Commit 719303d9 authored by's avatar

Bug 454251: Implement Bugzilla::Attachment->create() and $attachment->update() -…

Bug 454251: Implement Bugzilla::Attachment->create() and $attachment->update() - Patch by Fré©ric Buclin <> a=LpSolit (module owner)
parent 4afa077f
......@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ use File::Basename;
......@@ -236,18 +237,6 @@ use constant LOGOUT_ALL => 0;
use constant LOGOUT_CURRENT => 1;
use constant LOGOUT_KEEP_CURRENT => 2;
use constant contenttypes =>
"html"=> "text/html" ,
"rdf" => "application/rdf+xml" ,
"atom"=> "application/atom+xml" ,
"xml" => "application/xml" ,
"js" => "application/x-javascript" ,
"csv" => "text/csv" ,
"png" => "image/png" ,
"ics" => "text/calendar" ,
use constant GRANT_DIRECT => 0;
use constant GRANT_REGEXP => 2;
......@@ -377,6 +366,22 @@ use constant SAFE_PROTOCOLS => ('afs', 'cid', 'ftp', 'gopher', 'http', 'https',
'irc', 'mid', 'news', 'nntp', 'prospero', 'telnet',
'view-source', 'wais');
# Valid MIME types for attachments.
use constant LEGAL_CONTENT_TYPES => ('application', 'audio', 'image', 'message',
'model', 'multipart', 'text', 'video');
use constant contenttypes =>
"html"=> "text/html" ,
"rdf" => "application/rdf+xml" ,
"atom"=> "application/atom+xml" ,
"xml" => "application/xml" ,
"js" => "application/x-javascript" ,
"csv" => "text/csv" ,
"png" => "image/png" ,
"ics" => "text/calendar" ,
# Usage modes. Default USAGE_MODE_BROWSER. Use with Bugzilla->usage_mode.
use constant USAGE_MODE_BROWSER => 0;
use constant USAGE_MODE_CMDLINE => 1;
......@@ -1057,6 +1057,46 @@ sub FormToNewFlags {
return \@flags;
# This is a helper to set flags on a new bug or attachment.
# For existing bugs and attachments, errors must be reported.
sub set_flags {
my ($class, $bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $vars) = @_;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
# The order of these function calls is important, as Flag::validate
# assumes User::match_field has ensured that the
# values in the requestee fields are legitimate user email addresses.
my $match_status = Bugzilla::User::match_field($cgi, {
'^requestee(_type)?-(\d+)$' => { 'type' => 'multi' },
$vars->{'match_field'} = 'requestee';
if ($match_status == USER_MATCH_FAILED) {
$vars->{'message'} = 'user_match_failed';
elsif ($match_status == USER_MATCH_MULTIPLE) {
$vars->{'message'} = 'user_match_multiple';
# 1. Add flags, if any. To avoid dying if something goes wrong
# while processing flags, we will eval() flag validation.
# 2. Flag::validate() should not detect any reference to existing flags
# when creating a new attachment. Setting the third param to -1 will
# force this function to check this point.
my $error_mode_cache = Bugzilla->error_mode;
eval {
validate($bug->bug_id, $attachment ? -1 : undef, SKIP_REQUESTEE_ON_ERROR);
$class->process($bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $vars);
if ($@) {
$vars->{'message'} = 'flag_creation_failed';
$vars->{'flag_creation_error'} = $@;
......@@ -85,12 +85,10 @@ if ($token) {
# do a match on the fields if applicable
&Bugzilla::User::match_field ($cgi, {
Bugzilla::User::match_field ($cgi, {
'cc' => { 'type' => 'multi' },
'assigned_to' => { 'type' => 'single' },
'qa_contact' => { 'type' => 'single' },
'^requestee_type-(\d+)$' => { 'type' => 'multi' },
if (defined $cgi->param('maketemplate')) {
......@@ -194,10 +192,35 @@ if (defined $cgi->param('version')) {
# Add an attachment if requested.
if (defined($cgi->upload('data')) || $cgi->param('attachurl')) {
$cgi->param('isprivate', $cgi->param('commentprivacy'));
my $attachment = Bugzilla::Attachment->create(!THROW_ERROR,
$bug, $user, $timestamp, $vars);
# Must be called before create() as it may alter $cgi->param('ispatch').
my $content_type = Bugzilla::Attachment::get_content_type();
my $attachment;
# If the attachment cannot be successfully added to the bug,
# we notify the user, but we don't interrupt the bug creation process.
my $error_mode_cache = Bugzilla->error_mode;
eval {
$attachment = Bugzilla::Attachment->create(
{bug => $bug,
creation_ts => $timestamp,
data => scalar $cgi->param('attachurl') || $cgi->upload('data'),
description => scalar $cgi->param('description'),
filename => $cgi->param('attachurl') ? '' : scalar $cgi->upload('data'),
ispatch => scalar $cgi->param('ispatch'),
isprivate => scalar $cgi->param('isprivate'),
isurl => scalar $cgi->param('attachurl'),
mimetype => $content_type,
store_in_file => scalar $cgi->param('bigfile'),
if ($attachment) {
# Set attachment flags.
Bugzilla::Flag->set_flags($bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $vars);
# Update the comment to include the new attachment ID.
# This string is hardcoded here because Template::quoteUrls()
# expects to find this exact string.
......@@ -222,22 +245,8 @@ if (defined($cgi->upload('data')) || $cgi->param('attachurl')) {
# Add flags, if any. To avoid dying if something goes wrong
# while processing flags, we will eval() flag validation.
# This requires errors to die().
# XXX: this can go away as soon as flag validation is able to
# fail without dying.
my $error_mode_cache = Bugzilla->error_mode;
eval {
Bugzilla::Flag::validate($id, undef, SKIP_REQUESTEE_ON_ERROR);
Bugzilla::Flag->process($bug, undef, $timestamp, $vars);
if ($@) {
$vars->{'message'} = 'flag_creation_failed';
$vars->{'flag_creation_error'} = $@;
# Set bug flags.
Bugzilla::Flag->set_flags($bug, undef, $timestamp, $vars);
# Email everyone the details of the new bug
$vars->{'mailrecipients'} = {'changer' => $user->login};
......@@ -47,6 +47,14 @@
Attachment #[% attach_id FILTER html %] ([% description FILTER html %])
is already obsolete.
[% ELSIF error == "attachment_local_storage_disabled" %]
[% title = "Local Storage Disabled" %]
You cannot store attachments locally. This feature is disabled.
[% ELSIF error == "attachment_url_disabled" %]
[% title = "Attachment URL Disabled" %]
You cannot attach a URL. This feature is currently disabled.
[% ELSIF error == "auth_invalid_email" %]
[% title = "Invalid Email Address" %]
We received an email address (<b>[% addr FILTER html %]</b>)
......@@ -211,6 +211,11 @@
[% title = "Attachment Deletion Disabled" %]
Attachment deletion is disabled on this installation.
[% ELSIF error == "attachment_illegal_url" %]
[% title = "Illegal Attachment URL" %]
<em>[% url FILTER html %]</em> is not a legal URL for attachments.
It must start either with http://, https:// or ftp://.
[% ELSIF error == "attachment_removed" %]
[% title = "Attachment Removed" %]
The attachment you are attempting to access has been removed.
......@@ -875,8 +880,7 @@
[% title = "Invalid Content-Type" %]
The content type <em>[% contenttype FILTER html %]</em> is invalid.
Valid types must be of the form <em>foo/bar</em> where <em>foo</em>
is either <em>application, audio, image, message, model, multipart,
text,</em> or <em>video</em>.
is one of <em>[% constants.LEGAL_CONTENT_TYPES.join(', ') FILTER html %]</em>.
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_context" %]
[% title = "Invalid Context" %]
......@@ -1615,6 +1619,11 @@
<tt>[% name FILTER html %]</tt> does not exist or you are not allowed
to see that user.
[% ELSIF error == "user_not_insider" %]
[% title = "User Not In Insidergroup" %]
Sorry, but you are not allowed to (un)mark comments or attachments
as private.
[% ELSIF error == "votes_must_be_nonnegative" %]
[% title = "Votes Must Be Non-negative" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'voting.html' => 'Setting up the voting feature'} %]
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