Commit 6963781b authored by's avatar

Bug 344855: Create a subroutine that does all of checksetup's requirements checking

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> (module owner) a=myk
parent c98c1fce
......@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ use File::Basename;
@Bugzilla::Constants::EXPORT_OK = qw(contenttypes);
......@@ -298,6 +299,8 @@ use constant DB_MODULE => {
name => 'PostgreSQL'},
use constant ROOT_USER => $^O =~ /MSWin32/i ? 'Administrator' : 'root';
sub bz_locations {
# We know that Bugzilla/ must be in %INC at this point.
# So the only question is, what's the name of the directory
......@@ -214,163 +214,7 @@ use Bugzilla::Install::Requirements;
# Here we check for --MODULES--
print "\nChecking perl modules ...\n" unless $silent;
my $modules = REQUIRED_MODULES;
$::root = ($^O =~ /MSWin32/i ? 'Administrator' : 'root');
my %missing = ();
foreach my $module (@{$modules}) {
unless (have_vers($module->{name}, $module->{version}, $silent)) {
$missing{$module->{name}} = $module->{version};
print "\nYou need one of the following DBD modules installed, depending on\n"
. "which database you are using with Bugzilla:\n" unless $silent;
my $have_one_dbd = 0;
my $db_modules = DB_MODULE;
foreach my $db (keys %$db_modules) {
if (have_vers($db_modules->{$db}->{dbd},
$db_modules->{$db}->{dbd_version}, $silent))
$have_one_dbd = 1;
print "\nThe following Perl modules are optional:\n" unless $silent;
my $opt_modules = OPTIONAL_MODULES;
my %have_mod;
foreach my $module (@$opt_modules) {
$have_mod{$module->{name}} =
have_vers($module->{name}, $module->{version}, $silent);
print "\nThe following modules are required for mod_perl support:\n"
unless $silent;
my $mp_modules = MOD_PERL_MODULES;
foreach my $module (@$mp_modules) {
$have_mod{$module->{name}} =
have_vers($module->{name}, $module->{version}, $silent);
print "\n" unless $silent;
if ($^O =~ /MSWin32/i && !$silent) {
print "All the required modules are available at:\n";
print "\n";
print "You can add the repository with the following command:\n";
print " ppm rep add bugzilla\n\n";
if ((!$have_mod{'GD'} || !$have_mod{'Chart::Base'}) && !$silent) {
print "If you you want to see graphical bug charts (plotting historical ";
print "data over \ntime), you should install libgd and the following Perl ";
print "modules:\n\n";
print "GD: " . install_command("GD") ."\n" if !$have_mod{'GD'};
print "Chart: " . install_command("Chart::Base") . "\n"
if !$have_mod{'Chart::Base'};
print "\n";
if (!$have_mod{'XML::Twig'} && !$silent) {
print "If you want to use the bug import/export feature to move bugs to\n",
"or from other bugzilla installations, you will need to install\n",
"the XML::Twig module by running (as $::root):\n\n",
" " . install_command("XML::Twig") . "\n\n";
if (!$have_mod{'LWP::UserAgent'} && !$silent) {
print "If you want to use the automatic update notification feature\n",
"you will need to install the LWP::UserAgent module by running\n",
"(as $::root):\n\n",
" " . install_command("LWP::UserAgent") . "\n\n";
if (!$have_mod{'Image::Magick'} && !$silent) {
print "If you want to convert BMP image attachments to PNG to conserve\n",
"disk space, you will need to install the ImageMagick application\n",
"Available from, and the Image::Magick\n",
"Perl module by running (as $::root):\n\n",
" " . install_command("Image::Magick") . "\n\n";
if ( (!$have_mod{'GD'} || !$have_mod{'GD::Graph'}
|| !$have_mod{'GD::Text::Align'}
|| !$have_mod{'Template::Plugin::GD::Image'})
&& !$silent)
print "If you want to see graphical bug reports (bar, pie and line ";
print "charts of \ncurrent data), you should install libgd and the ";
print "following Perl modules:\n\n";
print "GD: " . install_command("GD") . "\n" if !$have_mod{'GD'};
print "GD::Graph: " . install_command("GD::Graph") . "\n"
if !$have_mod{'GD::Graph'};
print "GD::Text::Align: " . install_command("GD::Text::Align") . "\n"
if !$have_mod{'GD::Text::Align'};
print "Template::Plugin::GD: " . install_command('Template::Plugin::GD')
. "\n" if !$have_mod{'Template::Plugin::GD::Image'};
print "\n";
if (!$have_mod{'PatchReader'} && !$silent) {
print "If you want to see pretty HTML views of patches, you should ";
print "install the \nPatchReader module:\n";
print "PatchReader: " . install_command("PatchReader") . "\n\n";
if (!$have_mod{'Net::LDAP'} && !$silent) {
print "If you wish to use LDAP authentication, then you must",
" install Net::LDAP:\n",
"Net::LDAP: " . install_command('Net::LDAP') . "\n\n";
if (!$have_mod{'mod_perl2'} && !$silent) {
print "If you would like mod_perl support, you must install at least\n",
"the minimum required version of mod_perl. You can download",
" mod_perl from:\n",
"Make sure that you get the 2.0 version, not the 1.0 version.\n\n";
if ((!$have_mod{'Apache::DBI'} || !$have_mod{'CGI'}) && !$silent) {
print "For mod_perl support, you must install the following perl",
" module(s):\n";
print " Apache::DBI: " . install_command('Apache::DBI') . "\n"
if !$have_mod{'Apache::DBI'};
print " CGI: " . install_command('CGI') . "\n"
if !$have_mod{'CGI'};
print "\n";
if (!$have_one_dbd) {
print "\n";
print "Bugzilla requires that at least one DBD module be installed in\n",
"order to access a database. You can install the correct one by\n",
"picking the command listed below for your database:\n";
foreach my $db (keys %$db_modules) {
print " " . $db_modules->{$db}->{name} . ": "
. install_command($db_modules->{$db}->{dbd}) . "\n";
print " Minimum version required: "
. $db_modules->{$db}->{dbd_version} . "\n";
print "\n";
if (%missing) {
print "\n";
print "Bugzilla requires some Perl modules which are either missing from\n",
"your system, or the version on your system is too old.\n",
"They can be installed by running (as $::root) the following:\n";
foreach my $module (keys %missing) {
print " " . install_command("$module") . "\n";
if ($missing{$module} > 0) {
print " Minimum version required: $missing{$module}\n";
print "\n";
exit if (%missing || !$have_one_dbd);
exit if !check_requirements(!$silent)->{pass};
......@@ -438,6 +282,8 @@ BEGIN {
# Cute, ey?
my $root = ROOT_USER;
print "Checking user setup ...\n" unless $silent;
$@ = undef;
my $localconfig = bz_locations()->{'localconfig'};
......@@ -617,7 +463,7 @@ LocalVar('webservergroup', <<"END");
# want. You should only have this set to "" if this is a testing installation
# and you cannot set this up any other way. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
# If you set this to anything other than "", you will need to run
# as $::root, or as a user who is a member of the specified group.
# as $root, or as a user who is a member of the specified group.
\$webservergroup = "$webservergroup_default";
......@@ -725,10 +571,10 @@ if ($my_webservergroup && !$silent) {
print <<EOF;
Warning: you have entered a value for the "webservergroup" parameter in
localconfig, but you are not either a) running this script as $::root; or b) a
localconfig, but you are not either a) running this script as $root; or b) a
member of this group. This can cause permissions problems and decreased
security. If you experience problems running Bugzilla scripts, log in as
$::root and re-run this script, become a member of the group, or remove the
$root and re-run this script, become a member of the group, or remove the
value of the "webservergroup" parameter. Note that any warnings about
"uninitialized values" that you may see below are caused by this.
......@@ -798,7 +644,7 @@ if ($my_db_check) {
my $actual_dbd_ver = DB_MODULE->{lc($my_db_driver)}->{dbd_version};
my $sql_server = DB_MODULE->{lc($my_db_driver)}->{name};
my $sql_want = DB_MODULE->{lc($my_db_driver)}->{db_version};
unless (have_vers($actual_dbd, $actual_dbd_ver, $silent)) {
unless (have_vers($actual_dbd, $actual_dbd_ver, !$silent)) {
print "For $sql_server, Bugzilla requires that perl's"
. " $actual_dbd be installed.\nTo install this module,"
. " you can do:\n " . install_command($actual_dbd) . "\n";
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