Commit 6acecb50 authored by's avatar

Fix for bug 65598: check for minimum versions of some of the Perl modules…

Fix for bug 65598: check for minimum versions of some of the Perl modules Bugzilla needs. Also check for minimum version of MySQL server on the other end.
parent 88458a65
......@@ -140,35 +140,93 @@ unless (eval "require 5.004") {
die "Sorry, you need at least Perl 5.004\n";
unless (eval "require DBI") {
# vers_cmp is adapted from Sort::Versions 1.3 1996/07/11 13:37:00 kjahds,
# which is not included with Perl by default, hence the need to copy it here.
# Seems silly to require it when this is the only place we need it...
sub vers_cmp {
if (@_ < 2) { die "not enough parameters for vers_cmp" }
if (@_ > 2) { die "too many parameters for vers_cmp" }
my ($a, $b) = @_;
my (@A) = ($a =~ /(\.|\d+|[^\.\d]+)/g);
my (@B) = ($b =~ /(\.|\d+|[^\.\d]+)/g);
my ($A,$B);
while (@A and @B) {
$A = shift @A;
$B = shift @B;
if ($A eq "." and $B eq ".") {
} elsif ( $A eq "." ) {
return -1;
} elsif ( $B eq "." ) {
return 1;
} elsif ($A =~ /^\d+$/ and $B =~ /^\d+$/) {
return $A <=> $B if $A <=> $B;
} else {
$A = uc $A;
$B = uc $B;
return $A cmp $B if $A cmp $B;
@A <=> @B;
# This was originally clipped from the libnet Makefile.PL, adapted here to
# use the above vers_cmp routine for accurate version checking.
sub have_vers {
my ($pkg, $wanted) = @_;
my ($msg, $vnum, $vstr);
no strict 'refs';
printf("Checking for %15s %-9s ", $pkg, !$wanted?'(any)':"(v$wanted)");
eval { my $p; ($p = $pkg . ".pm") =~ s!::!/!g; require $p; };
$vnum = ${"${pkg}::VERSION"} || ${"${pkg}::Version"} || 0;
$vnum = -1 if $@;
if ($vnum < 0) {
$vstr = "not found";
elsif ($vnum > 0) {
$vstr = "found v$vnum";
else {
$vstr = "found unknown version";
my $vok = (vers_cmp($vnum,$wanted) > -1);
print ((($vok) ? "ok: " : " "), "$vstr\n");
return $vok;
unless (have_vers("DBI","1.13")) {
die "Please install the DBI module. You can do this by running (as root)\n\n",
" perl -MCPAN -eshell\n",
" install DBI\n";
unless (eval "require Data::Dumper") {
unless (have_vers("Data::Dumper",0)) { # 0 = any version
die "Please install the Data::Dumper module. You can do this by running (as root)\n\n",
" perl -MCPAN -eshell\n",
" install Data::Dumper\n";
unless (eval "require Mysql") {
unless (have_vers("Mysql",0)) { # 0 = any version
die "Please install the Mysql database driver. You can do this by running (as root)\n\n",
" perl -MCPAN -eshell\n",
" install Msql-Mysql\n\n",
"Be sure to enable the Mysql emulation!\n";
unless (eval "require Date::Parse") {
unless (have_vers("Date::Parse",0)) { # 0 = any version
die "Please install the Date::Parse module. You can do this by running (as root)\n\n",
" perl -MCPAN -eshell\n",
" install Date::Parse\n";
# The following two modules are optional:
print "The following two modules are optional:\n";
my $charts = 0;
$charts++ if eval "require GD";
$charts++ if eval "require Chart::Base";
$charts++ if have_vers("GD","1.19");
$charts++ if have_vers("Chart::Base","0.99b");
if ($charts != 2) {
print "If you you want to see graphical bug dependency charts, you may install\n",
"the optional libgd and the Perl modules GD-1.19 and Chart::Base-0.99b, e.g. by\n",
......@@ -512,12 +570,31 @@ my $drh = DBI->install_driver($db_base)
if ($::db_check) {
# Do we have the database itself?
my $sql_want = "3.22.5"; # minimum version of MySQL
# original DSN line was:
# my $dsn = "DBI:$db_base:$::db_name;$::db_host;$::db_port";
# removed the $db_name because we don't know it exists yet, and this will
# fail if we request it here and it doesn't. - 2000/09/16
my $dsn = "DBI:$db_base:;$::db_host;$::db_port";
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $::db_user, $::db_pass);
printf("Checking for %15s %-9s ", "MySQL Server", "(v$sql_want)");
my $qh = $dbh->prepare("SELECT VERSION()");
my ($sql_vers) = $qh->fetchrow_array;
my $sql_vok = ((vers_cmp($sql_vers,$sql_want) > -1)
&& ($sql_vers ne "3.23.29")); # encrypt() is broken in 3.23.29
print (($sql_vok ? "ok: " : " "), "found v$sql_vers\n");
unless ($sql_vok) {
die "Your MySQL server is either too old or a known broken version.\n",
" Bugzilla requires version $sql_want or later of MySQL.\n",
($sql_vers eq "3.23.29") ? "Version 3.23.29 has a broken encrypt() command. 3.23.30 fixes this.\n" : "",
" Please visit and download a newer version.\n";
my @databases = $dbh->func('_ListDBs');
unless (grep /^$::db_name$/, @databases) {
print "Creating database $::db_name ...\n";
......@@ -1895,5 +1972,4 @@ if ($::regenerateshadow) {
unlink "data/versioncache";
print "Reminder: Bugzilla now requires version 3.22.5 or later of MySQL.\n";
print "Reminder: Bugzilla now requires version 8.7 or later of sendmail.\n";
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