Bug 164470 - mass reassign changes UNCONFIRMED->NEW

r=joel x2
parent afcc409b
......@@ -432,22 +432,47 @@ sub ChangeStatus {
my ($str) = (@_);
if ($str ne $::dontchange) {
# Ugly, but functional. We don't want to change Status if we are
# reasigning non-open bugs via the mass change form.
if ( ($::FORM{knob} eq 'reassign' || $::FORM{knob} eq 'reassignbycomponent') &&
! defined $::FORM{id} && $str eq 'NEW' ) {
# If we got to here, we're dealing with a reassign from the mass
# change page. We don't know (and can't easily figure out) if this
# bug is open or closed. If it's closed, we don't want to change
# its status to NEW. We have to put some logic into the SQL itself
# to handle that.
if ($::FORM{knob} eq 'reopen') {
# When reopening, we need to check whether the bug was ever
# confirmed or not
$::query .= "bug_status = IF(everconfirmed = 1, " .
SqlQuote($str) . ", " .
SqlQuote($::unconfirmedstate) . ")";
} elsif (IsOpenedState($str)) {
# Note that we cannot combine this with the above branch - here we
# need to check if bugs.bug_status is open, (since we don't want to
# reopen closed bugs when reassigning), while above the whole point
# is to reopen a closed bug.
# Currently, the UI doesn't permit a user to reassign a closed bug
# from the single bug page (only during a mass change), but they
# could still hack the submit, so don't restrict this extended
# check to the mass change page for safety/sanity/consistency
# purposes.
# The logic for this block is:
# If the new state is open:
# If the old state was open
# If the bug was confirmed
# - move it to the new state
# Else
# - Set the state to unconfirmed
# Else
# - leave it as it was
# This is valid only because 'reopen' is the only thing which moves
# from closed to open, and its handled above
# This also relies on the fact that confirming and accepting have
# already called DoConfirm before this is called
my @open_state = map(SqlQuote($_), OpenStates());
my $open_state = join(", ", @open_state);
$::query .= "bug_status = IF(bug_status IN($open_state), '$str', bug_status)";
} elsif (IsOpenedState($str)) {
$::query .= "bug_status = IF(everconfirmed = 1, '$str', '$::unconfirmedstate')";
$::query .= "bug_status = IF(bug_status IN($open_state), " .
"IF(everconfirmed = 1, " .
SqlQuote($str) . ", " .
SqlQuote($::unconfirmedstate) . " ), " .
} else {
$::query .= "bug_status = '$str'";
$::query .= "bug_status = " . SqlQuote($str);
$::FORM{'bug_status'} = $str; # Used later for call to
# CheckCanChangeField to make sure this
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