Commit 3d19be98 authored by's avatar

Bug 349368: Allow custom fields to be edited from editfields.cgi - Patch by…

Bug 349368: Allow custom fields to be edited from editfields.cgi - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <> r=mkanat a=justdave
parent 0f282627
......@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ Params: This function takes named parameters in a hashref:
C<in_new_bugmail> - boolean - Whether this field appears at the
top of the bugmail for a newly-filed bug.
The following parameters are only available on field creation:
The following parameters are optional:
C<custom> - boolean - True if this is a Custom Field. The field
will be added to the C<bugs> table if it does not exist.
C<sortkey> - integer - The sortkey of the field.
......@@ -300,28 +300,43 @@ Returns: a C<Bugzilla::Field> object.
sub create_or_update {
my ($params) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $custom = $params->{custom} ? 1 : 0;
my $name = $params->{name};
my $custom = $params->{custom} ? 1 : 0;
my $in_new_bugmail = $params->{in_new_bugmail} ? 1 : 0;
my $sortkey = $params->{sortkey} || 0;
my $enter_bug = $params->{editable_on_enter_bug} ? 1 : 0;
my $is_obsolete = $params->{is_obsolete} ? 1 : 0;
# Some day we'll allow invocants to specify the field type.
# We don't care about $params->{type} yet.
my $field = new Bugzilla::Field({name => $name});
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
if ($field) {
# Both fields are mandatory.
my @columns = ('description', 'mailhead');
my @values = ($params->{desc}, $in_new_bugmail);
if (exists $params->{sortkey}) {
push(@columns, 'sortkey');
push(@values, $params->{sortkey} || 0);
if (exists $params->{editable_on_enter_bug}) {
push(@columns, 'enter_bug');
push(@values, $params->{editable_on_enter_bug} ? 1 : 0);
if (exists $params->{is_obsolete}) {
push(@columns, 'obsolete');
push(@values, $params->{is_obsolete} ? 1 : 0);
my $columns = join(', ', map {"$_ = ?"} @columns);
# Update the already-existing definition.
$dbh->do("UPDATE fielddefs SET description = ?, mailhead = ?
WHERE id = ?",
undef, $params->{desc}, $in_new_bugmail, $field->id);
$dbh->do("UPDATE fielddefs SET $columns WHERE id = ?",
undef, (@values, $field->id));
else {
my $sortkey = $params->{sortkey} || 0;
my $enter_bug = $params->{editable_on_enter_bug} ? 1 : 0;
my $is_obsolete = $params->{is_obsolete} ? 1 : 0;
$sortkey ||= $dbh->selectrow_array(
"SELECT MAX(sortkey) + 100 FROM fielddefs") || 100;
......@@ -98,17 +98,55 @@ elsif ($action eq 'new') {
elsif ($action eq 'edit') {
my $name = $cgi->param('name') || ThrowUserError('customfield_missing_name');
my @field = Bugzilla->get_fields({'name' => $name, 'custom' => 1});
scalar(@field) || ThrowUserError('customfield_nonexistent', {'name' => $name});
# Custom field names must start with "cf_".
if ($name !~ /^cf_/) {
$name = 'cf_' . $name;
my $field = new Bugzilla::Field({'name' => $name});
$field || ThrowUserError('customfield_nonexistent', {'name' => $name});
$vars->{'field'} = $field[0];
$vars->{'field'} = $field;
$template->process('admin/custom_fields/edit.html.tmpl', $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
elsif ($action eq 'update') {
die "not yet implemented...\n";
my $name = $cgi->param('name');
my $desc = clean_text($cgi->param('desc') || '');
my $sortkey = $cgi->param('sortkey') || 0;
# Validate fields.
$name || ThrowUserError('customfield_missing_name');
# Custom field names must start with "cf_".
if ($name !~ /^cf_/) {
$name = 'cf_' . $name;
my $field = new Bugzilla::Field({'name' => $name});
$field || ThrowUserError('customfield_nonexistent', {'name' => $name});
$desc || ThrowUserError('customfield_missing_description', {'name' => $name});
my $skey = $sortkey;
|| ThrowUserError('customfield_invalid_sortkey', {'name' => $name,
'sortkey' => $skey});
$vars->{'name'} = $field->name;
$vars->{'desc'} = $desc;
$vars->{'sortkey'} = $sortkey;
$vars->{'custom'} = 1;
$vars->{'in_new_bugmail'} = $cgi->param('new_bugmail') ? 1 : 0;
$vars->{'editable_on_enter_bug'} = $cgi->param('enter_bug') ? 1 : 0;
$vars->{'is_obsolete'} = $cgi->param('obsolete') ? 1 : 0;
$vars->{'custom_fields'} = [Bugzilla->get_fields({'custom' => 1})];
$vars->{'message'} = 'custom_field_updated';
$template->process('admin/custom_fields/list.html.tmpl', $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
elsif ($action eq 'del') {
die "not yet implemented...\n";
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update">
<input type="hidden" name="name" value="[% FILTER html %]">
<input type="submit" id="edit" value="Submit" disabled="disabled">
<input type="submit" id="edit" value="Submit">
......@@ -165,6 +165,11 @@
The new custom field '[% name FILTER html %]' has been
successfully created.
[% ELSIF message_tag == "custom_field_updated" %]
[% title = "Custom Field Updated" %]
Properties of the '[% name FILTER html %]' field have been
successfully updated.
[% ELSIF message_tag == "emailold_change_cancelled" %]
[% title = "Cancel Request to Change Email Address" %]
The request to change the email address for your account to
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