Bug 179238 - searching by commenter is ignored if you do 'exact' or

'contains' r, a=myk
parent 2230afc9
......@@ -190,7 +190,10 @@ sub init {
if (my $list = $self->ListIDsForEmail($type, $email)) {
my $table = "longdescs_email_$id";
push(@supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs $table ON bugs.bug_id = $table.bug_id AND $table.who IN($list)");
push(@clist, "$table.who",'isnotnull');
push(@wherepart, "$table.who IS NOT NULL");
# push something into @clist so that we don't trigger
# the missing_email_type error below
push(@clist, 'noop');
} else {
my $table = "longdescs_email_$id";
push(@supptables, "longdescs $table");
......@@ -600,9 +603,6 @@ sub init {
",lessthan" => sub {
$term = "$ff < $q";
",isnotnull" => sub {
$term = "$ff IS NOT NULL";
",greaterthan" => sub {
$term = "$ff > $q";
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