Fix for bug 104516: No code changes in this patch, all this checkin does is…

Fix for bug 104516: No code changes in this patch, all this checkin does is remove all tabs from the bugzilla source and replace it with the appropriate number of spaces (in most cases 8) to line up with existing code. This is part of the effort to bring the existing codebase up to par with our style guidelines. Patch by Jake Steehagen <> r= justdave x2
parent 5c861318
......@@ -99,33 +99,33 @@ sub ParseUrlString {
my %isnull;
my $remaining = $buffer;
while ($remaining ne "") {
my $item;
if ($remaining =~ /^([^&]*)&(.*)$/) {
$item = $1;
$remaining = $2;
} else {
$item = $remaining;
$remaining = "";
my $name;
my $value;
if ($item =~ /^([^=]*)=(.*)$/) {
$name = $1;
$value = url_decode($2);
} else {
$name = $item;
$value = "";
if ($value ne "") {
if (defined $f->{$name}) {
$f->{$name} .= $value;
my $ref = $m->{$name};
push @$ref, $value;
} else {
$f->{$name} = $value;
$m->{$name} = [$value];
my $item;
if ($remaining =~ /^([^&]*)&(.*)$/) {
$item = $1;
$remaining = $2;
} else {
$item = $remaining;
$remaining = "";
my $name;
my $value;
if ($item =~ /^([^=]*)=(.*)$/) {
$name = $1;
$value = url_decode($2);
} else {
$name = $item;
$value = "";
if ($value ne "") {
if (defined $f->{$name}) {
$f->{$name} .= $value;
my $ref = $m->{$name};
push @$ref, $value;
} else {
$f->{$name} = $value;
$m->{$name} = [$value];
} else {
$isnull{$name} = 1;
......@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ sub ValidateBugID {
# Finish validation and return if the user is in a role that has access to the bug.
if ($userid) {
if ($reporter_accessible && $reporter == $userid)
if ($reporter_accessible && $reporter == $userid)
|| ($assignee_accessible && $assignee == $userid)
|| ($qacontact_accessible && $qacontact == $userid);
......@@ -391,22 +391,22 @@ sub value_quote {
sub navigation_header {
if (defined $::COOKIE{"BUGLIST"} && $::COOKIE{"BUGLIST"} ne "" &&
defined $::FORM{'id'}) {
my @bugs = split(/:/, $::COOKIE{"BUGLIST"});
my $cur = lsearch(\@bugs, $::FORM{"id"});
print "<B>Bug List:</B> (@{[$cur + 1]} of @{[$#bugs + 1]})\n";
print "<A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$bugs[0]\">First</A>\n";
print "<A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$bugs[$#bugs]\">Last</A>\n";
if ($cur > 0) {
print "<A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$bugs[$cur - 1]\">Prev</A>\n";
} else {
print "<I><FONT COLOR=\#777777>Prev</FONT></I>\n";
if ($cur < $#bugs) {
$::next_bug = $bugs[$cur + 1];
print "<A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$::next_bug\">Next</A>\n";
} else {
print "<I><FONT COLOR=\#777777>Next</FONT></I>\n";
my @bugs = split(/:/, $::COOKIE{"BUGLIST"});
my $cur = lsearch(\@bugs, $::FORM{"id"});
print "<B>Bug List:</B> (@{[$cur + 1]} of @{[$#bugs + 1]})\n";
print "<A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$bugs[0]\">First</A>\n";
print "<A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$bugs[$#bugs]\">Last</A>\n";
if ($cur > 0) {
print "<A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$bugs[$cur - 1]\">Prev</A>\n";
} else {
print "<I><FONT COLOR=\#777777>Prev</FONT></I>\n";
if ($cur < $#bugs) {
$::next_bug = $bugs[$cur + 1];
print "<A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$::next_bug\">Next</A>\n";
} else {
print "<I><FONT COLOR=\#777777>Next</FONT></I>\n";
print qq{&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="buglist.cgi?regetlastlist=1">Show list</A>\n};
print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF=query.cgi>Query page</A>\n";
......@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ sub make_checkboxes {
if (!$found && $default ne "") {
$popup .= "<INPUT NAME=$name TYPE=CHECKBOX CHECKED>$default";
$popup .= "<INPUT NAME=$name TYPE=CHECKBOX CHECKED>$default";
return $popup;
......@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ sub make_options {
exit 0;
} else {
$popup .= "<OPTION SELECTED>$default\n";
$popup .= "<OPTION SELECTED>$default\n";
return $popup;
......@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ sub BuildPulldown {
sub PasswordForLogin {
my ($login) = (@_);
SendSQL("select cryptpassword from profiles where login_name = " .
my $result = FetchOneColumn();
if (!defined $result) {
$result = "";
......@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ sub quietly_check_login() {
$::disabledreason = '';
$::userid = 0;
if (defined $::COOKIE{"Bugzilla_login"} &&
defined $::COOKIE{"Bugzilla_logincookie"}) {
defined $::COOKIE{"Bugzilla_logincookie"}) {
if (!defined $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}) {
......@@ -709,14 +709,14 @@ sub quietly_check_login() {
SendSQL("SELECT profiles.userid, profiles.groupset, " .
"profiles.login_name, " .
"profiles.login_name = " .
SqlQuote($::COOKIE{"Bugzilla_login"}) .
" AND profiles.cryptpassword = logincookies.cryptpassword " .
"AND logincookies.hostname = " .
SqlQuote($ENV{"REMOTE_HOST"}) .
SqlQuote($::COOKIE{"Bugzilla_login"}) .
" AND profiles.cryptpassword = logincookies.cryptpassword " .
"AND logincookies.hostname = " .
SqlQuote($ENV{"REMOTE_HOST"}) .
", profiles.disabledtext " .
" FROM profiles, logincookies WHERE logincookies.cookie = " .
SqlQuote($::COOKIE{"Bugzilla_logincookie"}) .
" AND profiles.userid = logincookies.userid");
" FROM profiles, logincookies WHERE logincookies.cookie = " .
SqlQuote($::COOKIE{"Bugzilla_logincookie"}) .
" AND profiles.userid = logincookies.userid");
my @row;
if (@row = FetchSQLData()) {
my ($userid, $groupset, $loginname, $ok, $disabledtext) = (@row);
......@@ -1017,10 +1017,10 @@ Content-type: text/html
print "I need a legitimate e-mail address and password to continue.\n";
if (!defined $nexturl || $nexturl eq "") {
# Sets nexturl to be argv0, stripping everything up to and
# including the last slash (or backslash on Windows).
$0 =~ m:[^/\\]*$:;
$nexturl = $&;
# Sets nexturl to be argv0, stripping everything up to and
# including the last slash (or backslash on Windows).
$0 =~ m:[^/\\]*$:;
$nexturl = $&;
my $method = "POST";
# We always want to use POST here, because we're submitting a password and don't
......@@ -1120,13 +1120,13 @@ sub PutHeader {
my ($title, $h1, $h2, $extra, $jscript) = (@_);
if (!defined $h1) {
$h1 = $title;
$h1 = $title;
if (!defined $h2) {
$h2 = "";
$h2 = "";
if (!defined $extra) {
$extra = "";
$extra = "";
$jscript ||= "";
# If we are shutdown, we want a very basic page to give that
......@@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@ Actions:
if ($loggedin) {
#a little mandatory SQL, used later on
#a little mandatory SQL, used later on
SendSQL("SELECT mybugslink, userid, blessgroupset FROM profiles " .
"WHERE login_name = " . SqlQuote($::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'}));
my ($mybugslink, $userid, $blessgroupset) = (FetchSQLData());
......@@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@ Edit <a href="userprefs.cgi">prefs</a>
#begin preset queries
#begin preset queries
my $mybugstemplate = Param("mybugstemplate");
my %substs;
$substs{'userid'} = url_quote($::COOKIE{"Bugzilla_login"});
......@@ -1458,12 +1458,12 @@ if (defined $ENV{"REQUEST_METHOD"}) {
if (defined $ENV{"HTTP_COOKIE"}) {
foreach my $pair (split(/;/, $ENV{"HTTP_COOKIE"})) {
$pair = trim($pair);
if ($pair =~ /^([^=]*)=(.*)$/) {
$::COOKIE{$1} = $2;
} else {
$::COOKIE{$pair} = "";
$pair = trim($pair);
if ($pair =~ /^([^=]*)=(.*)$/) {
$::COOKIE{$1} = $2;
} else {
$::COOKIE{$pair} = "";
......@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ select
date_format(creation_ts,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i'),
from bugs left join votes using(bug_id)
where bugs.bug_id = $id
group by bugs.bug_id";
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ my $sev_popup = make_options(\@::legal_severity, $bug{'bug_severity'});
my $component_popup = make_options($::components{$bug{'product'}},
my $ccSet = new RelationSet;
$ccSet->mergeFromDB("select who from cc where bug_id=$id");
......@@ -359,13 +359,13 @@ print "
if ($::usergroupset ne '0') {
SendSQL("select bit, name, description, (bit & $bug{'groupset'} != 0) " .
"from groups where bit & $::usergroupset != 0 " .
"and isbuggroup != 0 " .
"from groups where bit & $::usergroupset != 0 " .
"and isbuggroup != 0 " .
# Include active groups as well as inactive groups to which
# the bug already belongs. This way the bug can be removed
# from an inactive group but can only be added to active ones.
"and (isactive = 1 or (bit & $bug{'groupset'} != 0)) " .
"order by description");
"order by description");
# We only print out a header bit for this section if there are any
# results.
my $groupFound = 0;
......@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ if ($status eq $::unconfirmedstate) {
$canconfirm = UserInGroup("canconfirm") || ($::userid == 0);
if ($canedit || $canconfirm) {
print "<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=confirm>";
print "Confirm bug (change status to <b>NEW</b>)<br>";
print "Confirm bug (change status to <b>NEW</b>)<br>";
......@@ -479,23 +479,23 @@ sub GenerateSQL {
"^dependson," => sub {
"^dependson," => sub {
my $table = "dependson_" . $chartid;
push(@supptables, "dependencies $table");
$ff = "$table.$f";
$ref = $funcsbykey{",$t"};
push(@supptables, "dependencies $table");
$ff = "$table.$f";
$ref = $funcsbykey{",$t"};
push(@wherepart, "$table.blocked = bugs.bug_id");
"^blocked," => sub {
"^blocked," => sub {
my $table = "blocked_" . $chartid;
push(@supptables, "dependencies $table");
$ff = "$table.$f";
$ref = $funcsbykey{",$t"};
push(@supptables, "dependencies $table");
$ff = "$table.$f";
$ref = $funcsbykey{",$t"};
push(@wherepart, "$table.dependson = bugs.bug_id");
",equals" => sub {
......@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ CMD: for ($::FORM{'cmdtype'}) {
last CMD;
/^editnamed$/ && do {
my $url = "query.cgi?" . LookupNamedQuery($::FORM{"namedcmd"});
my $url = "query.cgi?" . LookupNamedQuery($::FORM{"namedcmd"});
print qq{Content-type: text/html
Refresh: 0; URL=$url
......@@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ DefCol("summary", "substring(bugs.short_desc, 1, 60)", "Summary", "bugs.short_de
DefCol("summaryfull", "bugs.short_desc", "Summary", "bugs.short_desc", 1);
DefCol("status_whiteboard", "bugs.status_whiteboard", "StatusSummary", "bugs.status_whiteboard", 1);
DefCol("component", "substring(bugs.component, 1, 8)", "Comp",
DefCol("product", "substring(bugs.product, 1, 8)", "Product", "bugs.product");
DefCol("version", "substring(bugs.version, 1, 5)", "Vers", "bugs.version");
DefCol("os", "substring(bugs.op_sys, 1, 4)", "OS", "bugs.op_sys");
......@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ LocalVar('opsys', '
"Windows 95",
"Windows 98",
"Windows ME", # Millenium Edition (upgrade of 98)
"Windows 2000",
"Windows 2000",
"Windows NT",
"Mac System 7",
"Mac System 7.5",
......@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ my @my_opsys = @{*{$main::{'opsys'}}{ARRAY}};
unless (-d 'data') {
print "Creating data directory ...\n";
# permissions for non-webservergroup are fixed later on
# permissions for non-webservergroup are fixed later on
mkdir 'data', 0770;
mkdir 'data/mimedump-tmp', 01777;
open FILE, '>>data/comments'; close FILE;
......@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ unless (-d 'data') {
# a Bugzilla with the old data format, and so upgrade their data files.
unless (-d 'graphs') {
print "Creating graphs directory...\n";
# permissions for non-webservergroup are fixed later on
# permissions for non-webservergroup are fixed later on
mkdir 'graphs', 0770;
# Upgrade data format
foreach my $in_file (glob("data/mining/*"))
......@@ -712,10 +712,10 @@ sub fixPerms {
if (!(-d $file)) {
# check if the file is executable.
if (isExecutableFile($file)) {
#printf ("Changing $file to %o",$exeperm);
#printf ("Changing $file to %o",$exeperm);
chmod $exeperm, $file;
} else {
#print ("Changing $file to %o", $normperm);
#print ("Changing $file to %o", $normperm);
chmod $normperm, $file;
......@@ -2306,29 +2306,29 @@ if ( CountIndexes('keywords') != 3 ) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) from duplicates");
if (!($sth->fetchrow_arrayref()->[0])) {
# populate table
print("Populating duplicates table...\n");
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT longdescs.bug_id, thetext FROM longdescs left JOIN bugs using(bug_id) WHERE (thetext " .
"regexp '[.*.]{3,3} This bug has been marked as a duplicate of [[:digit:]]{1,5} [.*.]{3,3}') AND (resolution = 'DUPLICATE') ORDER" .
" BY longdescs.bug_when");
my %dupes;
my $key;
# Because of the way hashes work, this loop removes all but the last dupe
# resolution found for a given bug.
while (my ($dupe, $dupe_of) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$dupes{$dupe} = $dupe_of;
foreach $key (keys(%dupes))
$dupes{$key} =~ s/.*\*\*\* This bug has been marked as a duplicate of (\d{1,5}) \*\*\*.*?/$1/sm;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO duplicates VALUES('$dupes{$key}', '$key')");
# BugItsADupeOf Dupe
# populate table
print("Populating duplicates table...\n");
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT longdescs.bug_id, thetext FROM longdescs left JOIN bugs using(bug_id) WHERE (thetext " .
"regexp '[.*.]{3,3} This bug has been marked as a duplicate of [[:digit:]]{1,5} [.*.]{3,3}') AND (resolution = 'DUPLICATE') ORDER" .
" BY longdescs.bug_when");
my %dupes;
my $key;
# Because of the way hashes work, this loop removes all but the last dupe
# resolution found for a given bug.
while (my ($dupe, $dupe_of) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$dupes{$dupe} = $dupe_of;
foreach $key (keys(%dupes))
$dupes{$key} =~ s/.*\*\*\* This bug has been marked as a duplicate of (\d{1,5}) \*\*\*.*?/$1/sm;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO duplicates VALUES('$dupes{$key}', '$key')");
# BugItsADupeOf Dupe
# 2000-12-18. Added an 'emailflags' field for storing preferences about
......@@ -2401,19 +2401,19 @@ installation has many users.
# Re-crypt everyone's password.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT userid, password FROM profiles");
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT userid, password FROM profiles");
my $i = 1;
print "Fixing password #1... ";
while (my ($userid, $password) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
while (my ($userid, $password) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
my $cryptpassword = $dbh->quote(Crypt($password));
$dbh->do("UPDATE profiles SET cryptpassword = $cryptpassword WHERE userid = $userid");
# Let the user know where we are at every 500 records.
print "$i... " if !($i%500);
print "$i... Done.\n";
# Drop the plaintext password field and resize the cryptpassword field.
......@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ sub defparams_pl_sillyness {
sub WriteParams {
foreach my $i (@::param_list) {
if (!defined $::param{$i}) {
$::param{$i} = $::param_default{$i};
if (!defined $::param{$i}) {
$::param{$i} = $::param_default{$i};
if (!defined $::param{$i}) {
die "No default parameter ever specified for $i";
mkdir("data", 0777);
chmod 0777, "data";
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ sub DefParam {
$::param_type{$id} = $type;
$::param_default{$id} = $default;
if (defined $checker) {
$::param_checker{$id} = $checker;
$::param_checker{$id} = $checker;
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ sub DefParam {
sub check_numeric {
my ($value) = (@_);
if ($value !~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
return "must be a numeric value";
return "must be a numeric value";
return "";
......@@ -122,20 +122,20 @@ sub check_shadowdb {
# b -- A boolean value (either 1 or 0)
"The email address of the person who maintains this installation of Bugzilla.",
"The email address of the person who maintains this installation of Bugzilla.",
"The URL that is the common initial leading part of all Bugzilla URLs.",
"The URL that is the common initial leading part of all Bugzilla URLs.",
sub check_urlbase {
my ($url) = (@_);
if ($url !~ m:^http.*/$:) {
return "must be a legal URL, that starts with http and ends with a slash.";
return "must be a legal URL, that starts with http and ends with a slash.";
return "";
......@@ -146,20 +146,20 @@ DefParam("cookiepath",
"If this is on, Bugzilla will display most selection options as selection lists. If this is off, Bugzilla will use radio buttons and checkboxes instead.",
"If this is on, Bugzilla will display most selection options as selection lists. If this is off, Bugzilla will use radio buttons and checkboxes instead.",
"If this is on, Bugzilla will capitalize list entries, checkboxes, and radio buttons. If this is off, Bugzilla will leave these items untouched.",
"If this is on, Bugzilla will capitalize list entries, checkboxes, and radio buttons. If this is off, Bugzilla will leave these items untouched.",
"If this is on, Bugzilla displays a silly quip at the beginning of buglists, and lets users add to the list of quips.",
"If this is on, Bugzilla displays a silly quip at the beginning of buglists, and lets users add to the list of quips.",
# Added parameter - JMR, 2/16/00
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ DefParam("despotbaseurl",
sub check_despotbaseurl {
my ($url) = (@_);
if ($url !~ /^http.*cgi$/) {
return "must be a legal URL, that starts with http and ends with .cgi";
return "must be a legal URL, that starts with http and ends with .cgi";
return "";
......@@ -456,9 +456,9 @@ You will get this message once a day until you've dealt with these bugs!
"This is the default query that initially comes up when you submit a bug. It's in URL parameter format, which makes it hard to read. Sorry!",
"This is the default query that initially comes up when you submit a bug. It's in URL parameter format, which makes it hard to read. Sorry!",
......@@ -485,9 +485,9 @@ DefParam("defaultpriority",
"Do you wish to use the Target Milestone field?",
"Do you wish to use the Target Milestone field?",
"If using Target Milestone, how many milestones do you wish to
......@@ -508,20 +508,20 @@ DefParam("musthavemilestoneonaccept",
"Do you wish to use the QA Contact field?",
"Do you wish to use the QA Contact field?",
"Do you wish to use the Status Whiteboard field?",
"Do you wish to use the Status Whiteboard field?",
"Do you want bug reports to be assigned an OS & Platform based on the browser
the user makes the report from?",
"Do you want bug reports to be assigned an OS & Platform based on the browser
the user makes the report from?",
"Do you wish to use dependencies (allowing you to mark which bugs depend on which other ones)?",
......@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ DefParam("supportwatchers",
"If this is on, Bugzilla will allow certain people to move bugs to the defined database.",
"The text written on the Move button. Explain where the bug is being moved to.",
......@@ -394,10 +394,10 @@ if ($action eq 'new') {
my $initialowner = trim($::FORM{initialowner} || '');
# Now validating to make sure it's too an existing account
# Now validating to make sure it's too an existing account
if ($initialowner eq '') {
print "You must enter an initial owner for the component '$component'. Please press\n";
......@@ -431,10 +431,10 @@ if ($action eq 'new') {
# Now validating to make sure it's too an existing account
# Now validating to make sure it's too an existing account
# Add the new component
......@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ if ($action eq 'update') {
unless ($description) {
print "Sorry, I can't delete the description.";
SendSQL("UPDATE components
......@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ if ($action eq 'update') {
if ($initialowner ne $initialownerold) {
unless ($initialowner) {
print "Sorry, I can't delete the initial owner.";
......@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ if ($action eq 'update') {
if (Param('useqacontact') && $initialqacontact ne $initialqacontactold) {
unless ($initialqacontact) {
print "Sorry, I can't delete the initial QA contact.";
......@@ -794,13 +794,13 @@ if ($action eq 'update') {
unless ($component) {
print "Sorry, I can't delete the product name.";
if (TestComponent($product,$component)) {
print "Sorry, component name '$component' is already in use.";
......@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ sub TestGroup ($)
# does the group exist?
SendSQL("SELECT name
FROM groups
WHERE name=" . SqlQuote($group));
FROM groups
WHERE name=" . SqlQuote($group));
return FetchOneColumn();
......@@ -76,17 +76,17 @@ sub PutTrailer (@)
my $num = 0;
print "<P>\n";
foreach (@links) {
print $_;
if ($num == $count) {
print ".\n";
elsif ($num == $count-1) {
print " or ";
else {
print ", ";
print $_;
if ($num == $count) {
print ".\n";
elsif ($num == $count-1) {
print " or ";
else {
print ", ";
......@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ if ($action eq 'new') {
ShowError("The group '" . $name . "' already exists.<BR>" .
"Please click the <b>Back</b> button and try again.");
if ($isactive != 0 && $isactive != 1) {
......@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ if ($action eq 'new') {
"a problem with Bugzilla or a bug in your browser.<br>" .
"Please click the <b>Back</b> button and try again.");
# Major hack for bit values... perl can't handle 64-bit ints, so I can't
......@@ -520,13 +520,13 @@ if ($action eq 'update') {
unless ($milestone) {
print "Sorry, I can't delete the milestone text.";
if (TestMilestone($product,$milestone)) {
print "Sorry, milestone '$milestone' is already in use.";
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs
......@@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ foreach my $i (@::param_list) {
print "<tr><td valign=top><input type=checkbox name=reset-$i>Reset</td><td>\n";
my $value = Param($i);
SWITCH: for ($::param_type{$i}) {
/^t$/ && do {
/^t$/ && do {
print "<input size=80 name=$i value=\"" .
value_quote($value) . "\">\n";
last SWITCH;
/^l$/ && do {
/^l$/ && do {
print "<textarea wrap=hard name=$i rows=10 cols=80>" .
value_quote($value) . "</textarea>\n";
last SWITCH;
/^b$/ && do {
my $on;
my $off;
......@@ -1009,10 +1009,10 @@ if ($action eq 'update') {
SendSQL("UPDATE products SET product=$qp WHERE product=$qpold");
SendSQL("UPDATE versions SET program=$qp WHERE program=$qpold");
SendSQL("UPDATE milestones SET product=$qp WHERE product=$qpold");
# Need to do an update to groups as well. If there is a corresponding
# bug group, whether usebuggroups is currently set or not, we want to
# update it so it will match in the future. If there is no group, this
# update statement will do nothing, so no harm done. -JMR, 3/8/00
# Need to do an update to groups as well. If there is a corresponding
# bug group, whether usebuggroups is currently set or not, we want to
# update it so it will match in the future. If there is no group, this
# update statement will do nothing, so no harm done. -JMR, 3/8/00
SendSQL("UPDATE groups " .
"SET name=$qp, " .
"description=".SqlQuote($product." Bugs Access")." ".
......@@ -519,13 +519,13 @@ if ($action eq 'update') {
unless ($version) {
print "Sorry, I can't delete the version text.";
if (TestVersion($product,$version)) {
print "Sorry, version '$version' is already in use.";
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ sub pickplatform {
/Mozilla.*\(Windows/ && do {return "PC";};
/Mozilla.*\(Macintosh/ && do {return "Macintosh";};
/Mozilla.*\(Win/ && do {return "PC";};
/Mozilla.*Windows NT/ && do {return "PC";};
/Mozilla.*Windows NT/ && do {return "PC";};
/Mozilla.*Linux.*86/ && do {return "PC";};
/Mozilla.*BSD.*86/ && do {return "PC";};
/Mozilla.*Linux.*alpha/ && do {return "DEC";};
......@@ -240,13 +240,13 @@ my $platform_popup = make_popup('rep_platform', \@::legal_platform,
my $opsys_popup = make_popup('op_sys', \@::legal_opsys, pickos(), 0);
if (0 == @{$::components{$product}}) {
print "<H1>Permission Denied</H1>\n";
print "Sorry. You need to have at least one component for this product\n";
print "in order to create a new bug. Go to the \"Components\" link to create\n";
print "a new component\n";
print "<P>\n";
print "<H1>Permission Denied</H1>\n";
print "Sorry. You need to have at least one component for this product\n";
print "in order to create a new bug. Go to the \"Components\" link to create\n";
print "a new component\n";
print "<P>\n";
} elsif (1 == @{$::components{$product}}) {
# Only one component; just pick it.
$::FORM{'component'} = $::components{$product}->[0];
......@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ sub ConnectToDatabase {
$name = Param("shadowdb");
$::dbwritesallowed = 0;
$::db = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:host=$::db_host;database=$name", $::db_user, $::db_pass)
|| die "Bugzilla is currently broken. Please try again later. " .
$::db = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:host=$::db_host;database=$name", $::db_user, $::db_pass)
|| die "Bugzilla is currently broken. Please try again later. " .
"If the problem persists, please contact " . Param("maintainer") .
". The error you should quote is: " . $DBI::errstr;
......@@ -212,11 +212,11 @@ sub SendSQL {
$::currentquery = $::db->prepare($str);
if (!$::currentquery->execute) {
my $errstr = $::db->errstr;
# Cut down the error string to a reasonable.size
$errstr = substr($errstr, 0, 100) . ' ... ' . substr($errstr, -100)
if length($errstr) > 200;
die "$str: " . $errstr;
my $errstr = $::db->errstr;
# Cut down the error string to a reasonable.size
$errstr = substr($errstr, 0, 100) . ' ... ' . substr($errstr, -100)
if length($errstr) > 200;
die "$str: " . $errstr;
if (!$dontshadow && $iswrite && Param("shadowdb")) {
......@@ -240,10 +240,10 @@ sub MoreSQLData {
return 0;
if (defined @::fetchahead) {
return 1;
return 1;
if (@::fetchahead = $::currentquery->fetchrow_array) {
return 1;
return 1;
return 0;
......@@ -254,9 +254,9 @@ sub FetchSQLData {
if (defined @::fetchahead) {
my @result = @::fetchahead;
undef @::fetchahead;
return @result;
my @result = @::fetchahead;
undef @::fetchahead;
return @result;
return $::currentquery->fetchrow_array;
......@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ sub SplitEnumType {
while ($guts =~ /^\'([^\']*)\',(.*)$/) {
push @result, $1;
$guts = $2;
return @result;
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ foreach my $bug (split(/:/, $::FORM{'buglist'})) {
print "<TD COLSPAN=2><B>Target Milestone:</B> $target_milestone\n";
print "<TR><TD COLSPAN=6><B>URL:</B>&nbsp;";
print "<A HREF=\"" . $url . "\">" . html_quote($url) . "</A>\n";
print "<A HREF=\"" . $url . "\">" . html_quote($url) . "</A>\n";
print "<TR><TD COLSPAN=6><B>Summary:</B> " . html_quote($shortdesc) . "\n";
if (@::legal_keywords) {
print "<TR><TD><B>Keywords: </B>$keywords</TD></TR>\n";
......@@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ if ( (!defined $c) || ($c eq '') ) {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<TITLE>Nothing on your mind?</TITLE>";
print "<H1>Does your mind draw a blank?</H1>";
print "<H2> Hit back, and try again...</H2>";
print "<H2> Hit back, and try again...</H2>";
exit 0;
if ($c =~ m/</) {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<CENTER><H1>For security reasons, support for tags";
print " has been turned off in quips.\n</H1>\n";
print "<H2> Hit back, and try again...</H2></CENTER>\n";
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<CENTER><H1>For security reasons, support for tags";
print " has been turned off in quips.\n</H1>\n";
print "<H2> Hit back, and try again...</H2></CENTER>\n";
exit 0;
......@@ -794,12 +794,12 @@ SWITCH: for ($::FORM{'knob'}) {
last SWITCH;
/^reopen$/ && CheckonComment( "reopen" ) && do {
SendSQL("SELECT resolution FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = $::FORM{'id'}");
SendSQL("SELECT resolution FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = $::FORM{'id'}");
if (FetchOneColumn() eq 'DUPLICATE') {
SendSQL("DELETE FROM duplicates WHERE dupe = $::FORM{'id'}");
if (FetchOneColumn() eq 'DUPLICATE') {
SendSQL("DELETE FROM duplicates WHERE dupe = $::FORM{'id'}");
last SWITCH;
/^verify$/ && CheckonComment( "verify" ) && do {
......@@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@ The changes made were:
if ($me eq 'dependson') {
if ($me eq 'dependson') {
my @deps = @{$deps{'dependson'}};
my @blocks = @{$deps{'blocked'}};
my @union = ();
......@@ -1109,10 +1109,10 @@ The changes made were:
foreach my $b (@deps, @blocks) { $union{$b}++ && $isect{$b}++ }
@union = keys %union;
@isect = keys %isect;
if (@isect > 0) {
if (@isect > 0) {
my $both;
foreach my $i (@isect) {
$both = $both . "#" . $i . " ";
$both = $both . "#" . $i . " ";
PuntTryAgain("Dependency loop detected!<P>" .
"This bug can't be both blocked and dependent " .
......@@ -478,18 +478,18 @@ sub filterEmailGroup ($$$) {
# relationship to the bug of the person they are watching (if the person they
# are watching is an owner, their mail is filtered as if they were the owner).
if (Param("supportwatchers")) {
my @watchers;
foreach my $person(@emailList) {
my $personId = DBname_to_id($person);
SendSQL("SELECT watcher FROM watch WHERE watched = $personId");
while(MoreSQLData()) {
my ($watcher) = FetchSQLData();
if ($watcher) {
push (@watchers, DBID_to_name($watcher));
push(@emailList, @watchers);
my @watchers;
foreach my $person(@emailList) {
my $personId = DBname_to_id($person);
SendSQL("SELECT watcher FROM watch WHERE watched = $personId");
while(MoreSQLData()) {
my ($watcher) = FetchSQLData();
if ($watcher) {
push (@watchers, DBID_to_name($watcher));
push(@emailList, @watchers);
......@@ -873,37 +873,37 @@ while (MoreSQLData()) {
my @types = (
["noop", "---"],
["equals", "equal to"],
["notequals", "not equal to"],
["casesubstring", "contains (case-sensitive) substring"],
["substring", "contains (case-insensitive) substring"],
["notsubstring", "does not contain (case-insensitive) substring"],
["allwordssubstr", "all words as (case-insensitive) substrings"],
["anywordssubstr", "any words as (case-insensitive) substrings"],
["regexp", "contains regexp"],
["notregexp", "does not contain regexp"],
["lessthan", "less than"],
["greaterthan", "greater than"],
["anywords", "any words"],
["allwords", "all words"],
["nowords", "none of the words"],
["changedbefore", "changed before"],
["changedafter", "changed after"],
["changedfrom", "changed from"],
["changedto", "changed to"],
["changedby", "changed by"],
["noop", "---"],
["equals", "equal to"],
["notequals", "not equal to"],
["casesubstring", "contains (case-sensitive) substring"],
["substring", "contains (case-insensitive) substring"],
["notsubstring", "does not contain (case-insensitive) substring"],
["allwordssubstr", "all words as (case-insensitive) substrings"],
["anywordssubstr", "any words as (case-insensitive) substrings"],
["regexp", "contains regexp"],
["notregexp", "does not contain regexp"],
["lessthan", "less than"],
["greaterthan", "greater than"],
["anywords", "any words"],
["allwords", "all words"],
["nowords", "none of the words"],
["changedbefore", "changed before"],
["changedafter", "changed after"],
["changedfrom", "changed from"],
["changedto", "changed to"],
["changedby", "changed by"],
print qq{<A NAME="chart"> </A>\n};
foreach my $cmd (grep(/^cmd-/, keys(%::FORM))) {
if ($cmd =~ /^cmd-add(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)$/) {
$::FORM{"field$1-$2-$3"} = "xyzzy";
$::FORM{"field$1-$2-$3"} = "xyzzy";
# foreach my $i (sort(keys(%::FORM))) {
# print "$i : " . value_quote($::FORM{$i}) . "<BR>\n";
# }
......@@ -920,23 +920,23 @@ for ($chart=0 ; exists $::FORM{"field$chart-0-0"} ; $chart++) {
my @rows;
my $row;
for ($row = 0 ; exists $::FORM{"field$chart-$row-0"} ; $row++) {
my @cols;
my $col;
for ($col = 0 ; exists $::FORM{"field$chart-$row-$col"} ; $col++) {
my $key = "$chart-$row-$col";
my $deffield = $::FORM{"field$key"} || "";
my $deftype = $::FORM{"type$key"} || "";
my $defvalue = value_quote($::FORM{"value$key"} || "");
my $line = "";
$line .= "<TD>";
$line .= BuildPulldown("field$key", \@fields, $deffield);
$line .= BuildPulldown("type$key", \@types, $deftype);
$line .= qq{<INPUT NAME="value$key" VALUE="$defvalue">};
$line .= "</TD>\n";
push(@cols, $line);
push(@rows, "<TR>" . join(qq{<TD ALIGN="center"> or </TD>\n}, @cols) .
qq{<TD><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Or" NAME="cmd-add$chart-$row-$col" $jsmagic></TD></TR>});
my @cols;
my $col;
for ($col = 0 ; exists $::FORM{"field$chart-$row-$col"} ; $col++) {
my $key = "$chart-$row-$col";
my $deffield = $::FORM{"field$key"} || "";
my $deftype = $::FORM{"type$key"} || "";
my $defvalue = value_quote($::FORM{"value$key"} || "");
my $line = "";
$line .= "<TD>";
$line .= BuildPulldown("field$key", \@fields, $deffield);
$line .= BuildPulldown("type$key", \@types, $deftype);
$line .= qq{<INPUT NAME="value$key" VALUE="$defvalue">};
$line .= "</TD>\n";
push(@cols, $line);
push(@rows, "<TR>" . join(qq{<TD ALIGN="center"> or </TD>\n}, @cols) .
qq{<TD><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Or" NAME="cmd-add$chart-$row-$col" $jsmagic></TD></TR>});
print qq{
......@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Brian Bober <>
# Terry Weissman <>
# Tara Hernandez <>
# Terry Weissman <>
# Tara Hernandez <>
use vars %::FORM;
......@@ -585,40 +585,40 @@ $line_count = 0;
$max_table_size = 50;
my @products;
$tableheader = qq{ <p><table border=0><tr><td>
<table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
<tr bgcolor="#6666FF">
<th align="left">Product</th>
<th align="left">Description</th></tr> };
$tableheader = qq{ <p><table border=0><tr><td>
<table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
<tr bgcolor="#6666FF">
<th align="left">Product</th>
<th align="left">Description</th></tr> };
print qq{
SendSQL("SELECT product,description FROM products ORDER BY product");
while (MoreSQLData()) {
while (MoreSQLData()) {
my ($product, $productdesc) = FetchSQLData();
push (@products, $product);
my ($product, $productdesc) = FetchSQLData();
push (@products, $product);
if ($line_count > $max_table_size) {
print qq{
if ($line_count > $max_table_size) {
print qq{
print qq{ <tr><th>$product</th><td>$productdesc</td></tr> };
print qq{ <tr><th>$product</th><td>$productdesc</td></tr> };
print qq{
print qq{
</table></td></tr></table> };
......@@ -642,41 +642,41 @@ entered instead (milestones explained below).
$line_count = 0;
$tableheader = qq{
<table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
<tr bgcolor="#6666FF">
<th align="left">Component</th>
<th align="left">Product</th>
<th align="left">Description</th></tr>
<table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
<tr bgcolor="#6666FF">
<th align="left">Component</th>
<th align="left">Product</th>
<th align="left">Description</th></tr>
print qq{
print qq{
<p><a name="component"></a>
<p>Each product has components, against which bugs can be filed. Components are parts of
the product, and are assigned to a module owner. The following lists
components and their associated products:
foreach $product (@products)
SendSQL("SELECT value,description FROM components WHERE program=" . SqlQuote($product) . " ORDER BY value");
SendSQL("SELECT value,description FROM components WHERE program=" . SqlQuote($product) . " ORDER BY value");
while (MoreSQLData()) {
while (MoreSQLData()) {
my ($component, $compdesc) = FetchSQLData();
my ($component, $compdesc) = FetchSQLData();
if ($line_count > $max_table_size) {
print qq{
print qq{<tr><th>$component</th><td>$product</td><td>$compdesc</td></tr>};
if ($line_count > $max_table_size) {
print qq{
print qq{<tr><th>$component</th><td>$product</td><td>$compdesc</td></tr>};
......@@ -884,9 +884,9 @@ queries, but it's not the easiest thing to learn (or explain).
<OPTION VALUE="changedto">changed to
<OPTION VALUE="changedby">changed by
</SELECT><INPUT NAME="value0-0-0" VALUE=""><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Or" ><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="And"
<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td align="center">
<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td align="center">
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Add another boolean chart" NAME="cmd-add1-0-0">
......@@ -1012,9 +1012,9 @@ Field 3: What the search term is<br>
<OPTION VALUE="changedto">changed to
<OPTION VALUE="changedby">changed by
</SELECT><INPUT NAME="value0-0-1" VALUE=""><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Or" NAME="cmd-add0-0-2" ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="And"
NAME="cmd-add0-1-0" ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;"></td></tr>
NAME="cmd-add0-1-0" ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;"></td></tr>
<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td align="center">
<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td align="center">
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Add another boolean chart" NAME="cmd-add1-0-0" ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;">
......@@ -1142,9 +1142,9 @@ the query will be anything that matches either of the terms.
<OPTION VALUE="changedto">changed to
<OPTION VALUE="changedby">changed by
</SELECT><INPUT NAME="value0-1-0" VALUE=""><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Or" NAME="cmd-add0-1-1" ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="And"
NAME="cmd-add0-2-0" ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;"></td></tr>
NAME="cmd-add0-2-0" ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;"></td></tr>
<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td align="center">
<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td align="center">
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Add another boolean chart" NAME="cmd-add1-0-0" ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;">
......@@ -1225,12 +1225,12 @@ can think of the lines of "Or" as having parenthesis around them.
<OPTION VALUE="changedto">changed to
<OPTION VALUE="changedby">changed by
</SELECT><INPUT NAME="value0-0-0" VALUE=""><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Or" NAME="cmd-add0-0-1" ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="And"
NAME="cmd-add0-1-0" ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;"></td></tr>
NAME="cmd-add0-1-0" ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;"></td></tr>
<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
<SELECT NAME="field1-0-0"><OPTION SELECTED VALUE="noop">---
<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
<SELECT NAME="field1-0-0"><OPTION SELECTED VALUE="noop">---
<OPTION VALUE="groupset">groupset
<OPTION VALUE="bug_id">Bug #
<OPTION VALUE="short_desc">Summary
......@@ -1279,9 +1279,9 @@ can think of the lines of "Or" as having parenthesis around them.
<OPTION VALUE="changedto">changed to
<OPTION VALUE="changedby">changed by
</SELECT><INPUT NAME="value1-0-0" VALUE=""><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Or" NAME="cmd-add1-0-1" ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="And"
NAME="cmd-add1-1-0" ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;"></td></tr>
NAME="cmd-add1-1-0" ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;"></td></tr>
<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td align="center">
<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td align="center">
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Add another boolean chart" NAME="cmd-add2-0-0" ONCLICK="document.forms[0].action='query.cgi#chart' ; document.forms[0].method='POST' ; return 1;">
......@@ -485,9 +485,9 @@ sub daily_stats_filename {
sub show_chart {
# if we don't have the graphic mouldes don't even try to go
# here. Should probably return some decent error message.
return unless $use_gd;
# if we don't have the graphic mouldes don't even try to go
# here. Should probably return some decent error message.
return unless $use_gd;
if (! $FORM{datasets}) {
die_politely("You didn't select any datasets to plot");
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