Commit 77a3c5bc authored by Frédéric Buclin's avatar Frédéric Buclin

Bug 616679: A user with local editcomponents privs should be able to set the…

Bug 616679: A user with local editcomponents privs should be able to set the grant and request groups to groups the user belongs to only a=LpSolit
parent 846ac8ad
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ if (my ($category_action) = grep { $_ =~ /^categoryAction-(?:\w+)$/ } $cgi->para
$vars->{'groups'} = [Bugzilla::Group->get_all];
$vars->{'groups'} = get_settable_groups();
$vars->{'action'} = $action;
my $type = {};
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ if ($action eq 'enter') {
if $user->in_group('editcomponents');
$vars->{'can_fully_edit'} = 1;
# Get a list of groups available to restrict this flag type against.
$vars->{'groups'} = [Bugzilla::Group->get_all];
$vars->{'groups'} = get_settable_groups();
$template->process("admin/flag-type/edit.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ if ($action eq 'edit' || $action eq 'copy') {
# Get a list of groups available to restrict this flag type against.
$vars->{'groups'} = [Bugzilla::Group->get_all];
$vars->{'groups'} = get_settable_groups();
$template->process("admin/flag-type/edit.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
......@@ -490,6 +490,12 @@ sub get_editable_flagtypes {
return $flagtypes;
sub get_settable_groups {
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
my $groups = $user->in_group('editcomponents') ? [Bugzilla::Group->get_all] : $user->groups;
return $groups;
sub filter_group {
my ($flag_types, $gid) = @_;
return $flag_types unless $gid;
......@@ -252,10 +252,19 @@
[% BLOCK group_select %]
<select name="[% selname %]" id="[% selname %]" [%- ' disabled="disabled"' UNLESS can_fully_edit %]>
<option value="">(no group)</option>
[% group_found = 0 %]
[% FOREACH group = groups %]
<option value="[% FILTER html %]"
[% " selected" IF (type.${selname} && type.${selname}.name == %]>
[%- FILTER html %]
[% IF type.${selname} && type.${selname}.name == %]
[% ' selected="selected"' %]
[% group_found = 1 %]
[% END %]>
[%- FILTER html ~%]
[% END %]
[% IF !group_found && type.${selname} %]
<option value="[% type.${selname}.name FILTER html %]" selected="selected">
[%- type.${selname}.name FILTER html ~%]
[% END %]
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