Commit 37ce30c4 authored by Dave Lawrence's avatar Dave Lawrence

Bug 569177 - Add support for eTag for WebServices

parent c1a59a49
......@@ -236,11 +236,11 @@ sub check_etag {
$possible_etag =~ s/^\"//g;
$possible_etag =~ s/\"$//g;
if ($possible_etag eq $valid_etag or $possible_etag eq '*') {
print $self->header(-ETag => $possible_etag,
-status => '304 Not Modified');
return 1;
return 0;
# Have to add the cookies in.
......@@ -349,6 +349,18 @@ sub get {
push(@bugs, $self->_bug_to_hash($bug, $params));
# Set the ETag before inserting the update tokens
# since the tokens will always be unique even if
# the data has not changed.
if (Bugzilla->user->id) {
foreach my $bug (@bugs) {
my $token = issue_hash_token([$bug->{'id'}, $bug->{'last_change_time'}]);
$bug->{'update_token'} = $self->type('string', $token);
return { bugs => \@bugs, faults => \@faults };
......@@ -986,11 +998,6 @@ sub _bug_to_hash {
if (Bugzilla->user->id) {
my $token = issue_hash_token([$bug->id, $bug->delta_ts]);
$item{'update_token'} = $self->type('string', $token);
# The "accessible" bits go here because they have long names and it
# makes the code look nicer to separate them out.
$item{'is_cc_accessible'} = $self->type('boolean',
......@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Util qw(datetime_from);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);
use Storable qw(freeze);
sub handle_login {
my ($self, $class, $method, $full_method) = @_;
......@@ -29,7 +32,7 @@ sub handle_login {
sub datetime_format_inbound {
my ($self, $time) = @_;
my $converted = datetime_from($time, Bugzilla->local_timezone);
if (!defined $converted) {
ThrowUserError('illegal_date', { date => $time });
......@@ -55,8 +58,63 @@ sub datetime_format_outbound {
return $time->iso8601();
# ETag support
sub bz_etag {
my ($self, $data) = @_;
my $cache = Bugzilla->request_cache;
if (defined $data) {
# Serialize the data if passed a reference
local $Storable::canonical = 1;
$data = freeze($data) if ref $data;
# Wide characters cause md5_base64() to die.
utf8::encode($data) if utf8::is_utf8($data);
# Append content_type to the end of the data
# string as we want the etag to be unique to
# the content_type. We do not need this for
# XMLRPC as text/xml is always returned.
if (blessed($self) && $self->can('content_type')) {
$data .= $self->content_type if $self->content_type;
$cache->{'bz_etag'} = md5_base64($data);
return $cache->{'bz_etag'};
=head1 NAME
Bugzilla::WebService::Server - Base server class for the WebService API
Bugzilla::WebService::Server is the base class for the individual WebService API
servers such as XMLRPC, JSONRPC, and REST. You never actually create a
Bugzilla::WebService::Server directly, you only make subclasses of it.
=item C<bz_etag>
This function is used to store an ETag value that will be used when returning
the data by the different API server modules such as XMLRPC, or REST. The individual
webservice methods can also set the value earlier in the process if needed such as
before a unique update token is added. If a value is not set earlier, an etag will
automatically be created using the returned data except in some cases when an error
has occurred.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Bugzilla::WebService::Server::XMLRPC|XMLRPC>, L<Bugzilla::WebService::Server::JSONRPC|JSONRPC>,
and L<Bugzilla::WebService::Server::REST|REST>.
=head1 B<Methods in need of POD>
......@@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ sub response_header {
sub response {
my ($self, $response) = @_;
my $cgi = $self->cgi;
# Implement JSONP.
if (my $callback = $self->_bz_callback) {
my $content = $response->content;
# Use $cgi->header properly instead of just printing text directly.
......@@ -95,9 +95,18 @@ sub response {
push(@header_args, "-$name", $value);
my $cgi = $self->cgi;
print $cgi->header(-status => $response->code, @header_args);
print $response->content;
# ETag support
my $etag = $self->bz_etag;
if ($etag && $cgi->check_etag($etag)) {
push(@header_args, "-ETag", $etag);
print $cgi->header(-status => '304 Not Modified', @header_args);
else {
push(@header_args, "-ETag", $etag) if $etag;
print $cgi->header(-status => $response->code, @header_args);
print $response->content;
# The JSON-RPC 1.1 GET specification is not so great--you can't specify
......@@ -257,7 +266,17 @@ sub _handle {
my $self = shift;
my ($obj) = @_;
$self->{_bz_request_id} = $obj->{id};
return $self->SUPER::_handle(@_);
my $result = $self->SUPER::_handle(@_);
# Set the ETag if not already set in the webservice methods.
my $etag = $self->bz_etag;
if (!$etag && ref $result) {
my $data = $self->json->decode($result)->{'result'};
return $result;
# Make all error messages returned by JSON::RPC go into the 100000
......@@ -125,6 +125,10 @@ sub response {
# Access Control
$response->header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
# ETag support
my $etag = $self->bz_etag;
$self->bz_etag($result) if !$etag;
# If accessing through web browser, then display in readable format
if ($self->content_type eq 'text/html') {
$result = $self->json->pretty->canonical->encode($result);
......@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ if ($ENV{MOD_PERL}) {
use Bugzilla::WebService::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Util;
# Allow WebService methods to call XMLRPC::Lite's type method directly
# Allow WebService methods to call XMLRPC::Lite's type method directly
*Bugzilla::WebService::type = sub {
my ($self, $type, $value) = @_;
if ($type eq 'dateTime') {
......@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@ BEGIN {
return XMLRPC::Data->type($type)->value($value);
# Add support for ETags into XMLRPC WebServices
*Bugzilla::WebService::bz_etag = sub {
return Bugzilla::WebService::Server->bz_etag($_[1]);
sub initialize {
......@@ -52,22 +57,38 @@ sub initialize {
sub make_response {
my $self = shift;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
# XMLRPC::Transport::HTTP::CGI doesn't know about Bugzilla carrying around
# its cookies in Bugzilla::CGI, so we need to copy them over.
foreach my $cookie (@{Bugzilla->cgi->{'Bugzilla_cookie_list'}}) {
foreach my $cookie (@{$cgi->{'Bugzilla_cookie_list'}}) {
$self->response->headers->push_header('Set-Cookie', $cookie);
# Copy across security related headers from Bugzilla::CGI
foreach my $header (split(/[\r\n]+/, Bugzilla->cgi->header)) {
foreach my $header (split(/[\r\n]+/, $cgi->header)) {
my ($name, $value) = $header =~ /^([^:]+): (.*)/;
if (!$self->response->headers->header($name)) {
$self->response->headers->header($name => $value);
# ETag support
my $etag = $self->bz_etag;
if (!$etag) {
my $data = $self->response->as_string;
$etag = $self->bz_etag($data);
if ($etag && $cgi->check_etag($etag)) {
$self->response->headers->push_header('ETag', $etag);
$self->response->headers->push_header('status', '304 Not Modified');
elsif ($etag) {
$self->response->headers->push_header('ETag', $etag);
sub handle_login {
......@@ -142,7 +142,11 @@ sub display_data {
utf8::encode($digest_data) if utf8::is_utf8($digest_data);
my $digest = md5_base64($digest_data);
if ($cgi->check_etag($digest)) {
print $cgi->header(-ETag => $digest,
-status => '304 Not Modified');
print $cgi->header (-ETag => $digest,
-type => $format->{'ctype'});
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