Commit 52aac68c authored by's avatar

Bug 172045 can't see restricted bugs if cc set

parent 901d9285
......@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ sub CanSeeBug {
my $query = "SELECT bugs.bug_id, reporter, assigned_to, qa_contact," .
" reporter_accessible, cclist_accessible," .
" cc.who IS NOT NULL," .
" COUNT(bug_group_map.group_id) as cntbugingroups," .
" COUNT(DISTINCT(bug_group_map.group_id)) as cntbugingroups," .
" COUNT(DISTINCT(user_group_map.group_id)) as cntuseringroups" .
" FROM bugs" .
" LEFT JOIN cc ON bugs.bug_id = cc.bug_id" .
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