Commit 2abdcce7 authored by Max Kanat-Alexander's avatar Max Kanat-Alexander

Bug 547863: Stop supporting upgrades from 2.8

r=LpSolit, a=mkanat
parent a6714f8d
......@@ -3019,10 +3019,10 @@ known to us after the Bugzilla 2.14 release.
Release notes were not compiled for versions of Bugzilla before
The file 'UPGRADING-pre-2.8' contains instructions you may
need to perform in addition to running '' if you
are running a pre 2.8 version.
This version of Bugzilla cannot upgrade from version 2.8 (released
November 19, 1999). You will first have to upgrade to Bugzilla 3.6 and
then upgrade to the latest release.
If you are upgrading from a version earlier than 2.8, See the
PGRADING-pre-2.8 file in Bugzilla 3.0 for information
on upgrading from a version that is earlier than 2.8.
......@@ -49,44 +49,6 @@ my $buffer = $cgi->query_string();
my $user = Bugzilla->login();
my $userid = $user->id;
# Backwards compatibility hack -- if there are any of the old QUERY_*
# cookies around, and we are logged in, then move them into the database
# and nuke the cookie. This is required for Bugzilla 2.8 and earlier.
if ($userid) {
my @oldquerycookies;
foreach my $i ($cgi->cookie()) {
if ($i =~ /^QUERY_(.*)$/) {
push(@oldquerycookies, [$1, $i, $cgi->cookie($i)]);
if (defined $cgi->cookie('DEFAULTQUERY')) {
push(@oldquerycookies, [DEFAULT_QUERY_NAME, 'DEFAULTQUERY',
if (@oldquerycookies) {
foreach my $ref (@oldquerycookies) {
my ($name, $cookiename, $value) = (@$ref);
if ($value) {
# If the query name contains invalid characters, don't import.
$name =~ /[<>&]/ && next;
my $query = $dbh->selectrow_array(
"SELECT query FROM namedqueries " .
"WHERE userid = ? AND name = ?",
undef, ($userid, $name));
if (!$query) {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO namedqueries " .
"(userid, name, query) VALUES " .
"(?, ?, ?)", undef, ($userid, $name, $value));
if ($cgi->param('nukedefaultquery')) {
if ($userid) {
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM namedqueries" .
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