Commit 47c01053 authored by's avatar

Fix for bug 179510: takes group restrictions into account when sending request notifications

r=bbaetz,jpreed a=justdave
parent adc665e9
......@@ -48,10 +48,12 @@ sub new {
bless($self, $class);
&::SendSQL("SELECT 1, description, bug_id FROM attachments " .
&::SendSQL("SELECT 1, description, bug_id, isprivate FROM attachments " .
"WHERE attach_id = $id");
($self->{'exists'}, $self->{'summary'}, $self->{'bug_id'}) =
$self->{'isprivate'}) = &::FetchSQLData();
return $self;
......@@ -48,10 +48,12 @@ sub new {
bless($self, $class);
&::SendSQL("SELECT 1, description, bug_id FROM attachments " .
&::SendSQL("SELECT 1, description, bug_id, isprivate FROM attachments " .
"WHERE attach_id = $id");
($self->{'exists'}, $self->{'summary'}, $self->{'bug_id'}) =
$self->{'isprivate'}) = &::FetchSQLData();
return $self;
......@@ -33,9 +33,12 @@ use Bugzilla::FlagType;
use Bugzilla::User;
use Bugzilla::Config;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Attachment;
use constant TABLES_ALREADY_LOCKED => 1;
# Note that this line doesn't actually import these variables for some reason,
# so I have to use them as $::template and $::vars in the package code.
use vars qw($template $vars);
......@@ -135,8 +138,8 @@ sub count {
sub validate {
# Validates fields containing flag modifications.
my ($data) = @_;
my ($data, $bug_id) = @_;
# Get a list of flags to validate. Uses the "map" function
# to extract flag IDs from form field names by matching fields
......@@ -152,13 +155,62 @@ sub validate {
my $flag = get($id);
$flag || &::ThrowCodeError("flag_nonexistent", { id => $id });
# Don't bother validating flags the user didn't change.
next if $status eq $flag->{'status'};
# Make sure the user chose a valid status.
grep($status eq $_, qw(X + - ?))
|| &::ThrowCodeError("flag_status_invalid",
{ id => $id , status => $status });
# Make sure the user didn't request the flag unless it's requestable.
if ($status eq '?' && !$flag->{type}->{is_requestable}) {
{ id => $id , status => $status });
# Make sure the requestee is authorized to access the bug.
# (and attachment, if this installation is using the "insider group"
# feature and the attachment is marked private).
if ($status eq '?'
&& $flag->{type}->{is_requesteeble}
&& trim($data->{"requestee-$id"}))
my $requestee_email = trim($data->{"requestee-$id"});
if ($requestee_email ne $flag->{'requestee'}->{'email'}) {
# We know the requestee exists because we ran
# Bugzilla::User::match_field before getting here.
# ConfirmGroup makes sure their group settings
# are up-to-date or calls DeriveGroups to update them.
my $requestee_id = &::DBname_to_id($requestee_email);
# Throw an error if the user can't see the bug.
if (!&::CanSeeBug($bug_id, $requestee_id))
{ flag_type => $flag->{'type'},
requestee =>
new Bugzilla::User($requestee_id),
bug_id => $bug_id,
attach_id =>
$flag->{target}->{attachment}->{id} });
# Throw an error if the target is a private attachment and
# the requestee isn't in the group of insiders who can see it.
if ($flag->{target}->{attachment}->{exists}
&& $data->{'isprivate'}
&& &::Param("insidergroup")
&& !&::UserInGroup(&::Param("insidergroup"), $requestee_id))
{ flag_type => $flag->{'type'},
requestee =>
new Bugzilla::User($requestee_id),
bug_id => $bug_id,
attach_id =>
$flag->{target}->{attachment}->{id} });
......@@ -457,14 +509,17 @@ sub GetBug {
# Save the currently running query (if any) so we do not overwrite it.
&::SendSQL("SELECT 1, short_desc, product_id, component_id
FROM bugs
WHERE bug_id = $id");
&::SendSQL("SELECT 1, short_desc, product_id, component_id,
FROM bugs LEFT JOIN bug_group_map
ON (bugs.bug_id = bug_group_map.bug_id)
WHERE bugs.bug_id = $id
GROUP BY bugs.bug_id");
my $bug = { 'id' => $id };
($bug->{'exists'}, $bug->{'summary'}, $bug->{'product_id'},
$bug->{'component_id'}) = &::FetchSQLData();
$bug->{'component_id'}, $bug->{'restricted'}) = &::FetchSQLData();
# Restore the previously running query (if any).
......@@ -504,6 +559,28 @@ sub notify {
my ($flag, $template_file) = @_;
# If the target bug is restricted to one or more groups, then we need
# to make sure we don't send email about it to unauthorized users
# on the request type's CC: list, so we have to trawl the list for users
# not in those groups or email addresses that don't have an account.
if ($flag->{'target'}->{'bug'}->{'restricted'}
|| $flag->{'target'}->{'attachment'}->{'isprivate'})
my @new_cc_list;
foreach my $cc (split(/[, ]+/, $flag->{'type'}->{'cc_list'})) {
my $user_id = &::DBname_to_id($cc) || next;
# re-derive permissions if necessary
&::ConfirmGroup($user_id, TABLES_ALREADY_LOCKED);
next if $flag->{'target'}->{'bug'}->{'restricted'}
&& !&::CanSeeBug($flag->{'target'}->{'bug'}->{'id'}, $user_id);
next if $flag->{'target'}->{'attachment'}->{'isprivate'}
&& Param("insidergroup")
&& !&::UserInGroup(Param("insidergroup"), $user_id);
push(@new_cc_list, $cc);
$flag->{'type'}->{'cc_list'} = join(", ", @new_cc_list);
$::vars->{'flag'} = $flag;
my $message;
......@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ package Bugzilla::FlagType;
# Use Bugzilla's User module which contains utilities for handling users.
use Bugzilla::User;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Util;
# Note! This module requires that its caller have said "require"
# to import relevant functions from that script and its companion
......@@ -177,9 +180,9 @@ sub count {
sub validate {
my ($data) = @_;
my ($data, $bug_id, $attach_id) = @_;
# Get a list of flags types to validate. Uses the "map" function
# Get a list of flag types to validate. Uses the "map" function
# to extract flag type IDs from form field names by matching columns
# whose name looks like "flag_type-nnn", where "nnn" is the ID,
# and returning just the ID portion of matching field names.
......@@ -192,14 +195,62 @@ sub validate {
# Don't bother validating types the user didn't touch.
next if $status eq "X";
# Make sure the flag exists.
# Make sure the flag type exists.
my $flag_type = get($id);
|| &::ThrowCodeError("flag_type_nonexistent", { id => $id });
# Make sure the value of the field is a valid status.
grep($status eq $_, qw(X + - ?))
|| &::ThrowCodeError("flag_status_invalid",
{ id => $id , status => $status });
# Make sure the user didn't request the flag unless it's requestable.
if ($status eq '?' && !$flag_type->{is_requestable}) {
{ id => $id , status => $status });
# Make sure the requestee is authorized to access the bug
# (and attachment, if this installation is using the "insider group"
# feature and the attachment is marked private).
if ($status eq '?'
&& $flag_type->{is_requesteeble}
&& trim($data->{"requestee_type-$id"}))
my $requestee_email = trim($data->{"requestee_type-$id"});
my $requestee_id = &::DBname_to_id($requestee_email);
# We know the requestee exists because we ran
# Bugzilla::User::match_field before getting here.
# ConfirmGroup makes sure their group settings
# are up-to-date or calls DeriveGroups to update them.
# Throw an error if the user can't see the bug.
if (!&::CanSeeBug($bug_id, $requestee_id))
{ flag_type => $flag_type,
requestee => new Bugzilla::User($requestee_id),
bug_id => $bug_id,
attach_id => $attach_id });
# Throw an error if the target is a private attachment and
# the requestee isn't in the group of insiders who can see it.
if ($attach_id
&& &::Param("insidergroup")
&& $data->{'isprivate'}
&& !&::UserInGroup(&::Param("insidergroup"), $requestee_id))
{ flag_type => $flag_type,
requestee => new Bugzilla::User($requestee_id),
bug_id => $bug_id,
attach_id => $attach_id });
......@@ -129,8 +129,10 @@ sub min {
sub trim {
my ($str) = @_;
$str =~ s/^\s+//g;
$str =~ s/\s+$//g;
if ($str) {
$str =~ s/^\s+//g;
$str =~ s/\s+$//g;
return $str;
......@@ -52,6 +52,17 @@ ConnectToDatabase();
# Check whether or not the user is logged in and, if so, set the $::userid
# The ID of the bug to which the attachment is attached. Gets set
# by validateID() (which validates the attachment ID, not the bug ID, but has
# to check if the user is authorized to access this attachment) and is used
# by Flag:: and FlagType::validate() to ensure the requestee (if any) for a
# requested flag is authorized to see the bug in question. Note: This should
# really be defined just above validateID() itself, but it's used in the main
# body of the script before that function is defined, so we define it up here
# instead. We should move the validation into each function and then move this
# to just above validateID().
my $bugid;
# Main Body Execution
......@@ -113,10 +124,15 @@ elsif ($action eq "update")
validateContentType() unless $::FORM{'ispatch'};
# The order of these function calls is important, as both Flag::validate
# and FlagType::validate assume User::match_field has ensured that the values
# in the requestee fields are legitimate user email addresses.
Bugzilla::User::match_field({ '^requestee(_type)?-(\d+)$' =>
{ 'type' => 'single' } });
Bugzilla::Flag::validate(\%::FORM, $bugid);
Bugzilla::FlagType::validate(\%::FORM, $bugid, $::FORM{'id'});
......@@ -146,7 +162,7 @@ sub validateID
|| ThrowUserError("invalid_attach_id");
# Make sure the user is authorized to access this attachment's bug.
my ($bugid, $isprivate) = FetchSQLData();
($bugid, my $isprivate) = FetchSQLData();
if (($isprivate > 0 ) && Param("insidergroup") && !(UserInGroup(Param("insidergroup")))) {
......@@ -677,7 +693,16 @@ sub update
SendSQL("LOCK TABLES attachments WRITE , flags WRITE , " .
"flagtypes READ , fielddefs READ , bugs_activity WRITE, " .
"flaginclusions AS i READ, flagexclusions AS e READ, " .
"bugs READ, profiles READ");
# cc, bug_group_map, user_group_map, and groups are in here so we
# can check the permissions of flag requestees and email addresses
# on the flag type cc: lists via the ConfirmGroup and CanSeeBug
# function calls in Flag::notify. group_group_map is in here in case
# ConfirmGroup needs to call DeriveGroup. profiles and user_group_map
# would be READ locks instead of WRITE locks if it weren't for
# DeriveGroup, which needs to write to those tables.
"bugs READ, profiles WRITE, " .
"cc READ, bug_group_map READ, user_group_map WRITE, " .
"group_group_map READ, groups READ");
# Get a copy of the attachment record before we make changes
# so we can record those changes in the activity table.
......@@ -549,9 +549,15 @@ sub CanEnterProduct {
# This function returns an alphabetical list of product names to which
# the user can enter bugs.
# the user can enter bugs. If the $by_id parameter is true, also retrieves IDs
# and pushes them onto the list as id, name [, id, name...] for easy slurping
# into a hash by the calling code.
sub GetSelectableProducts {
my $query = "SELECT name " .
my ($by_id) = @_;
my $extra_sql = $by_id ? "id, " : "";
my $query = "SELECT $extra_sql name " .
"FROM products " .
"LEFT JOIN group_control_map " .
"ON group_control_map.product_id = ";
......@@ -570,9 +576,7 @@ sub GetSelectableProducts {
my @products = ();
while (MoreSQLData()) {
push @products,FetchOneColumn();
push(@products, FetchSQLData()) while MoreSQLData();
return (@products);
......@@ -580,50 +584,50 @@ sub GetSelectableProducts {
# GetSelectableProductHash
# returns a hash containing
# legal_products => an enterable product list
# legal_components => the list of components of enterable products
# components => a hash of component lists for each enterable product
# legal_(components|versions|milestones) =>
# the list of components, versions, and milestones of enterable products
# (components|versions|milestones)_by_product
# => a hash of component lists for each enterable product
# Milestones only get returned if the usetargetmilestones parameter is set.
sub GetSelectableProductHash {
my $query = "SELECT, " .
"FROM products " .
"LEFT JOIN components " .
"ON components.product_id = " .
"LEFT JOIN group_control_map " .
"ON group_control_map.product_id = ";
if (Param('useentrygroupdefault')) {
$query .= "AND group_control_map.entry != 0 ";
} else {
$query .= "AND group_control_map.membercontrol = " .
if ((defined @{$::vars->{user}{groupids}})
&& (@{$::vars->{user}{groupids}} > 0)) {
$query .= "AND group_id NOT IN(" .
join(',', @{$::vars->{user}{groupids}}) . ") ";
$query .= "WHERE group_id IS NULL " .
# The hash of selectable products and their attributes that gets returned
# at the end of this function.
my $selectables = {};
my %products = GetSelectableProducts(1);
$selectables->{legal_products} = [sort values %products];
# Run queries that retrieve the list of components, versions,
# and target milestones (if used) for the selectable products.
my @tables = qw(components versions);
push(@tables, 'milestones') if Param('usetargetmilestone');
my @products = ();
my %components = ();
my %components_by_product = ();
while (MoreSQLData()) {
my ($product, $component) = FetchSQLData();
if (!grep($_ eq $product, @products)) {
push @products, $product;
if ($component) {
$components{$component} = 1;
push @{$components_by_product{$product}}, $component;
foreach my $table (@tables) {
# Why oh why can't we standardize on these names?!?
my $fld = ($table eq "components" ? "name" : "value");
my $query = "SELECT $fld, product_id FROM $table WHERE product_id IN " .
"(" . join(",", keys %products) . ") ORDER BY $fld";
my %values;
my %values_by_product;
while (MoreSQLData()) {
my ($name, $product_id) = FetchSQLData();
next unless $name;
$values{$name} = 1;
push @{$values_by_product{$products{$product_id}}}, $name;
$selectables->{"legal_$table"} = [sort keys %values];
$selectables->{"${table}_by_product"} = \%values_by_product;
my @componentlist = (sort keys %components);
return {
legal_products => \@products,
legal_components => \@componentlist,
components => \%components_by_product,
return $selectables;
......@@ -724,24 +728,28 @@ sub Crypt {
# Permissions must be rederived if ANY groups have a last_changed newer
# than the profiles.refreshed_when value.
sub ConfirmGroup {
my ($user) = (@_);
my ($user, $locked) = (@_);
SendSQL("SELECT userid FROM profiles, groups WHERE userid = $user " .
"AND profiles.refreshed_when <= groups.last_changed ");
my $ret = FetchSQLData();
if ($ret) {
DeriveGroup($user, $locked);
# DeriveGroup removes and rederives all derived group permissions for
# the specified user.
# the specified user. If $locked is true, Bugzilla has already locked
# the necessary tables as part of a larger transaction, so this function
# shouldn't lock them again (since then tables not part of this function's
# lock will get unlocked).
sub DeriveGroup {
my ($user) = (@_);
my ($user, $locked) = (@_);
SendSQL("LOCK TABLES profiles WRITE, user_group_map WRITE, group_group_map READ, groups READ");
SendSQL("LOCK TABLES profiles WRITE, user_group_map WRITE, group_group_map READ, groups READ")
unless $locked;
# avoid races, we are only as up to date as the BEGINNING of this process
SendSQL("SELECT login_name, NOW() FROM profiles WHERE userid = $user");
......@@ -91,12 +91,21 @@ scalar(@idlist) || ThrowUserError("no_bugs_chosen");
# do a match on the fields if applicable
# The order of these function calls is important, as both Flag::validate
# and FlagType::validate assume User::match_field has ensured that the values
# in the requestee fields are legitimate user email addresses.
'qa_contact' => { 'type' => 'single' },
'newcc' => { 'type' => 'multi' },
'assigned_to' => { 'type' => 'single' },
'^requestee(_type)?-(\d+)$' => { 'type' => 'single' },
# Validate flags, but only if the user is changing a single bug,
# since the multi-change form doesn't include flag changes.
if (defined $::FORM{'id'}) {
Bugzilla::Flag::validate(\%::FORM, $::FORM{'id'});
Bugzilla::FlagType::validate(\%::FORM, $::FORM{'id'});
# If we are duping bugs, let's also make sure that we can change
# the original. This takes care of issue A on bug 96085.
......@@ -1080,7 +1089,11 @@ foreach my $id (@idlist) {
"products READ, components READ, " .
"keywords $write, longdescs $write, fielddefs $write, " .
"bug_group_map $write, flags $write, duplicates $write," .
"user_group_map READ, flagtypes READ, " .
# user_group_map would be a READ lock except that Flag::process
# may call Flag::notify, which calls ConfirmGroup, which might
# call DeriveGroup, which wants a WRITE lock on that table.
# group_group_map is in here at all because DeriveGroups needs it.
"user_group_map $write, group_group_map READ, flagtypes READ, " .
"flaginclusions AS i READ, flagexclusions AS e READ, " .
"keyworddefs READ, groups READ, attachments READ, " .
"group_control_map AS oldcontrolmap READ, " .
......@@ -180,6 +180,27 @@
format like JPG or PNG, or put it elsewhere on the web and
link to it from the bug's URL field or in a comment on the bug.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_requestee_unauthorized" %]
[% title = "Flag Requestee Not Authorized" %]
You asked [% requestee.identity FILTER html %]
for <code>[% FILTER html %]</code> on bug [% bug_id -%]
[% IF attach_id %], attachment [% attach_id %][% END %], but that bug
has been restricted to users in certain groups, and the user you asked
isn't in all the groups to which the bug has been restricted.
Please choose someone else to ask, or make the bug accessible to users
on its CC: list and add that user to the list.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_requestee_unauthorized_attachment" %]
[% title = "Flag Requestee Not Authorized" %]
You asked [% requestee.identity FILTER html %]
for <code>[% FILTER html %]</code> on bug [% bug_id %],
attachment [% attach_id %], but that attachment is restricted to users
in the [% Param("insidergroup") FILTER html %] group, and the user
you asked isn't in that group. Please choose someone else to ask,
or ask an administrator to add the user to the group.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_type_cc_list_invalid" %]
[% title = "Flag Type CC List Invalid" %]
The CC list [% cc_list FILTER html %] must be less than 200 characters long.
Markdown is supported
0% or
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