Commit 61e26c13 authored by's avatar

Bug 476607: "Constant subroutine redefined" warnings from Bugzilla::Field::Choice

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=LpSolit, a=mkanat
parent 367a9694
......@@ -93,18 +93,18 @@ sub type {
# For generic classes, we use a lowercase class name, so as
# not to interfere with any real subclasses we might make some day.
my $package = "Bugzilla::Field::Choice::$field_name";
Bugzilla->request_cache->{"field_$package"} = $field_obj;
# We check defined so that the package and the stored field are only
# created once globally (at least per request). We prefix it with
# field_ (instead of suffixing it) so that we don't somehow conflict
# with the names of custom fields.
if (!defined Bugzilla->request_cache->{"field_$package"}) {
# This package only needs to be created once. We check if the DB_TABLE
# glob for this package already exists, which tells us whether or not
# we need to create the package (this works even under mod_perl, where
# this package definition will persist across requests)).
if (!defined *{"${package}::DB_TABLE"}) {
eval <<EOC;
package $package;
use base qw(Bugzilla::Field::Choice);
use constant DB_TABLE => '$field_name';
Bugzilla->request_cache->{"field_$package"} = $field_obj;
return $package;
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