Commit 5c76819f authored by's avatar

Bug 134022: PERFORMANCE: deleting old login cookies locks login checks

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=LpSolit, a=mkanat
parent 1be84df9
......@@ -151,23 +151,17 @@ sub _handle_login_result {
ThrowCodeError($result->{error}, $result->{details});
elsif ($fail_code == AUTH_NODATA) {
if ($login_type == LOGIN_REQUIRED) {
# This seems like as good as time as any to get rid of
# old crufty junk in the logincookies table. Get rid
# of any entry that hasn't been used in a month.
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM logincookies WHERE " .
$dbh->sql_to_days('NOW()') . " - " .
$dbh->sql_to_days('lastused') . " > 30");
# Otherwise, we just return the "default" user.
if $login_type == LOGIN_REQUIRED;
# If we're not LOGIN_REQUIRED, we just return the default user.
$user = Bugzilla->user;
# The username/password may be wrong
# Don't let the user know whether the username exists or whether
# the password was just wrong. (This makes it harder for a cracker
# to find account names by brute force)
elsif (($fail_code == AUTH_LOGINFAILED) || ($fail_code == AUTH_NO_SUCH_USER)) {
elsif ($fail_code == AUTH_LOGINFAILED or $fail_code == AUTH_NO_SUCH_USER) {
# The account may be disabled
......@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ sub persist_login {
# subsequent login
my $login_cookie =
Bugzilla::Token::GenerateUniqueToken('logincookies', 'cookie');
......@@ -67,6 +69,13 @@ sub persist_login {
VALUES (?, ?, ?, NOW())",
undef, $login_cookie, $user->id, $ip_addr);
# Issuing a new cookie is a good time to clean up the old
# cookies.
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM logincookies WHERE lastused < LOCALTIMESTAMP(0) - "
. $dbh->sql_interval(MAX_LOGINCOOKIE_AGE, 'DAY'));
# Prevent JavaScript from accessing login cookies.
my %cookieargs = ('-httponly' => 1);
......@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ use File::Basename;
......@@ -363,6 +364,8 @@ use constant FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID => 6;
# The maximum number of days a token will remain valid.
use constant MAX_TOKEN_AGE => 3;
# How many days a logincookie will remain valid if not used.
use constant MAX_LOGINCOOKIE_AGE => 30;
# Protocols which are considered as safe.
use constant SAFE_PROTOCOLS => ('afs', 'cid', 'ftp', 'gopher', 'http', 'https',
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