Commit 58ec231b authored by's avatar

Merging from 2.16 branch.

parent d8caf604
--- GD-1.33/Makefile.PL Fri Aug 4 16:59:22 2000
+++ GD-1.33-darwin/Makefile.PL Tue Jun 26 01:29:32 2001
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
warn "NOTICE: This module requires libgd 1.8.3 or higher (shared library version 4.X).\n";
# =====> PATHS: CHECK AND ADJUST <=====
-my @INC = qw(-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/gd);
-my @LIBPATH = qw(-L/usr/lib/X11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/local/lib );
+my @INC = qw(-I/sw/include -I/sw/include/gd -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/gd);
+my @LIBPATH = qw(-L/usr/lib/X11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11/lib -L/sw/lib -L/usr/local/lib);
my @LIBS = qw(-lgd -lpng -lz);
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
push @LIBS,'-lttf' if $TTF;
push @LIBS,'-ljpeg' if $JPEG;
-push @LIBS, '-lm' unless $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+push @LIBS, '-lm' unless ($^O =~ /^MSWin32|darwin$/);
# FreeBSD 3.3 with libgd built from ports croaks if -lXpm is specified
if ($^O ne 'freebsd' && $^O ne 'MSWin32') {
<chapter id="introduction">
<section id="whatis">
<title>What is Bugzilla?</title>
Bugzilla is a bug- or issue-tracking system. Bug-tracking
systems allow individual or groups of developers effectively to keep track
of outstanding problems with their product.
Bugzilla was originally
written by Terry Weissman in a programming language called TCL, to
replace a rudimentary bug-tracking database used internally by Netscape
Communications. Terry later ported Bugzilla to Perl from TCL, and in Perl
it remains to this day. Most commercial defect-tracking software vendors
at the time charged enormous licensing fees, and Bugzilla quickly became
a favorite of the open-source crowd (with its genesis in the open-source
browser project, Mozilla). It is now the de-facto standard
defect-tracking system against which all others are measured.
<para>Bugzilla boasts many advanced features. These include:
<para>Powerful searching</para>
<para>User-configurable email notifications of bug changes</para>
<para>Full change history</para>
<para>Inter-bug dependency tracking and graphing</para>
<para>Excellent attachment management</para>
<para>Integrated, product-based, granular security schema</para>
<para>Fully security-audited, and runs under Perl's taint mode</para>
<para>A robust, stable RDBMS back-end</para>
<para>Web, XML, email and console interfaces</para>
<para>Completely customisable and/or localisable web user
<para>Extensive configurability</para>
<para>Smooth upgrade pathway between versions</para>
<section id="why">
<title>Why Should We Use Bugzilla?</title>
<para>For many years, defect-tracking software has remained principally
the domain of large software development houses. Even then, most shops
never bothered with bug-tracking software, and instead simply relied on
shared lists and email to monitor the status of defects. This procedure
is error-prone and tends to cause those bugs judged least significant by
developers to be dropped or ignored.</para>
<para>These days, many companies are finding that integrated
defect-tracking systems reduce downtime, increase productivity, and raise
customer satisfaction with their systems. Along with full disclosure, an
open bug-tracker allows manufacturers to keep in touch with their clients
and resellers, to communicate about problems effectively throughout the
data management chain. Many corporations have also discovered that
defect-tracking helps reduce costs by providing IT support
accountability, telephone support knowledge bases, and a common,
well-understood system for accounting for unusual system or software
<para>But why should
use Bugzilla?</para>
<para>Bugzilla is very adaptable to various situations. Known uses
currently include IT support queues, Systems Administration deployment
management, chip design and development problem tracking (both
pre-and-post fabrication), and software and hardware bug tracking for
luminaries such as Redhat, NASA, Linux-Mandrake, and VA Systems.
Combined with systems such as
<ulink url="">CVS</ulink>,
<ulink url="">Bonsai</ulink>, or
<ulink url="">Perforce SCM</ulink>, Bugzilla
provides a powerful, easy-to-use solution to configuration management and
replication problems.</para>
<para>Bugzilla can dramatically increase the productivity and
accountability of individual employees by providing a documented workflow
and positive feedback for good performance. How many times do you wake up
in the morning, remembering that you were supposed to do
today, but you just can't quite remember? Put it in Bugzilla, and you
have a record of it from which you can extrapolate milestones, predict
product versions for integration, and follow the discussion trail
that led to critical decisions.</para>
<para>Ultimately, Bugzilla puts the power in your hands to improve your
value to your employer or business while providing a usable framework for
your natural attention to detail and knowledge store to flourish.</para>
<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
Local variables:
mode: sgml
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.sgml" "book" "chapter")
--- GD-1.33/Makefile.PL Fri Aug 4 16:59:22 2000
+++ GD-1.33-darwin/Makefile.PL Tue Jun 26 01:29:32 2001
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
warn "NOTICE: This module requires libgd 1.8.3 or higher (shared library version 4.X).\n";
# =====> PATHS: CHECK AND ADJUST <=====
-my @INC = qw(-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/gd);
-my @LIBPATH = qw(-L/usr/lib/X11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/local/lib );
+my @INC = qw(-I/sw/include -I/sw/include/gd -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/gd);
+my @LIBPATH = qw(-L/usr/lib/X11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11/lib -L/sw/lib -L/usr/local/lib);
my @LIBS = qw(-lgd -lpng -lz);
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
push @LIBS,'-lttf' if $TTF;
push @LIBS,'-ljpeg' if $JPEG;
-push @LIBS, '-lm' unless $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+push @LIBS, '-lm' unless ($^O =~ /^MSWin32|darwin$/);
# FreeBSD 3.3 with libgd built from ports croaks if -lXpm is specified
if ($^O ne 'freebsd' && $^O ne 'MSWin32') {
<chapter id="introduction">
<section id="whatis">
<title>What is Bugzilla?</title>
Bugzilla is a bug- or issue-tracking system. Bug-tracking
systems allow individual or groups of developers effectively to keep track
of outstanding problems with their product.
Bugzilla was originally
written by Terry Weissman in a programming language called TCL, to
replace a rudimentary bug-tracking database used internally by Netscape
Communications. Terry later ported Bugzilla to Perl from TCL, and in Perl
it remains to this day. Most commercial defect-tracking software vendors
at the time charged enormous licensing fees, and Bugzilla quickly became
a favorite of the open-source crowd (with its genesis in the open-source
browser project, Mozilla). It is now the de-facto standard
defect-tracking system against which all others are measured.
<para>Bugzilla boasts many advanced features. These include:
<para>Powerful searching</para>
<para>User-configurable email notifications of bug changes</para>
<para>Full change history</para>
<para>Inter-bug dependency tracking and graphing</para>
<para>Excellent attachment management</para>
<para>Integrated, product-based, granular security schema</para>
<para>Fully security-audited, and runs under Perl's taint mode</para>
<para>A robust, stable RDBMS back-end</para>
<para>Web, XML, email and console interfaces</para>
<para>Completely customisable and/or localisable web user
<para>Extensive configurability</para>
<para>Smooth upgrade pathway between versions</para>
<section id="why">
<title>Why Should We Use Bugzilla?</title>
<para>For many years, defect-tracking software has remained principally
the domain of large software development houses. Even then, most shops
never bothered with bug-tracking software, and instead simply relied on
shared lists and email to monitor the status of defects. This procedure
is error-prone and tends to cause those bugs judged least significant by
developers to be dropped or ignored.</para>
<para>These days, many companies are finding that integrated
defect-tracking systems reduce downtime, increase productivity, and raise
customer satisfaction with their systems. Along with full disclosure, an
open bug-tracker allows manufacturers to keep in touch with their clients
and resellers, to communicate about problems effectively throughout the
data management chain. Many corporations have also discovered that
defect-tracking helps reduce costs by providing IT support
accountability, telephone support knowledge bases, and a common,
well-understood system for accounting for unusual system or software
<para>But why should
use Bugzilla?</para>
<para>Bugzilla is very adaptable to various situations. Known uses
currently include IT support queues, Systems Administration deployment
management, chip design and development problem tracking (both
pre-and-post fabrication), and software and hardware bug tracking for
luminaries such as Redhat, NASA, Linux-Mandrake, and VA Systems.
Combined with systems such as
<ulink url="">CVS</ulink>,
<ulink url="">Bonsai</ulink>, or
<ulink url="">Perforce SCM</ulink>, Bugzilla
provides a powerful, easy-to-use solution to configuration management and
replication problems.</para>
<para>Bugzilla can dramatically increase the productivity and
accountability of individual employees by providing a documented workflow
and positive feedback for good performance. How many times do you wake up
in the morning, remembering that you were supposed to do
today, but you just can't quite remember? Put it in Bugzilla, and you
have a record of it from which you can extrapolate milestones, predict
product versions for integration, and follow the discussion trail
that led to critical decisions.</para>
<para>Ultimately, Bugzilla puts the power in your hands to improve your
value to your employer or business while providing a usable framework for
your natural attention to detail and knowledge store to flourish.</para>
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sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.sgml" "book" "chapter")
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