Fix for bug 82781: describecomponents.cgi now checks viewing permissions to make…

Fix for bug 82781: describecomponents.cgi now checks viewing permissions to make sure you can see a product Patch by Myk Melez <> r=
parent 47741a5b
......@@ -30,10 +30,50 @@ require "";
# Begin Data/Security Validation
# If this installation uses bug groups to restrict access to products,
# only show the user products that don't have their own bug group or
# those whose bug group the user is a member of. Otherwise, if this
# installation doesn't use bug groups, show the user all legal products.
my @products;
if ( Param("usebuggroups") ) {
@products = grep( !GroupExists($_) || UserInGroup($_) , @::legal_product );
} else {
@products = @::legal_product;
if ( defined $::FORM{'product'} ) {
# Make sure the user specified a valid product name. Note that
# if the user specifies a valid product name but is not authorized
# to access that product, they will receive a different error message
# which could enable people guessing product names to determine
# whether or not certain products exist in Bugzilla, even if they
# cannot get any other information about that product.
grep( $::FORM{'product'} eq $_ , @::legal_product )
|| DisplayError("The product name is invalid.")
&& exit;
# Make sure the user is authorized to access this product.
if ( Param("usebuggroups") && GroupExists($::FORM{'product'}) ) {
|| DisplayError("You are not authorized to access that product.")
&& exit;
# End Data/Security Validation
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
my $product = $::FORM{'product'};
if (!defined $product || lsearch(\@::legal_product, $product) < 0) {
if (!defined $product || lsearch(\@products, $product) < 0) {
PutHeader("Bugzilla component description");
print "
......@@ -42,7 +82,7 @@ Please specify the product whose components you want described.
Product: <SELECT NAME=product>
print make_options(\@::legal_product);
print make_options(\@products);
print "
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