Commit 566b03f4 authored by Frank Becker's avatar Frank Becker Committed by Dave Lawrence

Bug 785729 - Webservice Bug.fields (_legal_field_values) should return isactive…

Bug 785729 - Webservice Bug.fields (_legal_field_values) should return isactive for versions, components and milestones r=dkl, a=LpSolit - Missed some changed from earlier checkin
parent 14236736
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ sub _legal_field_values {
sort_key => $self->type('int', $sortkey),
sortkey => $self->type('int', $sortkey), # deprecated
visibility_values => [$self->type('string', $product_name)],
is_active => $self->type('boolean', $value->is_active()),
is_active => $self->type('boolean', $value->is_active),
......@@ -1193,8 +1193,9 @@ and C<visibility_values> will reflect which product(s) this value appears in.
=item C<is_active>
C<boolean> True when the version, target_milestone or component is active,
false when the element is retired.
C<boolean> This value is defined only for certain product specific fields
such as version, target_milestone or component. When true, the value is active,
otherwise the value is not active.
=item C<description>
......@@ -1252,6 +1253,8 @@ You specified an invalid field name or id.
=item C<sortkey> was renamed to C<sort_key> in Bugzilla B<4.2>.
=item C<is_active> return key for C<values> was added in Bugzilla B<4.4>.
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