Commit 5a7981bb authored by's avatar

Fix for bug 232612: enables boolean mode fulltext searches for better searching…

Fix for bug 232612: enables boolean mode fulltext searches for better searching capabilities in the "Find a Specific Bug" page; r=lpsolit
parent 93cc7134
......@@ -257,22 +257,23 @@ sub sql_fulltext_search {
# This is as close as we can get to doing full text search using
# standard ANSI SQL, without real full text search support. DB specific
# modules shoud override this, as this will be always much slower.
# the text is already sql-quoted, so we need to remove the quotes first
my $quote = substr($self->quote(''), 0, 1);
$text = $1 if ($text =~ /^$quote(.*)$quote$/);
# modules should override this, as this will be always much slower.
# make the string lowercase to do case insensitive search
my $lower_text = lc($text);
# split the text we search for to separate words
# split the text we search for into separate words
my @words = split(/\s+/, $lower_text);
# search for occurence of all specified words in the column
return "CASE WHEN (LOWER($column) LIKE ${quote}%" .
join("%${quote} AND LOWER($column) LIKE ${quote}%", @words) .
"%${quote}) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END";
# surround the words with wildcards and SQL quotes so we can use them
# in LIKE search clauses
@words = map($self->quote("%$_%"), @words);
# turn the words into a set of LIKE search clauses
@words = map("LOWER($column) LIKE $_", @words);
# search for occurrences of all specified words in the column
return "CASE WHEN (" . join(" AND ", @words) . ") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END";
......@@ -1159,12 +1160,12 @@ formatted SQL command have prefix C<sql_>. All other methods have prefix C<bz_>.
specified text on a given column.
There is a ANSI SQL version of this method implemented using
LIKE operator, but it's not a real full text search. DB specific
modules shoud override this, as this generic implementation will
modules should override this, as this generic implementation will
be always much slower. This generic implementation returns
'relevance' as 0 for no match, or 1 for a match.
Params: $column = name of column to search (scalar)
$text = text to search for (scalar)
Returns: formatted SQL for for full text search
Returns: formatted SQL for full text search
=item C<sql_istrcmp>
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ package Bugzilla::DB::Mysql;
use strict;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Error;
# This module extends the DB interface via inheritance
......@@ -108,7 +109,17 @@ sub sql_string_concat {
sub sql_fulltext_search {
my ($self, $column, $text) = @_;
return "MATCH($column) AGAINST($text)";
# Add the boolean mode modifier if the search string contains
# boolean operators.
my $mode = ($text =~ /[+-<>()~*"]/ ? "IN BOOLEAN MODE" : "");
# quote the text for use in the MATCH AGAINST expression
$text = $self->quote($text);
# untaint the text, since it's safe to use now that we've quoted it
return "MATCH($column) AGAINST($text $mode)";
sub sql_istring {
......@@ -582,10 +582,8 @@ sub init {
# $term1 searches comments.
# $term2 searches summaries, which contributes to the relevance
# ranking in SELECT but doesn't limit which bugs get retrieved.
my $term1 = $dbh->sql_fulltext_search("${table}.thetext",
my $term2 = $dbh->sql_fulltext_search("bugs.short_desc",
my $term1 = $dbh->sql_fulltext_search("${table}.thetext", $v);
my $term2 = $dbh->sql_fulltext_search("bugs.short_desc", $v);
# The term to use in the WHERE clause.
$term = "$term1 > 0";
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