Commit 5d96fa70 authored by Frédéric Buclin's avatar Frédéric Buclin

Bug 502625: Replace Email::Send with Email::Sender

r=dylan a=glob
parent 917ede93
......@@ -185,16 +185,19 @@ sub update_params {
# Old mail_delivery_method choices contained no uppercase characters
if (exists $param->{'mail_delivery_method'}
&& $param->{'mail_delivery_method'} !~ /[A-Z]/) {
my $method = $param->{'mail_delivery_method'};
my %translation = (
'sendmail' => 'Sendmail',
'smtp' => 'SMTP',
'qmail' => 'Qmail',
'testfile' => 'Test',
'none' => 'None');
$param->{'mail_delivery_method'} = $translation{$method};
my $mta = $param->{'mail_delivery_method'};
if ($mta) {
if ($mta !~ /[A-Z]/) {
my %translation = (
'sendmail' => 'Sendmail',
'smtp' => 'SMTP',
'qmail' => 'Qmail',
'testfile' => 'Test',
'none' => 'None');
$param->{'mail_delivery_method'} = $translation{$mta};
# This will force the parameter to be reset to its default value.
delete $param->{'mail_delivery_method'} if $param->{'mail_delivery_method'} eq 'Qmail';
# Convert the old "ssl" parameter to the new "ssl_redirect" parameter.
......@@ -12,13 +12,6 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
use Bugzilla::Config::Common;
# Return::Value 1.666002 pollutes the error log with warnings about this
# deprecated module. We have to set NO_CLUCK = 1 before loading Email::Send
# to disable these warnings.
$Return::Value::NO_CLUCK = 1;
use Email::Send;
our $sortkey = 1200;
......@@ -28,9 +21,7 @@ sub get_param_list {
name => 'mail_delivery_method',
type => 's',
# Bugzilla is not ready yet to send mails to newsgroups, and 'IO'
# is of no use for now as we already have our own 'Test' mode.
choices => [grep {$_ ne 'NNTP' && $_ ne 'IO'} Email::Send->new()->all_mailers(), 'None'],
choices => ['Sendmail', 'SMTP', 'Test', 'None'],
default => 'Sendmail',
checker => \&check_mail_delivery_method
......@@ -1033,9 +1033,6 @@ Params:
=item C<email> - The C<Email::MIME> object that's about to be sent.
=item C<mailer_args> - An arrayref that's passed as C<mailer_args> to
=head2 object_before_create
......@@ -23,13 +23,6 @@ use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(install_string bin_loc
use List::Util qw(max);
use Term::ANSIColor;
# Return::Value 1.666002 pollutes the error log with warnings about this
# deprecated module. We have to set NO_CLUCK = 1 before loading Email::Send
# in have_vers() to disable these warnings.
$Return::Value::NO_CLUCK = 1;
use parent qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
......@@ -131,12 +124,11 @@ sub REQUIRED_MODULES {
module => 'Template',
version => '2.24'
# 2.04 implement the "Test" method (to write to data/mailer.testfile).
# 1.300011 has a debug mode for SMTP and automatically pass -i to sendmail.
package => 'Email-Send',
module => 'Email::Send',
version => ON_WINDOWS ? '2.16' : '2.04',
blacklist => ['^2\.196$']
package => 'Email-Sender',
module => 'Email::Sender',
version => '1.300011',
package => 'Email-MIME',
......@@ -23,15 +23,10 @@ use Date::Format qw(time2str);
use Encode qw(encode);
use Encode::MIME::Header;
use Email::Address;
use Email::MIME;
# Return::Value 1.666002 pollutes the error log with warnings about this
# deprecated module. We have to set NO_CLUCK = 1 before loading Email::Send
# to disable these warnings.
$Return::Value::NO_CLUCK = 1;
use Email::Send;
use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail);
use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP;
use Email::Sender::Transport::Sendmail;
sub MessageToMTA {
my ($msg, $send_now) = (@_);
......@@ -55,8 +50,6 @@ sub MessageToMTA {
# Email::MIME doesn't do this for us. We use \015 (CR) and \012 (LF)
# directly because Perl translates "\n" depending on what platform
# you're running on. See
# We check for multiple CRs because of this Template-Toolkit bug:
$msg =~ s/(?:\015+)?\012/\015\012/msg;
$email = new Email::MIME($msg);
......@@ -108,21 +101,14 @@ sub MessageToMTA {
my $from = $email->header('From');
my ($hostname, @args);
my $mailer_class = $method;
my $hostname;
my $transport;
if ($method eq "Sendmail") {
$mailer_class = 'Bugzilla::Send::Sendmail';
$Email::Send::Sendmail::SENDMAIL = SENDMAIL_EXE;
$transport = Email::Sender::Transport::Sendmail->new({ sendmail => SENDMAIL_EXE });
push @args, "-i";
# We want to make sure that we pass *only* an email address.
if ($from) {
my ($email_obj) = Email::Address->parse($from);
if ($email_obj) {
my $from_email = $email_obj->address;
push(@args, "-f$from_email") if $from_email;
else {
$transport = Email::Sender::Transport::Sendmail->new();
else {
......@@ -141,16 +127,16 @@ sub MessageToMTA {
if ($method eq "SMTP") {
push @args, Host => Bugzilla->params->{"smtpserver"},
username => Bugzilla->params->{"smtp_username"},
password => Bugzilla->params->{"smtp_password"},
Hello => $hostname,
ssl => Bugzilla->params->{'smtp_ssl'},
Debug => Bugzilla->params->{'smtp_debug'};
$transport = Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP->new({
host => Bugzilla->params->{'smtpserver'},
sasl_username => Bugzilla->params->{'smtp_username'},
sasl_password => Bugzilla->params->{'smtp_password'},
helo => $hostname,
ssl => Bugzilla->params->{'smtp_ssl'},
debug => Bugzilla->params->{'smtp_debug'} });
{ email => $email, mailer_args => \@args });
Bugzilla::Hook::process('mailer_before_send', { email => $email });
return if $email->header('to') eq '';
......@@ -185,13 +171,12 @@ sub MessageToMTA {
else {
# This is useful for both Sendmail and Qmail, so we put it out here.
# This is useful for Sendmail, so we put it out here.
my $mailer = Email::Send->new({ mailer => $mailer_class,
mailer_args => \@args });
my $retval = $mailer->send($email);
ThrowCodeError('mail_send_error', { msg => $retval, mail => $email })
if !$retval;
eval { sendmail($email, { transport => $transport }) };
if ($@) {
ThrowCodeError('mail_send_error', { msg => $@->message, mail => $email });
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
mail_delivery_method => "Defines how email is sent, or if it is sent at all.<br>
'Sendmail', 'SMTP' and 'Qmail' are all MTAs.
'Sendmail' and 'SMTP' are both MTAs.
You need to install a third-party sendmail replacement if
you want to use sendmail on Windows.
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
in 'data/mailer.testfile' instead of being sent.
'none' will completely disable email. Bugzilla continues
'None' will completely disable email. Bugzilla continues
to act as though it is sending mail, but nothing is sent or
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