Commit 40a19977 authored by's avatar

Bug 373442: Add referential integrity against the profiles table in some more simple places

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> (module owner) a=mkanat
parent 2884cd86
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::DB::Schema;
use List::Util qw(max);
use Storable qw(dclone);
# Constants
......@@ -428,6 +429,23 @@ sub bz_populate_enum_tables {
sub bz_setup_foreign_keys {
my ($self) = @_;
# We use _bz_schema because bz_add_table has removed all REFERENCES
# items from _bz_real_schema.
my @tables = $self->_bz_schema->get_table_list();
foreach my $table (@tables) {
my @columns = $self->_bz_schema->get_table_columns($table);
foreach my $column (@columns) {
my $def = $self->_bz_schema->get_column_abstract($table, $column);
if ($def->{REFERENCES}) {
$self->bz_add_fk($table, $column, $def->{REFERENCES});
# Schema Modification Methods
......@@ -463,6 +481,24 @@ sub bz_add_column {
sub bz_add_fk {
my ($self, $table, $column, $def) = @_;
my $col_def = $self->bz_column_info($table, $column);
if (!$col_def->{REFERENCES}) {
$self->_check_references($table, $column, $def->{TABLE},
print get_text('install_fk_add',
{ table => $table, column => $column, fk => $def })
. "\n" if Bugzilla->usage_mode == USAGE_MODE_CMDLINE;
my @sql = $self->_bz_real_schema->get_add_fk_sql($table, $column, $def);
$self->do($_) foreach @sql;
$col_def->{REFERENCES} = $def;
$self->_bz_real_schema->set_column($table, $column, $col_def);
sub bz_alter_column {
my ($self, $table, $name, $new_def, $set_nulls_to) = @_;
......@@ -515,11 +551,10 @@ sub bz_alter_column_raw {
my @statements = $self->_bz_real_schema->get_alter_column_ddl(
$table, $name, $new_def,
defined $set_nulls_to ? $self->quote($set_nulls_to) : undef);
my $new_ddl = $self->_bz_schema->get_display_ddl($table, $name, $new_def);
my $new_ddl = $self->_bz_schema->get_type_ddl($new_def);
print "Updating column $name in table $table ...\n";
if (defined $current_def) {
my $old_ddl = $self->_bz_schema->get_display_ddl($table, $name,
my $old_ddl = $self->_bz_schema->get_type_ddl($current_def);
print "Old: $old_ddl\n";
print "New: $new_ddl\n";
......@@ -569,8 +604,17 @@ sub bz_add_table {
if (!$table_exists) {
my $table_def = dclone($self->_bz_schema->get_table_abstract($name));
my %fields = @{$table_def->{FIELDS}};
foreach my $col (keys %fields) {
# Foreign Key references have to be added by Install::DB after
# initial table creation, because column names have changed
# over history and it's impossible to keep track of that info
delete $fields{$col}->{REFERENCES};
$self->_bz_real_schema->add_table($name, $table_def);
......@@ -751,7 +795,10 @@ sub _bz_get_initial_schema {
sub bz_column_info {
my ($self, $table, $column) = @_;
return $self->_bz_real_schema->get_column_abstract($table, $column);
my $def = $self->_bz_real_schema->get_column_abstract($table, $column);
# We dclone it so callers can't modify the Schema.
$def = dclone($def) if defined $def;
return $def;
sub bz_index_info {
......@@ -1050,6 +1097,39 @@ sub _bz_populate_enum_table {
# This is used before adding a foreign key to a column, to make sure
# that the database won't fail adding the key.
sub _check_references {
my ($self, $table, $column, $foreign_table, $foreign_column) = @_;
my $bad_values = $self->selectcol_arrayref(
"SELECT DISTINCT $table.$column
FROM $table LEFT JOIN $foreign_table
ON $table.$column = $foreign_table.$foreign_column
WHERE $foreign_table.$foreign_column IS NULL
AND $table.$column IS NOT NULL");
if (@$bad_values) {
my $values = join(', ', @$bad_values);
print <<EOT;
ERROR: There are invalid values for the $column column in the $table
table. (These values do not exist in the $foreign_table table, in the
$foreign_column column.)
Before continuing with checksetup, you will need to fix these values,
either by deleting these rows from the database, or changing the values
of $column in $table to point to valid values in $foreign_table.$foreign_column.
The bad values from the $table.$column column are:
# I just picked a number above 2, to be considered "abnormal exit."
exit 3;
......@@ -176,17 +176,10 @@ sub get_alter_column_ddl {
# keys are not allowed.
delete $new_def_copy{PRIMARYKEY};
delete $new_def_copy{REFERENCES};
my $new_ddl = $self->get_type_ddl(\%new_def_copy);
my @statements;
# Drop the FK if the new definition doesn't have one.
if ($old_def->{REFERENCES} && !$new_def->{REFERENCES}) {
push(@statements, $self->_get_drop_fk_sql($table, $column, $old_def));
push(@statements, "UPDATE $table SET $column = $set_nulls_to
WHERE $column IS NULL") if defined $set_nulls_to;
push(@statements, "ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE COLUMN
......@@ -196,10 +189,6 @@ sub get_alter_column_ddl {
push(@statements, "ALTER TABLE $table DROP PRIMARY KEY");
# Add the FK if the new definition has one and the old definition doesn't.
if ($new_def->{REFERENCES} && !$old_def->{REFERENCES}) {
push(@statements, $self->_get_add_fk_sql($table, $column, $new_def));
return @statements;
......@@ -49,39 +49,6 @@ sub indicate_progress {
# This is used before adding a foreign key to a column, to make sure
# that the database won't fail adding the key.
sub check_references {
my ($table, $column, $foreign_table, $foreign_column) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $bad_values = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
"SELECT DISTINCT $table.$column
FROM $table LEFT JOIN $foreign_table
ON $table.$column = $foreign_table.$foreign_column
WHERE $foreign_table.$foreign_column IS NULL");
if (@$bad_values) {
my $values = join(', ', @$bad_values);
print <<EOT;
ERROR: There are invalid values for the $column column in the $table
table. (These values do not exist in the $foreign_table table, in the
$foreign_column column.)
Before continuing with checksetup, you will need to fix these values,
either by deleting these rows from the database, or changing the values
of $column in $table to point to valid values in $foreign_table.$foreign_column.
The bad values from the $table.$column column are:
# I just picked a number above 2, to be considered "abnormal exit."
exit 3;
# NOTE: This is NOT the function for general table updates. See
# update_table_definitions for that. This is only for the fielddefs table.
sub update_fielddefs_definition {
......@@ -413,9 +380,9 @@ sub update_table_definitions {
if ($dbh->bz_column_info('components', 'initialqacontact')->{NOTNULL}) {
$dbh->bz_alter_column('components', 'initialqacontact',
{TYPE => 'INT3'});
$dbh->do("UPDATE components SET initialqacontact = NULL " .
"WHERE initialqacontact = 0");
$dbh->do("UPDATE components SET initialqacontact = NULL " .
"WHERE initialqacontact = 0");
......@@ -552,25 +519,13 @@ sub update_table_definitions {
$dbh->bz_add_column('milestones', 'id',
# Referential Integrity begins here
check_references('profiles_activity', 'userid', 'profiles', 'userid');
$dbh->bz_alter_column('profiles_activity', 'userid',
{TABLE => 'profiles', COLUMN => 'userid', DELETE => 'CASCADE'}});
check_references('profiles_activity', 'who', 'profiles', 'userid');
$dbh->bz_alter_column('profiles_activity', 'who',
{TABLE => 'profiles', COLUMN => 'userid'}});
check_references('profiles_activity', 'fieldid', 'fielddefs', 'id');
$dbh->bz_alter_column('profiles_activity', 'fieldid',
{TABLE => 'fielddefs', COLUMN => 'id'}});
# New --TABLE-- changes should go *** A B O V E *** this point #
# Subroutines should be ordered in the order that they are called.
......@@ -382,6 +382,9 @@
[% ELSIF message_tag == "install_file_perms_fix" %]
Fixing file permissions...
[% ELSIF message_tag == "install_fk_add" %]
Adding foreign key: [% table FILTER html %].[% column FILTER html %] -&gt; [% fk.TABLE FILTER html %].[% fk.COLUMN FILTER html %]...
[% ELSIF message_tag == "install_group_create" %]
Creating group [% name FILTER html %]...
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