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Bug 474249: Add a WebService interface to add a See Also bug link to a bug

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=dkl, a=mkanat
parent c7b2b765
......@@ -356,6 +356,53 @@ sub add_comment {
return { id => $self->type('int', $new_comment_id) };
sub update_see_also {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my $user = Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED);
# Check parameters
|| ThrowCodeError('param_required', { param => 'id' });
my ($add, $remove) = @$params{qw(add remove)};
($add || $remove)
or ThrowCodeError('params_required', { params => ['add', 'remove'] });
my @bugs;
foreach my $id (@{ $params->{ids} }) {
my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->check($id);
|| ThrowUserError("product_edit_denied",
{ product => $bug->product });
push(@bugs, $bug);
if ($remove) {
$bug->remove_see_also($_) foreach @$remove;
if ($add) {
$bug->add_see_also($_) foreach @$add;
my %changes;
foreach my $bug (@bugs) {
my $change = $bug->update();
if (my $see_also = $change->{see_also}) {
$changes{$bug->id} = {
removed => [split(', ', $see_also->[0])],
added => [split(', ', $see_also->[1])],
else {
# We still want a changes entry, for API consistency.
$changes{$bug->id} = { added => [], removed => [] };
Bugzilla::BugMail::Send($bug->id, { changer => $user->login });
return { changes => \%changes };
......@@ -1025,4 +1072,105 @@ You did not have the necessary rights to edit the bug.
=item C<update_see_also>
=item B<Description>
Adds or removes URLs for the "See Also" field on bugs. These URLs must
point to some valid bug in some Bugzilla installation.
=item B<Params>
=item C<ids>
Array of C<int>s or C<string>s. The ids or aliases of bugs that you want
to modify.
=item C<add>
Array of C<string>s. URLs to Bugzilla bugs. These URLs will be added to
the See Also field. They must be valid URLs to C<show_bug.cgi> in a
Bugzilla installation. If they don't start with C<http://> or C<https://>,
it will be assumed that C<http://> should be added to the beginning of the
It is safe to specify URLs that are already in the "See Also" field on
a bug--they will just be silently ignored.
=item C<remove>
Array of C<string>s. These URLs will be removed from the See Also field.
You must specify the full URL that you want removed. However, matching
is done case-insensitively, so you don't have to specify the URL in
exact case, if you don't want to.
If you specify a URL that is not in the See Also field of a particular bug,
it will just be silently ignored. Invaild URLs are currently silently ignored,
though this may change in some future version of Bugzilla.
NOTE: If you specify the same URL in both C<add> and C<remove>, it will
be I<added>. (That is, C<add> overrides C<remove>.)
=item B<Returns>
C<changes>, a hash where the keys are numeric bug ids and the contents
are a hash with one key, C<see_also>. C<see_also> points to a hash, which
contains two keys, C<added> and C<removed>. These are arrays of strings,
representing the actual changes that were made to the bug.
Here's a diagram of what the return value looks like for updating
bug ids 1 and 2:
changes => {
1 => {
added => (an array of bug URLs),
removed => (an array of bug URLs),
2 => {
added => (an array of bug URLs),
removed => (an array of bug URLs),
This return value allows you to tell what this method actually did. It is in
this format to be compatible with the return value of a future C<Bug.update>
=item B<Errors>
This method can throw all of the errors that L</get> throws, plus:
=item 108 (Bug Edit Denied)
You did not have the necessary rights to edit the bug.
=item 112 (Invalid Bug URL)
One of the URLs you provided did not look like a valid bug URL.
=item B<History>
=item Added in Bugzilla B<3.4>.
......@@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ use constant WS_ERROR_CODE => {
# Comment-related errors
comment_is_private => 110,
comment_id_invalid => 111,
# See Also errors
bug_url_invalid => 112,
bug_url_too_long => 112,
# Authentication errors are usually 300-400.
invalid_username_or_password => 300,
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