Commit 7f88ec54 authored by Max Kanat-Alexander's avatar Max Kanat-Alexander

Bug 619016: Make SQLite installations able to alter an existing schema,

meaning that SQLite installations can now upgrade and add custom fields. r=mkanat, a=mkanat (module owner)
parent 2b8db997
......@@ -1867,12 +1867,8 @@ sub _hash_identifier {
sub get_add_fks_sql {
my ($self, $table, $column_fks) = @_;
my @add;
foreach my $column (keys %$column_fks) {
my $def = $column_fks->{$column};
my $fk_string = $self->get_fk_ddl($table, $column, $def);
push(@add, $fk_string);
my @add = $self->_column_fks_to_ddl($table, $column_fks);
my @sql;
my $alter = "ALTER TABLE $table ADD " . join(', ADD ', @add);
......@@ -1886,6 +1882,17 @@ sub get_add_fks_sql {
return @sql;
sub _column_fks_to_ddl {
my ($self, $table, $column_fks) = @_;
my @ddl;
foreach my $column (keys %$column_fks) {
my $def = $column_fks->{$column};
my $fk_string = $self->get_fk_ddl($table, $column, $def);
push(@ddl, $fk_string);
return @ddl;
sub get_drop_fk_sql {
my ($self, $table, $column, $references) = @_;
my $fk_name = $self->_get_fk_name($table, $column, $references);
......@@ -2051,7 +2058,7 @@ sub _get_create_table_ddl {
push(@col_lines, "\t$field\t" . $self->get_type_ddl($finfo));
if ($self->FK_ON_CREATE and $finfo->{REFERENCES}) {
my $fk = $finfo->{REFERENCES};
my $fk_ddl = "\t" . $self->get_fk_ddl($table, $field, $fk);
my $fk_ddl = $self->get_fk_ddl($table, $field, $fk);
push(@fk_lines, $fk_ddl);
......@@ -2176,7 +2183,8 @@ sub get_alter_column_ddl {
my ($self, $table, $column, $new_def, $set_nulls_to) = @_;
my $self = shift;
my ($table, $column, $new_def, $set_nulls_to) = @_;
my @statements;
my $old_def = $self->get_column_abstract($table, $column);
......@@ -2213,17 +2221,7 @@ sub get_alter_column_ddl {
# If we went from NULL to NOT NULL.
if (!$old_def->{NOTNULL} && $new_def->{NOTNULL}) {
my $setdefault;
# Handle any fields that were NULL before, if we have a default,
$setdefault = $default if defined $default;
# But if we have a set_nulls_to, that overrides the DEFAULT
# (although nobody would usually specify both a default and
# a set_nulls_to.)
$setdefault = $set_nulls_to if defined $set_nulls_to;
if (defined $setdefault) {
push(@statements, "UPDATE $table SET $column = $setdefault"
. " WHERE $column IS NULL");
push(@statements, $self->_set_nulls_sql(@_));
push(@statements, "ALTER TABLE $table ALTER COLUMN $column"
......@@ -2245,6 +2243,23 @@ sub get_alter_column_ddl {
return @statements;
sub _set_nulls_sql {
my ($self, $table, $column, $new_def, $set_nulls_to) = @_;
my $setdefault;
# Handle any fields that were NULL before, if we have a default,
$setdefault = $new_def->{DEFAULT} if defined $new_def->{DEFAULT};
# But if we have a set_nulls_to, that overrides the DEFAULT
# (although nobody would usually specify both a default and
# a set_nulls_to.)
$setdefault = $set_nulls_to if defined $set_nulls_to;
my @sql;
if (defined $setdefault) {
push(@sql, "UPDATE $table SET $column = $setdefault"
. " WHERE $column IS NULL");
return @sql;
sub get_drop_index_ddl {
=item C<get_drop_index_ddl($table, $name)>
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ package Bugzilla::DB::Schema::Sqlite;
use base qw(Bugzilla::DB::Schema);
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Util qw(generate_random_password);
use Storable qw(dclone);
......@@ -64,6 +65,79 @@ sub _initialize {
# General SQLite Schema Helpers #
sub _sqlite_create_table {
my ($self, $table) = @_;
return scalar Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array(
"SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = ? AND type = 'table'",
undef, $table);
# This does most of the "heavy lifting" of the schema-altering functions.
sub _sqlite_alter_schema {
my ($self, $table, $create_table, $options) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $random = generate_random_password(5);
my $rename_to = "${table}_$random";
my @columns = $dbh->bz_table_columns_real($table);
push(@columns, $options->{extra_column}) if $options->{extra_column};
if (my $exclude = $options->{exclude_column}) {
@columns = grep { $_ ne $exclude } @columns;
my @insert_cols = @columns;
my @select_cols = @columns;
if (my $rename = $options->{rename}) {
foreach my $from (keys %$rename) {
my $to = $rename->{$from};
@insert_cols = map { $_ eq $from ? $to : $_ } @insert_cols;
my $insert_str = join(',', @insert_cols);
my $select_str = join(',', @select_cols);
my $copy_sql = "INSERT INTO $table ($insert_str)"
. " SELECT $select_str FROM $rename_to";
# We have to turn FKs off before doing this. Otherwise, when we rename
# the table, all of the FKs in the other tables will be automatically
# updated to point to the renamed table. Note that PRAGMA foreign_keys
# can only be set outside of a transaction--otherwise it is a no-op.
if ($dbh->bz_in_transaction) {
die "can't alter the schema inside of a transaction";
my @sql = (
'PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF',
@{ $options->{pre_sql} || [] },
"ALTER TABLE $table RENAME TO $rename_to",
"DROP TABLE $rename_to",
'PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON',
# For finding a particular column's definition in a CREATE TABLE statement.
sub _sqlite_column_regex {
my ($column) = @_;
# 1 = Comma at start
# 2 = Column name + Space
# 3 = Definition
# 4 = Ending comma
return qr/(^|,)(\s\Q$column\E\s+)(.*?)(,|$)/m;
# Schema Setup & Alteration #
sub get_create_database_sql {
# If we get here, it means there was some error creating the
# database file during bz_create_database in Bugzilla::DB,
......@@ -78,7 +152,7 @@ sub get_type_ddl {
my $def = dclone($_[0]);
my $ddl = $self->SUPER::get_type_ddl(@_);
if ($def->{PRIMARYKEY} and $def->{TYPE} eq 'SERIAL') {
if ($def->{PRIMARYKEY} and $def->{TYPE} =~ /SERIAL/i) {
$ddl =~ s/\bSERIAL\b/integer/;
......@@ -92,4 +166,113 @@ sub get_type_ddl {
return $ddl;
sub get_alter_column_ddl {
my $self = shift;
my ($table, $column, $new_def, $set_nulls_to) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $table_sql = $self->_sqlite_create_table($table);
my $new_ddl = $self->get_type_ddl($new_def);
# When we do ADD COLUMN, columns can show up all on one line separated
# by commas, so we have to account for that.
my $column_regex = _sqlite_column_regex($column);
$table_sql =~ s/$column_regex/$1$2$new_ddl$4/
|| die "couldn't find $column in $table:\n$table_sql";
my @pre_sql = $self->_set_nulls_sql(@_);
return $self->_sqlite_alter_schema($table, $table_sql,
{ pre_sql => \@pre_sql });
sub get_add_column_ddl {
my $self = shift;
my ($table, $column, $definition, $init_value) = @_;
# SQLite can use the normal ADD COLUMN when:
# * The column isn't a PK
if ($definition->{PRIMARYKEY}) {
if ($definition->{NOTNULL} and $definition->{TYPE} !~ /SERIAL/i) {
die "You can only add new SERIAL type PKs with SQLite";
my $table_sql = $self->_sqlite_new_column_sql(@_);
# This works because _sqlite_alter_schema will exclude the new column
# in its INSERT ... SELECT statement, meaning that when the "new"
# table is populated, it will have AUTOINCREMENT values generated
# for it.
return $self->_sqlite_alter_schema($table, $table_sql);
# * The column has a default one way or another. Either it
# defaults to NULL (it lacks NOT NULL) or it has a DEFAULT
# clause. Since we also require this when doing bz_add_column (in
# the way of forcing an init_value for NOT NULL columns with no
# default), we first set the init_value as the default and then
# alter the column.
if ($definition->{NOTNULL} and !defined $definition->{DEFAULT}) {
my %with_default = %$definition;
$with_default{DEFAULT} = $init_value;
my @pre_sql =
$self->SUPER::get_add_column_ddl($table, $column, \%with_default);
my $table_sql = $self->_sqlite_new_column_sql(@_);
return $self->_sqlite_alter_schema($table, $table_sql,
{ pre_sql => \@pre_sql, extra_column => $column });
return $self->SUPER::get_add_column_ddl(@_);
sub _sqlite_new_column_sql {
my ($self, $table, $column, $def) = @_;
my $table_sql = $self->_sqlite_create_table($table);
my $new_ddl = $self->get_type_ddl($def);
my $new_line = "\t$column\t$new_ddl";
$table_sql =~ s/^(CREATE TABLE \w+ \()/$1\n$new_line,/s
|| die "Can't find start of CREATE TABLE:\n$table_sql";
return $table_sql;
sub get_drop_column_ddl {
my ($self, $table, $column) = @_;
my $table_sql = $self->_sqlite_create_table($table);
my $column_regex = _sqlite_column_regex($column);
$table_sql =~ s/$column_regex/$1/
|| die "Can't find column $column: $table_sql";
# Make sure we don't end up with a comma at the end of the definition.
$table_sql =~ s/,\s+\)$/\n)/s;
return $self->_sqlite_alter_schema($table, $table_sql,
{ exclude_column => $column });
sub get_rename_column_ddl {
my ($self, $table, $old_name, $new_name) = @_;
my $table_sql = $self->_sqlite_create_table($table);
my $column_regex = _sqlite_column_regex($old_name);
$table_sql =~ s/$column_regex/$1\t$new_name\t$3$4/
|| die "Can't find $old_name: $table_sql";
my %rename = ($old_name => $new_name);
return $self->_sqlite_alter_schema($table, $table_sql,
{ rename => \%rename });
# Foreign Keys #
sub get_add_fks_sql {
my ($self, $table, $column_fks) = @_;
my @add = $self->_column_fks_to_ddl($table, $column_fks);
my $table_sql = $self->_sqlite_create_table($table);
my $add_lines = join("\n,", @add) . "\n";
$table_sql =~ s/\)$/$add_lines)/s
|| die "Can't find end of CREATE TABLE: $table_sql";
return $self->_sqlite_alter_schema($table, $table_sql);
sub get_drop_fk_sql {
my ($self, $table, $column, $references) = @_;
my $table_sql = $self->_sqlite_create_table($table);
my $fk_name = $self->_get_fk_name($table, $column, $references);
$table_sql =~ s/^\s+CONSTRAINT $fk_name.*?ON DELETE \S+,?$//ms
|| die "Can't find $fk_name: $table_sql";
return $self->_sqlite_alter_schema($table, $table_sql);
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