"If this is on, Bugzilla will send email reports formatted (assuming 76 character monospace font display). If this is off, email reports are sent using the old 'one-item-per-line' format.",
"If this is on, Bugzilla will capitalize list entries, checkboxes, and radio buttons. If this is off, Bugzilla will leave these items untouched.",
@@ -374,51 +369,18 @@ To use the wonders of Bugzilla, you can use the following:
q{The email that gets sent to people when a bug changes. Within this
text, %to% gets replaced by the assigned-to and reported-by people,
separated by a comma (with duplication removed, if they're the same
person). %cc% gets replaced by the list of people on the CC list,
separated by commas. %bugid% gets replaced by the bug number.
%diffs% gets replaced by the diff text from the old version to the new
version of this bug. %neworchanged% is "New: " if this mail is
reporting a new bug or empty if changes were made
to an existing one. %summary% gets replaced by the summary of this
bug. %<i>anythingelse</i>% gets replaced by the definition of that
parameter (as defined on this page).},
"From: bugzilla-daemon
To: %to%
Cc: %cc%
Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged%%summary%
q{The way that email diffs are constructed by Bugzilla. You can revert to
the old technology by turning this off, but this is not advised, as the old
email tech will probably disappear in the next version of Bugzilla. Some
features (watches, server side mail filtering) depend on newemailtech being
set to on.},
q{Make "newemailtech" the default for all new accounts created. This will
not change any existing accounts nor will it remove a users ability to go
back to the oldmail system (requires "newemailtech" to be on as well).},
q{The same as 'changedmail', but used for the newemailtech stuff.},
q{The email that gets sent to people when a bug changes. Within this
text, %to% gets replaced with the e-mail address of the person recieving
the mail. %bugid% gets replaced by the bug number. %diffs% gets
replaced with what's changed. %neworchanged% is "New:" if this mail is
reporting a new bug or empty if changes were made to an existing one.
%summary% gets replaced by the summary of this bug. %<i>anythingelse</i>%
gets replaced by the definition of that parameter (as defined on this