Commit 620f4ea2 authored by's avatar

Bug 290677: Index rename time estimate is too short on large sites

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=jouni, a=justdave
parent 7dc732e7
......@@ -260,6 +260,10 @@ sub bz_setup_database {
# We estimate one minute for each 3000 bugs, plus 3 minutes just
# to handle basic MySQL stuff.
my $rename_time = int($bug_count / 3000) + 3;
# And 45 minutes for every 15,000 attachments, per some experiments.
my ($attachment_count) =
$self->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM attachments");
$rename_time += int(($attachment_count * 45) / 15000);
# If we're going to take longer than 5 minutes, we let the user know
# and allow them to abort.
if ($rename_time > 5) {
......@@ -337,6 +341,11 @@ sub bz_setup_database {
# Go through all the tables.
foreach my $table (@tables) {
# Will contain the names of old indexes as keys, and the
# definition of the new indexes as a value. The values
# include an extra hash key, NAME, with the new name of
# the index.
my %rename_indexes;
# And go through all the columns on each table.
my @columns = $self->bz_table_columns_real($table);
......@@ -359,20 +368,20 @@ sub bz_setup_database {
foreach my $column (@columns) {
# If we have an index named after this column, it's an
# old-style-name index.
# This will miss PRIMARY KEY indexes, but that's OK
# because we aren't renaming them.
if (my $index = $self->bz_index_info_real($table, $column)) {
# Fix the name to fit in with the new naming scheme.
my $new_name = $table . "_" .
$index->{FIELDS}->[0] . "_idx";
print "Renaming index $column to $new_name...\n";
# Unfortunately, MySQL has no way to rename an index. :-(
# So we have to drop and recreate the indexes.
$self->bz_drop_index_raw($table, $column, "silent");
$self->bz_add_index_raw($table, $new_name,
$index, "silent");
$index->{NAME} = $table . "_" .
$index->{FIELDS}->[0] . "_idx";
print "Renaming index $column to "
. $index->{NAME} . "...\n";
$rename_indexes{$column} = $index;
} # if
} # foreach column
my @rename_sql = $self->_bz_schema->get_rename_indexes_ddl(
$table, %rename_indexes);
$self->do($_) foreach (@rename_sql);
} # foreach table
} # if old-name indexes
......@@ -166,6 +166,30 @@ sub get_drop_index_ddl {
return ("DROP INDEX \`$name\` ON $table");
# A special function for MySQL, for renaming a lot of indexes.
# Index renames is a hash, where the key is a string - the
# old names of the index, and the value is a hash - the index
# definition that we're renaming to, with an extra key of "NAME"
# that contains the new index name.
# The indexes in %indexes must be in hashref format.
sub get_rename_indexes_ddl {
my ($self, $table, %indexes) = @_;
my @keys = keys %indexes or return ();
my $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table ";
foreach my $old_name (@keys) {
my $name = $indexes{$old_name}->{NAME};
my $type = $indexes{$old_name}->{TYPE};
$type ||= 'INDEX';
my $fields = join(',', @{$indexes{$old_name}->{FIELDS}});
$sql .= " ADD $type $name ($fields), DROP INDEX $old_name,";
# Remove the last comma.
return ($sql);
# Converts a DBI column_info output to an abstract column definition.
# Expects to only be called by Bugzila::DB::Mysql::_bz_build_schema_from_disk,
# although there's a chance that it will also work properly if called
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