Commit 3541f13e authored by's avatar

Bug 284850: checksetup should rename indexes to conform to the new standard

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=jouni, a=myk
parent af001619
......@@ -305,10 +305,7 @@ sub bz_setup_database {
my ($self) = @_;
# Get a list of the existing tables (if any) in the database
my $table_sth = $self->table_info(undef, undef, undef, "TABLE");
my @current_tables =
@{$self->selectcol_arrayref($table_sth, { Columns => [3] })};
my @current_tables = $self->bz_table_list_real();
my @desired_tables = $self->_bz_schema->get_table_list();
foreach my $table_name (@desired_tables) {
......@@ -650,6 +647,39 @@ sub bz_table_exists ($) {
# Protected "Real Database" Schema Information Methods
# Only Bugzilla::DB and subclasses should use these methods.
# If you need a method that does the same thing as one of these
# methods, use the version without _real on the end.
# bz_table_columns_real($table)
# Description: Returns a list of columns on a given table
# as the table actually is, on the disk.
# Params: $table - Name of the table.
# Returns: An array of column names.
sub bz_table_columns_real {
my ($self, $table) = @_;
my $sth = $self->column_info(undef, undef, $table, '%');
return @{ $self->selectcol_arrayref($sth, {Columns => [4]}) };
# bz_table_list_real()
# Description: Gets a list of tables in the current
# database, directly from the disk.
# Params: none
# Returns: An array containing table names.
sub bz_table_list_real {
my ($self) = @_;
my $table_sth = $self->table_info(undef, undef, undef, "TABLE");
return @{$self->selectcol_arrayref($table_sth, { Columns => [3] })};
# Transaction Methods
......@@ -230,7 +230,226 @@ sub bz_setup_database {
print "\nISAM->MyISAM table conversion done.\n\n";
# Versions of Bugzilla before the existence of Bugzilla::DB::Schema did
# not provide explicit names for the table indexes. This means
# that our upgrades will not be reliable, because we look for the name
# of the index, not what fields it is on, when doing upgrades.
# (using the name is much better for cross-database compatibility
# and general reliability). It's also very important that our
# Schema object be consistent with what is on the disk.
# While we're at it, we also fix some inconsistent index naming
# from the original checkin of Bugzilla::DB::Schema.
# We check for the existence of a particular "short name" index that
# has existed at least since Bugzilla 2.8, and probably earlier.
# For fixing the inconsistent naming of Schema indexes,
# we also check for one of those inconsistently-named indexes.
my @tables = $self->bz_table_list_real();
if ( scalar(@tables) &&
($self->bz_index_info_real('bugs', 'assigned_to') ||
$self->bz_index_info_real('flags', 'flags_bidattid_idx')) )
my $bug_count = $self->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bugs");
# We estimate one minute for each 3000 bugs, plus 3 minutes just
# to handle basic MySQL stuff.
my $rename_time = int($bug_count / 3000) + 3;
# If we're going to take longer than 5 minutes, we let the user know
# and allow them to abort.
if ($rename_time > 5) {
print "\nWe are about to rename old indexes.\n"
. "The estimated time to complete renaming is "
. "$rename_time minutes.\n"
. "You cannot interrupt this action once it has begun.\n"
. "If you would like to cancel, press Ctrl-C now..."
. " (Waiting 45 seconds...)\n\n";
# Wait 45 seconds for them to respond.
print "Renaming indexes...\n";
# We can't be interrupted, because of how the "if"
# works above.
local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
# Certain indexes had names in Schema that did not easily conform
# to a standard. We store those names here, so that they
# can be properly renamed.
my $bad_names = {
bugs_activity => ('bugs_activity_bugid_idx',
longdescs => ('longdescs_bugid_idx',
flags => ('flags_bidattid_idx'),
flaginclusions => ('flaginclusions_tpcid_idx'),
flagexclusions => ('flagexclusions_tpc_id_idx'),
profiles_activity => ('profiles_activity_when_idx'),
group_control_map => ('group_control_map_gid_idx')
# series_categories is dealt with below, not here.
# The series table is broken and needs to have one index
# dropped before we begin the renaming, because it had a
# useless index on it that would cause a naming conflict here.
if (grep($_ eq 'series', @tables)) {
my $dropname;
# This is what the bad index was called before Schema.
if ($self->bz_index_info_real('series', 'creator_2')) {
$dropname = 'creator_2';
# This is what the bad index is called in Schema.
elsif ($self->bz_index_info_real('series', 'series_creator_idx')) {
$dropname = 'series_creator_idx';
if ($dropname) {
print "Removing the useless index $dropname on the"
. " series table...\n";
my @drop = $self->_bz_schema->get_drop_index_ddl(
'series', $dropname);
foreach my $sql (@drop) {
# The email_setting table also had the same problem.
if( grep($_ eq 'email_setting', @tables)
&& $self->bz_index_info_real('email_setting',
'email_settings_user_id_idx') )
print "Removing the useless index email_settings_user_id_idx\n"
. " on the email_setting table...\n";
my @drop = $self->_bz_schema->get_drop_index_ddl('email_setting',
$self->do($_) foreach (@drop);
# Go through all the tables.
foreach my $table (@tables) {
# And go through all the columns on each table.
my @columns = $self->bz_table_columns_real($table);
# We also want to fix the silly naming of unique indexes
# that happened when we first checked-in Bugzilla::DB::Schema.
if ($table eq 'series_categories') {
# The series_categories index had a nonstandard name.
push(@columns, 'series_cats_unique_idx');
elsif ($table eq 'email_setting') {
# The email_setting table had a similar problem.
push(@columns, 'email_settings_unique_idx');
else {
push(@columns, "${table}_unique_idx");
# And this is how we fix the other inconsistent Schema naming.
push(@columns, $bad_names->{$table})
if (exists $bad_names->{$table});
foreach my $column (@columns) {
# If we have an index named after this column, it's an
# old-style-name index.
# This will miss PRIMARY KEY indexes, but that's OK
# because we aren't renaming them.
if (my $index = $self->bz_index_info_real($table, $column)) {
# Fix the name to fit in with the new naming scheme.
my $new_name = $table . "_" .
$index->{FIELDS}->[0] . "_idx";
print "Renaming index $column to to $new_name...\n";
# Unfortunately, MySQL has no way to rename an index. :-(
# So we have to drop and recreate the indexes.
my @drop = $self->_bz_schema->get_drop_index_ddl(
$table, $column);
my @add = $self->_bz_schema->get_add_index_ddl(
$table, $new_name, $index);
$self->do($_) foreach (@drop);
$self->do($_) foreach (@add);
} # if
} # foreach column
} # foreach table
} # if old-name indexes
# MySQL-specific Database-Reading Methods
=begin private
These methods read information about the database from the disk,
instead of from a Schema object. They are only reliable for MySQL
(see bug 285111 for the reasons why not all DBs use/have functions
like this), but that's OK because we only need them for
backwards-compatibility anyway, for versions of Bugzilla before 2.20.
=over 4
=item C<bz_index_info_real($table, $index)>
Description: Returns information about an index on a table in the database.
Params: $table = name of table containing the index
$index = name of an index
Returns: An abstract index definition, always in hashref format.
If the index does not exist, the function returns undef.
sub bz_index_info_real {
my ($self, $table, $index) = @_;
my $sth = $self->prepare("SHOW INDEX FROM $table");
my @fields;
my $index_type;
# $raw_def will be an arrayref containing the following information:
# 0 = name of the table that the index is on
# 1 = 0 if unique, 1 if not unique
# 2 = name of the index
# 3 = seq_in_index (The order of the current field in the index).
# 4 = Name of ONE column that the index is on
# 5 = 'Collation' of the index. Usually 'A'.
# 6 = Cardinality. Either a number or undef.
# 7 = sub_part. Usually undef. Sometimes 1.
# 8 = "packed". Usually undef.
# MySQL 3
# -------
# 9 = comments. Usually an empty string. Sometimes 'FULLTEXT'.
# MySQL 4
# -------
# 9 = Null. Sometimes undef, sometimes 'YES'.
# 10 = Index_type. The type of the index. Usually either 'BTREE' or 'FULLTEXT'
# 11 = 'Comment.' Usually undef.
my $is_mysql3 = ($self->bz_server_version() =~ /^3/);
my $index_type_loc = $is_mysql3 ? 9 : 10;
while (my $raw_def = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
if ($raw_def->[2] eq $index) {
push(@fields, $raw_def->[4]);
# No index can be both UNIQUE and FULLTEXT, that's why
# this is written this way.
$index_type = $raw_def->[1] ? '' : 'UNIQUE';
$index_type = $raw_def->[$index_type_loc] eq 'FULLTEXT'
? 'FULLTEXT' : $index_type;
my $retval;
if (scalar(@fields)) {
$retval = {FIELDS => \@fields, TYPE => $index_type};
return $retval;
=end private
......@@ -1905,7 +1905,10 @@ $dbh->bz_rename_field('bugs_activity', 'when', 'bug_when');
# a new table format which will allow 32 indices.)
$dbh->bz_drop_field('bugs', 'area');
$dbh->bz_add_field('bugs', 'votes', 'mediumint not null, add index (votes)');
if (!$dbh->bz_get_field_def('bugs', 'votes')) {
$dbh->bz_add_field('bugs', 'votes', 'mediumint not null');
$dbh->do('CREATE INDEX bugs_votes_idx ON bugs(votes)');
$dbh->bz_add_field('products', 'votesperuser', 'mediumint not null');
......@@ -2114,8 +2117,9 @@ if ($dbh->bz_get_field_def('bugs', 'long_desc')) {
# now has a pointer into that table instead of recording the name directly.
if ($dbh->bz_get_field_def('bugs_activity', 'field')) {
$dbh->bz_add_field('bugs_activity', 'fieldid',
'mediumint not null, ADD INDEX (fieldid)');
$dbh->bz_add_field('bugs_activity', 'fieldid', 'mediumint not null');
$dbh->do('CREATE INDEX bugs_activity_fieldid_idx
ON bugs_activity(fieldid)');
print "Populating new fieldid field ...\n";
$dbh->bz_lock_tables('bugs_activity WRITE', 'fielddefs WRITE');
......@@ -2200,8 +2204,9 @@ if ($dbh->bz_get_index_def('profiles', 'login_name')->[1]) {
print "OK, changing index type to prevent duplicates in the future ...\n";
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE profiles DROP INDEX login_name");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE profiles ADD UNIQUE (login_name)");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE profiles DROP INDEX profiles_login_name_idx");
$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX profiles_login_name_idx"
. " ON profiles(login_name)");
......@@ -2397,8 +2402,8 @@ if ( $dbh->bz_get_index_count('cc') != 3 ) {
print "Recreating indexes on cc table.\n";
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE cc ADD UNIQUE (bug_id,who)");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE cc ADD INDEX (who)");
$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cc_bug_id_idx ON cc(bug_id,who)");
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX cc_who_idx ON cc(who)");
if ( $dbh->bz_get_index_count('keywords') != 3 ) {
......@@ -2407,8 +2412,9 @@ if ( $dbh->bz_get_index_count('keywords') != 3 ) {
print "Recreating indexes on keywords table.\n";
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE keywords ADD INDEX (keywordid)");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE keywords ADD UNIQUE (bug_id,keywordid)");
$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX keywords_bug_id_idx"
. " ON keywords(bug_id,keywordid)");
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX keywords_keywordid_idx ON keywords(keywordid)");
......@@ -2555,7 +2561,7 @@ ENDTEXT
if (!defined $dbh->bz_get_index_def('longdescs','who')) {
print "Adding index for who column in longdescs table...\n";
$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE longdescs ADD INDEX (who)');
$dbh->do('CREATE INDEX longdescs_who_idx ON longdescs(who)');
# 2001-06-15 - Change bug:version size to avoid
......@@ -2720,7 +2726,7 @@ $dbh->bz_add_field('attachments', 'isprivate', 'tinyint not null default 0');
# in addition to ID.
if (!$dbh->bz_get_field_def("bugs", "alias")) {
$dbh->bz_add_field("bugs", "alias", "VARCHAR(20)");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE bugs ADD UNIQUE (alias)");
$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX bugs_alias_idx ON bugs(alias)");
# 2002-07-15 - bug 67950
......@@ -2818,11 +2824,12 @@ if ($dbh->bz_get_field_def("products", "product")) {
# Drop any indexes that may exist on the milestones table.
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE milestones ADD UNIQUE (product_id, value)");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE bugs DROP INDEX product");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE bugs ADD INDEX (product_id)");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE bugs DROP INDEX component");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE bugs ADD INDEX (component_id)");
$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX milestones_product_id_idx"
. " ON milestones(product_id, value)");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE bugs DROP INDEX bugs_product_idx");
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX bugs_product_id_idx ON bugs(product_id)");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE bugs DROP INDEX bugs_component_idx");
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX bugs_component_id_idx ON bugs(component_id)");
print "Removing, renaming, and retyping old product and component fields.\n";
$dbh->bz_drop_field("components", "program");
......@@ -2837,9 +2844,10 @@ if ($dbh->bz_get_field_def("products", "product")) {
$dbh->bz_change_field_type("components", "name", "varchar(64) not null");
print "Adding indexes for products and components tables.\n";
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE products ADD UNIQUE (name)");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE components ADD UNIQUE (product_id, name)");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE components ADD INDEX (name)");
$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX products_name_idx ON products(name)");
$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX component_product_id_idx"
. " ON components(product_id, name)");
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX components_name_idx ON components(name)");
# 2002-08-14 - - bug 153578
......@@ -2932,11 +2940,13 @@ if ($dbh->bz_get_field_def("profiles", "groupset")) {
$dbh->bz_add_field('groups', 'last_changed', 'datetime not null');
# Some mysql versions will promote any unique key to primary key
# so all unique keys are removed first and then added back in
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE groups DROP INDEX bit") if $dbh->bz_get_index_def("groups","bit");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE groups DROP INDEX name") if $dbh->bz_get_index_def("groups","name");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE groups DROP INDEX groups_bit_idx")
if $dbh->bz_get_index_def("groups","bit");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE groups DROP INDEX groups_name_idx")
if $dbh->bz_get_index_def("groups","name");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE groups DROP PRIMARY KEY");
$dbh->bz_add_field('groups', 'id', 'mediumint not null auto_increment primary key');
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE groups ADD UNIQUE (name)");
$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX groups_name_idx ON groups(name)");
$dbh->bz_add_field('profiles', 'refreshed_when', 'datetime not null');
# Convert all existing groupset records to map entries before removing
......@@ -3547,8 +3557,8 @@ if ($dbh->bz_get_field_def("user_group_map", "isderived")) {
WHERE isbless = 0 AND grant_type != " . GRANT_DIRECT);
$dbh->bz_drop_field("user_group_map", "isderived");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE user_group_map
ADD UNIQUE (user_id, group_id, grant_type, isbless)");
$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_group_map_user_id_idx
ON user_group_map(user_id, group_id, grant_type, isbless)");
# Evaluate regexp-based group memberships
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT profiles.userid, profiles.login_name,, groups.userregexp
......@@ -3582,8 +3592,8 @@ if ($dbh->bz_get_field_def("group_group_map", "isbless")) {
$dbh->bz_drop_field("group_group_map", "isbless");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE group_group_map
ADD UNIQUE (member_id, grantor_id, grant_type)");
$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX group_group_map_member_id_idx
ON group_group_map(member_id, grantor_id, grant_type)");
# Allow profiles to optionally be linked to a unique identifier in an outside
......@@ -3653,11 +3663,12 @@ if (!$dbh->bz_get_field_def('fielddefs', 'obsolete')) {
# Add fulltext indexes for bug summaries and descriptions/comments.
if (!defined $dbh->bz_get_index_def('bugs', 'short_desc')) {
print "Adding full-text index for short_desc column in bugs table...\n";
$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE bugs ADD FULLTEXT (short_desc)');
$dbh->do('CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX bugs_short_desc_idx ON bugs(short_desc)');
if (!defined $dbh->bz_get_index_def('longdescs', 'thetext')) {
print "Adding full-text index for thetext column in longdescs table...\n";
$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE longdescs ADD FULLTEXT (thetext)');
$dbh->do('CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX longdescs_thetext_idx
ON longdescs(thetext)');
# 2002 November,, bug 178841:
......@@ -3775,11 +3786,12 @@ if (($fielddef = $dbh->bz_get_field_def("bugs", "delta_ts")) &&
# 2005-02-12, bug 281787
if (!defined $dbh->bz_get_index_def('attachments','submitter_id')) {
print "Adding index for submitter_id column in attachments table...\n";
$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE attachments ADD INDEX (submitter_id)');
$dbh->do('CREATE INDEX attachments_submitter_id_idx'
. ' ON attachments(submitter_id)');
if (!defined $dbh->bz_get_index_def('bugs_activity','who')) {
print "Adding index for who column in bugs_activity table...\n";
$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE bugs_activity ADD INDEX (who)');
$dbh->do('CREATE INDEX bugs_activity_who_idx ON bugs_activity(who)');
# This lastdiffed change and these default changes are unrelated,
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