "ldp.dsl" from the Resources page on This is the
Download "ldp.dsl" from the Resources page on This is the
stylesheet I use to get the HTML and text output. It works well, and has a
nice, consistent look with the rest of the linuxdoc documents. You'll have to
adjust the paths in ldp.dsl at the top of the file to reflect the actual
locations of your docbook catalog files. I created a directory,
/usr/share/sgml/docbook/ldp, and put the ldp.dsl file there. I then edited
ldp.dsl and changed two lines near the top:
<!ENTITY docbook.dsl SYSTEM "../dsssl-stylesheets-1.62/html/docbook.dsl" CDATA
<!ENTITY docbook.dsl SYSTEM "../dsssl-stylesheets/html/docbook.dsl" CDATA
<!ENTITY docbook.dsl SYSTEM "../dsssl-stylesheets-1.62/print/docbook.dsl" CDATA
<!ENTITY docbook.dsl SYSTEM "../dsssl-stylesheets/print/docbook.dsl" CDATA
Note the difference is the top one points to the HTML docbook stylesheet,
and the next one points to the PRINT docbook stylesheet.
You know, this sure looks awful involved. Anyway, once you have this in
Also note that modifying ldp.dsl doesn't seem to be needed on RedHat 9.
You know, this sure looks awful involved. Anyway, once you have this in
place, add to your .bashrc:
export SGML_CATALOG_FILES=/etc/sgml/catalog
export LDP_HOME=/usr/share/sgml/docbook/ldp
export JADE_PUB=/usr/share/doc/openjade-1.3.1/pubtext
or in .tcshrc:
setenv SGML_CATALOG_FILES /etc/sgml/catalog
setenv LDP_HOME /usr/share/sgml/docbook/ldp
setenv JADE_PUB /usr/share/doc/openjade-1.3.1/pubtext
I suggest xemacs for editing your SGML/XML Docbook documents. The darn
thing just works, and generally includes PSGML mode by default. You can
download psgml at
If you have root access and want to set this up for anyone on your box,
you can add those lines to /etc/profile for bash users and /etc/csh.login
for tcsh users.
Make sure you edit the paths in the above environment variables if those
folders are anywhere else on your system (for example, the openjade version
might change if you get a new version at some point).
I suggest xemacs for editing your XML Docbook documents. The darn
thing just works, and generally includes PSGML mode by default. Not to
mention you can validate the SGML from right within it without having to
remember the command-line syntax for nsgml (not that it's that hard
anyway). If not, you can download psgml at
Another good editor is the latest releases of vim and gvim. Vim will
recognize DocBook tags and give them a different color than unreconized tags.
Here are the commands I use to maintain this documentation.
You MUST have DocBook 4.1 set up correctly in order for this to work.
Substitute your own path to "ldp.dsl" for "$LDP_HOME".
You MUST have DocBook 4.1.2 set up correctly in order for this to work.
These commands can be run all at once using the ./ script.
To create HTML documentation:
bash$ cd html
bash$ jade -t sgml -i html -d $LDP_HOME/ldp.dsl\#html \
$JADE_PUB/xml.dcl ../xml/Bugzilla-Guide.xml
To create HTML documentation as a single big HTML file:
bash$ cd html
bash$ jade -V nochunks -t sgml -i html -d $LDP_HOME/ldp.dsl\#html \
../sgml/Bugzilla-Guide.sgml >Bugzilla-Guide.html
$JADE_PUB/xml.dcl ../xml/Bugzilla-Guide.xml >Bugzilla-Guide.html
To create TXT documentation as a single big TXT file:
bash$ cd txt
bash$ lynx -dump -nolist ../html/Bugzilla-Guide.html >Bugzilla-Guide.txt
Matthew P. Barnson
The Bugzilla "Doc Knight"
with major edits by Dave Miller <> based on
experience setting this up on the Landfill test server.
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" [
<!-- Include macros -->
<!ENTITY about SYSTEM "about.sgml">
<!ENTITY conventions SYSTEM "conventions.sgml">
<!ENTITY doc-index SYSTEM "index.sgml">
<!ENTITY faq SYSTEM "faq.sgml">
<!ENTITY gfdl SYSTEM "gfdl.sgml">
<!ENTITY glossary SYSTEM "glossary.sgml">
<!ENTITY installation SYSTEM "installation.sgml">
<!ENTITY administration SYSTEM "administration.sgml">
<!ENTITY using SYSTEM "using.sgml">
<!ENTITY integration SYSTEM "integration.sgml">
<!ENTITY future SYSTEM "future.sgml">
<!ENTITY index SYSTEM "index.sgml">
<!ENTITY database SYSTEM "database.sgml">
<!ENTITY patches SYSTEM "patches.sgml">
<!ENTITY variants SYSTEM "variants.sgml">
<!ENTITY introduction SYSTEM "introduction.sgml">
<!ENTITY revhistory SYSTEM "revhistory.sgml">
<!ENTITY about SYSTEM "about.xml">
<!ENTITY conventions SYSTEM "conventions.xml">
<!ENTITY doc-index SYSTEM "index.xml">
<!ENTITY faq SYSTEM "faq.xml">
<!ENTITY gfdl SYSTEM "gfdl.xml">
<!ENTITY glossary SYSTEM "glossary.xml">
<!ENTITY installation SYSTEM "installation.xml">
<!ENTITY administration SYSTEM "administration.xml">
<!ENTITY using SYSTEM "using.xml">
<!ENTITY integration SYSTEM "integration.xml">
<!ENTITY future SYSTEM "future.xml">
<!ENTITY index SYSTEM "index.xml">
<!ENTITY database SYSTEM "database.xml">
<!ENTITY patches SYSTEM "patches.xml">
<!ENTITY variants SYSTEM "variants.xml">
<!ENTITY introduction SYSTEM "introduction.xml">
<!ENTITY revhistory SYSTEM "revhistory.xml">
<!-- Things to change for a stable release:
* bz-ver to current stable
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
<!-- Coding standards for this document
* Other than the GFDL, please use the "section" tag instead of "sect1", "sect2", etc.
* Use Entities to include files for new chapters in Bugzilla-Guide.sgml.
* Use Entities to include files for new chapters in Bugzilla-Guide.xml.
* Try to use Entities for frequently-used passages of text as well.
* Ensure all documents compile cleanly to HTML after modification.
The warning, "DTDDECL catalog types not supported" is normal.
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ The warning, "DTDDECL catalog types not supported" is normal.
* Follow coding standards at, and
check out the KDE guidelines (they are nice, too)
* All tags should be lowercase (needsfix)
* All tags should be lowercase.
* Please use sensible spacing. The comments at the very end of each
file define reasonable defaults for PSGML mode in EMACS.
Double-indent tags, use double spacing whenever possible, and
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ try to avoid clutter and feel free to waste space in the code to make it more re
This documentation is maintained in DocBook 4.1.2 XML format.
Changes are best submitted as plain text or SGML diffs, attached
Changes are best submitted as plain text or XML diffs, attached
to a bug filed in the &bzg-bugs; compontent.
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ sgml-local-ecat-files:nil
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.sgml" "book" "chapter")
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.xml" "book" "chapter")
<!-- <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" [
<!ENTITY conventions SYSTEM "conventions.sgml"> ] > -->
<!ENTITY conventions SYSTEM "conventions.xml"> ] > -->
<chapter id="about">
<title>About This Guide</title>
......@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
<section id="copyright">
<title>Copyright Information</title>
<attribution>Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Matthew P. Barnson and &bzg-auth;</attribution>
<attribution>Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Matthew P. Barnson and &bzg-auth;</attribution>
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation
License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the
Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no
Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of
the license is included below.
the license is included in <xref linkend="gfdl"/>.
......@@ -22,11 +22,6 @@
copyright, or publishing this document in non-electronic form,
please contact &bzg-auth;.
<!-- The GNU Free Documentation License -->
<section id="disclaimer">
......@@ -79,29 +74,27 @@
<section id="newversions">
<title>New Versions</title>
This is the &bzg-ver; version of The Bugzilla Guide. It is so named
to match the current version of Bugzilla. If you are
This is the &bz-ver; version of The Bugzilla Guide. It is so named
to match the current version of Bugzilla.
This version of the guide, like its associated Bugzilla version is a
development version. Information is subject to change between now and
when &bz-nextver; is released.
If you are
reading this from any source other than those below, please
check one of these mirrors to make sure you are reading an
up-to-date version of the Guide.
This document can be found in the following places:
The newest version of this guide can always be found at <ulink
url=""></ulink>; including
documentation for past releases and the current development version.
<ulink url=""></ulink>
<ulink url="">The Linux
Documentation Project</ulink>
The documentation for the most recent stable release of Bugzilla can also
be found at
<ulink url="">The Linux Documentation Project</ulink>.
The latest version of this document can always be checked out via CVS.
......@@ -125,43 +118,87 @@
numerous e-mail and IRC support sessions, and overall excellent
contribution to the Bugzilla community:
<ulink url="mailto://">Matthew P. Barnson</ulink>
for the Herculaean task of pulling together the Bugzilla Guide and
shepherding it to 2.14.
<ulink url="mailto://">Terry Weissman</ulink>
for initially writing Bugzilla and creating the
README upon which the UNIX installation documentation is largely based.
<ulink url="mailto://">Tara Hernandez</ulink>
for keeping Bugzilla development going
strong after Terry left
<ulink url="mailto://">Dave Lawrence</ulink>
for providing insight into the key differences between Red Hat's
customized Bugzilla, and being largely responsible for the "Red
Hat Bugzilla" appendix
<ulink url="mailto://">Dawn Endico</ulink> for
being a hacker extraordinaire and putting up with my incessant
questions and arguments on in #mozwebtools
<!-- TODO: This is evil... there has to be a valid way to get this look -->
<term>Matthew P. Barnson <email></email></term>
<para>for the Herculaean task of pulling together the Bugzilla Guide
and shepherding it to 2.14.
<term>Terry Weissman <email></email></term>
<para>for initially writing Bugzilla and creating the README upon
which the UNIX installation documentation is largely based.
<term>Tara Hernandez <email></email></term>
<para>for keeping Bugzilla development going strong after Terry left and for running landfill.
<term>Dave Lawrence <email></email></term>
<para>for providing insight into the key differences between Red
Hat's customized Bugzilla, and being largely responsible for
<xref linkend="variant-redhat"/>.
<term>Dawn Endico <email></email></term>
<para>for being a hacker extraordinaire and putting up with Matthew's
incessant questions and arguments on in #mozwebtools
<term>Jacob Steenhagen <email></email></term>
<para>for taking over documentation during the 2.17 development
Last but not least, all the members of the
<ulink url="news://"> netscape.public.mozilla.webtools</ulink> newsgroup. Without your discussions, insight, suggestions, and patches, this could never have happened.
<ulink url="news://"/>
newsgroup. Without your discussions, insight, suggestions, and patches,
this could never have happened.
Thanks also go to the following people for significant contributions
to this documentation (in no particular order):
Zach Liption, Andrew Pearson, Spencer Smith, Eric Hanson, Kevin Brannen,
Ron Teitelbaum, Jacob Steenhagen, Joe Robins, Gervase Markham.
to this documentation (in alphabetical order):
<simplelist type="inline">
<member>Andrew Pearson</member>
<member>Ben FrantzDale</member>
<member>Eric Hanson</member>
<member>Gervase Markham</member>
<member>Joe Robins</member>
<member>Kevin Brannen</member>
<member>Ron Teitelbaum</member>
<member>Spencer Smith</member>
<member>Zach Liption</member>
......@@ -184,7 +221,7 @@ sgml-local-ecat-files:nil
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.sgml" "book" "chapter")
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.xml" "book" "chapter")
End: -->
......@@ -1632,7 +1632,7 @@ sgml-local-ecat-files:nil
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.sgml" "book" "chapter")
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.xml" "book" "chapter")
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ sgml-local-ecat-files:nil
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.sgml" "book" "chapter")
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.xml" "book" "chapter")
<!-- <!DOCTYPE appendix PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN"> -->
<section id="gfdl">
<appendix id="gfdl">
<title>GNU Free Documentation License</title>
<!-- - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) -->
......@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@
software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their
use in free software.</para>
<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
Local variables:
......@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ sgml-local-ecat-files:nil
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.sgml" "book" "chapter")
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.xml" "book" "chapter")
......@@ -129,8 +129,7 @@
<glossdiv id="gloss-c">
<glossentry id="gloss-cgi">
<glossterm>Common Gateway Interface</glossterm>
......@@ -252,14 +251,31 @@
should familiarize yourself with all of the documentation, some high
points are:
<para><ulink url="">MySQL
Privilege System</ulink> - Much more detailed information about
the suggestions in <xref linkend="security-mysql"/>.
<term><ulink url="">Backup</ulink></term>
<para>Methods for backing up your Bugzilla database.
<term><ulink url="">Option Files</ulink></term>
<para>Information about how to configure MySQL using
<term><ulink url="">Privilege System</ulink></term>
<para>Much more detailed information about the suggestions in
<xref linkend="security-mysql"/>.
......@@ -410,13 +426,34 @@
<glossdiv id="gloss-z">
<glossentry id="zarro-boogs-found" xreflabel="Zarro Boogs Found">
<glossentry id="gloss-zarro">
<glossterm>Zarro Boogs Found</glossterm>
<para>This is the cryptic response sent by Bugzilla when a query
returned no results. It is just a goofy way of saying "Zero Bugs
<para>This is just a goofy way of saying that there were no bugs
found matching your query. When asked to explain this message,
Terry had the following to say:
<attribution>Terry Weissman</attribution>
<para>I've been asked to explain this ... way back when, when
Netscape released version 4.0 of its browser, we had a release
party. Naturally, there had been a big push to try and fix every
known bug before the release. Naturally, that hadn't actually
happened. (This is not unique to Netscape or to 4.0; the same thing
has happened with every software project I've ever seen.) Anyway,
at the release party, T-shirts were handed out that said something
like "Netscape 4.0: Zarro Boogs". Just like the software, the
T-shirt had no known bugs. Uh-huh.
<para>So, when you query for a list of bugs, and it gets no results,
you can think of this as a friendly reminder. Of *course* there are
bugs matching your query, they just aren't in the bugsystem yet...
......@@ -437,7 +474,7 @@ sgml-local-ecat-files:nil
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.sgml" "book" "chapter")
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.xml" "book" "chapter")
......@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ sgml-local-ecat-files:nil
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.sgml" "book" "chapter")
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.xml" "book" "chapter")
......@@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ my $webservergid = '8'
<command>look GD</command>.
This should go through the motions of downloading the latest version of
the GD module, then it will open a shell and drop you into the build
directory. Apply <ulink url="../sgml/gd-makefile.patch">this patch</ulink>
directory. Apply <ulink url="../xml/gd-makefile.patch">this patch</ulink>
to the Makefile.PL file (save the
patch into a file and use the command
<command>patch &lt; patchfile</command>.)
......@@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/File/ line 233.
<para>Numerous people have reported that upgrading to version 5.6.1
or higher solved the problem for them. A less involved fix is to apply
the patch in <xref linkend="trouble-filetemp-patch"/>. The patch is also
available as a <ulink url="../sgml/filetemp.patch">patch file</ulink>.
available as a <ulink url="../xml/filetemp.patch">patch file</ulink>.
<figure id="trouble-filetemp-patch">
......@@ -1607,7 +1607,7 @@ sgml-local-ecat-files:nil
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.sgml" "book" "chapter")
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.xml" "book" "chapter")
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ sgml-local-ecat-files:nil
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.sgml" "book" "chapter")
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.xml" "book" "chapter")
<chapter id="introduction">
<section id="what-is-bugzilla">
<section id="whatis">
<title>What is Bugzilla?</title>
Bugzilla is a bug- or issue-tracking system. Bug-tracking
systems allow individual or groups of developers effectively to keep track
of outstanding problems with their products.
of outstanding problems with their product.
Bugzilla was originally
written by Terry Weissman in a programming language called TCL, to
replace a rudimentary bug-tracking database used internally by Netscape
Communications. Terry later ported Bugzilla to Perl from TCL, and in Perl
it remains to this day. Most commercial defect-tracking software vendors
at the time charged enormous licensing fees, and Bugzilla quickly became
a favorite of the open-source crowd (with its genesis in the open-source
browser project, Mozilla). It is now the de-facto standard
defect-tracking system against which all others are measured.
<para><emphasis>Do we need more here?</emphasis></para>
<section id="why-tracking">
<title>Why use a bug-tracking system?</title>
<para>Those who do not use a bug-tracking system tend to rely on
shared lists, email, spreadsheets and/or Post-It notes to monitor the
status of defects. This procedure
is usually error-prone and tends to cause those bugs judged least
significant by developers to be dropped or ignored.</para>
<para>Integrated defect-tracking systems make sure that nothing gets
swept under the carpet; they provide a method of creating, storing,
arranging and processing defect reports and enhancement requests.</para>
<section id="why-bugzilla">
<title>Why use Bugzilla?</title>
<para>Bugzilla is the leading open-source/free software bug tracking
system. It boasts many advanced features, including:
<para>Bugzilla boasts many advanced features. These include:
<para>Powerful searching</para>
......@@ -68,12 +54,12 @@
<para>Completely customizable and/or localizable web user
<para>Web, XML, email and console interfaces</para>
<para>Additional XML, email and console interfaces</para>
<para>Completely customisable and/or localisable web user
......@@ -85,7 +71,34 @@
<section id="why">
<title>Why Should We Use Bugzilla?</title>
<para>For many years, defect-tracking software has remained principally
the domain of large software development houses. Even then, most shops
never bothered with bug-tracking software, and instead simply relied on
shared lists and email to monitor the status of defects. This procedure
is error-prone and tends to cause those bugs judged least significant by
developers to be dropped or ignored.</para>
<para>These days, many companies are finding that integrated
defect-tracking systems reduce downtime, increase productivity, and raise
customer satisfaction with their systems. Along with full disclosure, an
open bug-tracker allows manufacturers to keep in touch with their clients
and resellers, to communicate about problems effectively throughout the
data management chain. Many corporations have also discovered that
defect-tracking helps reduce costs by providing IT support
accountability, telephone support knowledge bases, and a common,
well-understood system for accounting for unusual system or software
<para>But why should
use Bugzilla?</para>
<para>Bugzilla is very adaptable to various situations. Known uses
currently include IT support queues, Systems Administration deployment
management, chip design and development problem tracking (both
......@@ -95,7 +108,22 @@
<ulink url="">CVS</ulink>,
<ulink url="">Bonsai</ulink>, or
<ulink url="">Perforce SCM</ulink>, Bugzilla
provides a powerful, easy-to-use configuration management solution.</para>
provides a powerful, easy-to-use solution to configuration management and
replication problems.</para>
<para>Bugzilla can dramatically increase the productivity and
accountability of individual employees by providing a documented workflow
and positive feedback for good performance. How many times do you wake up
in the morning, remembering that you were supposed to do
today, but you just can't quite remember? Put it in Bugzilla, and you
have a record of it from which you can extrapolate milestones, predict
product versions for integration, and follow the discussion trail
that led to critical decisions.</para>
<para>Ultimately, Bugzilla puts the power in your hands to improve your
value to your employer or business while providing a usable framework for
your natural attention to detail and knowledge store to flourish.</para>
<!DOCTYPE appendix PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN">
<!-- <!DOCTYPE appendix PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN"> -->
<appendix id="patches" xreflabel="Useful Patches and Utilities for Bugzilla">
<title>Useful Patches and Utilities for Bugzilla</title>
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ sgml-local-ecat-files:nil
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.sgml" "book" "chapter")
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.xml" "book" "chapter")
<!-- <!DOCTYPE appendix PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN"> -->
<appendix id="downloadlinks">
<title>Software Download Links</title>
All of these sites are current as of April, 2001. Hopefully
they'll stay current for a while.
Apache Web Server: <ulink url=""></ulink>
Optional web server for Bugzilla, but recommended because of broad user base and support.
Bugzilla: <ulink url=""></ulink>
MySQL: <ulink url=""></ulink>
<para>All of these sites are current as of April, 2001. Hopefully they'll
stay current for a while.</para>
<para>Apache Web Server:
<ulink url=""></ulink>
Optional web server for Bugzilla, but recommended because of broad user
base and support.</para>
<ulink url=""></ulink>
Perl: <ulink url=""></ulink>
<ulink url=""></ulink>
CPAN: <ulink url=""></ulink>
<ulink url=""></ulink>
DBI Perl module:
<ulink url=""></ulink>
<ulink url=""></ulink>
Data::Dumper module:
<ulink url=""></ulink>
<para>DBI Perl module:
<ulink url=""></ulink>
MySQL related Perl modules:
<ulink url=""></ulink>
<para>Data::Dumper module:
<ulink url=""></ulink>
TimeDate Perl module collection:
<ulink url=""></ulink>
<para>MySQL related Perl modules:
<ulink url=""></ulink>
GD Perl module:
<ulink url=""></ulink>
Alternately, you should be able to find the latest version of
GD at <ulink url=""></ulink>
<para>TimeDate Perl module collection:
<ulink url=""></ulink>
Chart::Base module:
<ulink url=""></ulink>
<para>GD Perl module:
<ulink url=""></ulink>
Alternately, you should be able to find the latest version of GD at
<ulink url=""></ulink>
LinuxDoc Software:
<ulink url=""></ulink>
(for documentation maintenance)
<para>Chart::Base module:
<ulink url=""></ulink>
<para>(But remember, Bundle::Bugzilla will install all the modules for you.)
<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
Local variables:
mode: sgml
......@@ -79,8 +80,9 @@ sgml-local-ecat-files:nil
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.sgml" "book" "chapter")
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.xml" "book" "chapter")
......@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ sgml-local-ecat-files:nil
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.sgml" "book" "chapter")
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.xml" "book" "chapter")
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