Commit 5286eda4 authored by 's avatar Committed by Dave Lawrence

Bug 783222 - Make set_all() throw error on invalid param names

parent 7cbf5dfd
......@@ -321,12 +321,17 @@ sub set_all {
my %field_values = %$params;
my @sorted_names = $self->_sort_by_dep(keys %field_values);
foreach my $key (@sorted_names) {
# It's possible for one set_ method to delete a key from $params
# for another set method, so if that's happened, we don't call the
# other set method.
next if !exists $field_values{$key};
my $method = "set_$key";
if (!$self->can($method)) {
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
ThrowCodeError("unknown_method", { method => "${class}::${method}" });
$self->$method($field_values{$key}, \%field_values);
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