Commit 8240cb08 authored by's avatar

Bug 345100: Remove obsolete parameters and "officially" turn on custom bug…

Bug 345100: Remove obsolete parameters and "officially" turn on custom bug status workflow - Patch by Fré©ric Buclin <> r=gerv a=justdave
parent 80c5b6fa
......@@ -378,6 +378,11 @@ sub run_create_validators {
($params->{bug_status}, $params->{everconfirmed})
= $class->_check_bug_status($params->{bug_status}, $product);
# Check whether a comment is required on bug creation.
my $vars = {};
$vars->{comment_exists} = ($params->{comment} =~ /\S+/) ? 1 : 0;
Bugzilla::Bug->check_status_change_triggers($params->{bug_status}, [], $vars);
$params->{target_milestone} = $class->_check_target_milestone($product,
......@@ -653,10 +658,6 @@ sub _check_comment {
# Creation-only checks
if (!ref $invocant) {
if (Bugzilla->params->{"commentoncreate"} && !$comment) {
# On creation only, there must be a single-space comment, or
# email will be supressed.
$comment = ' ' if $comment eq '';
......@@ -1588,6 +1589,19 @@ sub check_status_change_triggers {
# 'commentonnone' doesn't exist, so this is safe.
ThrowUserError('comment_required') if Bugzilla->params->{"commenton$action"};
elsif (!scalar(@$bug_ids)) {
# The bug is being created; that's why $bug_ids is undefined.
my $comment_required =
$dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT require_comment
FROM status_workflow
INNER JOIN bug_status
ON id = new_status
WHERE old_status IS NULL
AND value = ?',
undef, $action);
ThrowUserError('description_required') if $comment_required;
else {
my $required_for_transitions =
$dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT DISTINCT bug_status.value
......@@ -1614,6 +1628,10 @@ sub check_status_change_triggers {
# There is no checks for these actions.
return if ($action eq 'none' || $action eq 'clearresolution');
# Also leave now if we are creating a new bug (we only want to check
# if a comment is required on bug creation).
return unless scalar(@$bug_ids);
if ($action eq 'duplicate') {
# You cannot mark bugs as duplicates when changing
# several bugs at once.
......@@ -199,18 +199,16 @@ sub update_params {
my @oldparams;
my %oldparams;
# Remove any old params, put them in old-params.txt
foreach my $item (keys %$param) {
if (!grep($_ eq $item, map ($_->{'name'}, @param_list))) {
local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
push (@oldparams, [$item, Data::Dumper->Dump([$param->{$item}])]);
$oldparams{$item} = $param->{$item};
delete $param->{$item};
if (@oldparams) {
if (scalar(keys %oldparams)) {
my $op_file = new IO::File('old-params.txt', '>>', 0600)
|| die "old-params.txt: $!";
......@@ -218,11 +216,14 @@ sub update_params {
" and so have been\nmoved from your parameters file into",
" old-params.txt:\n";
foreach my $p (@oldparams) {
my ($item, $value) = @$p;
print $op_file "\n\n$item:\n$value\n";
print $item;
print ", " unless $item eq $oldparams[$#oldparams]->[0];
local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
my $comma = "";
foreach my $item (keys %oldparams) {
print $op_file "\n\n$item:\n" . Data::Dumper->Dump([$oldparams{$item}]) . "\n";
print "${comma}$item";
$comma = ", ";
print "\n";
......@@ -250,6 +251,10 @@ sub update_params {
# Return deleted params and values so that has a chance
# to convert old params to new data.
return %oldparams;
sub write_params {
......@@ -59,37 +59,13 @@ sub get_param_list {
name => 'commentoncreate',
type => 'b',
default => 0
name => 'commentonaccept',
type => 'b',
default => 0
name => 'commentonclearresolution',
type => 'b',
default => 0
name => 'commentonconfirm',
type => 'b',
default => 0
name => 'commentonresolve',
type => 'b',
default => 0
name => 'commentonreassign',
name => 'commentonchange_resolution',
type => 'b',
default => 0
......@@ -101,24 +77,6 @@ sub get_param_list {
name => 'commentonreopen',
type => 'b',
default => 0
name => 'commentonverify',
type => 'b',
default => 0
name => 'commentonclose',
type => 'b',
default => 0
name => 'commentonduplicate',
type => 'b',
default => 0
......@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ sub update_fielddefs_definition {
# the purpose of a column.
sub update_table_definitions {
my $old_params = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
......@@ -507,7 +508,7 @@ sub update_table_definitions {
# 2007-05-17 - Bug 344965
# New --TABLE-- changes should go *** A B O V E *** this point #
......@@ -2779,6 +2780,7 @@ sub _fix_uppercase_index_names {
sub _initialize_workflow {
my $old_params = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
if (!$dbh->bz_column_info('bug_status', 'is_open')) {
......@@ -2809,16 +2811,16 @@ sub _initialize_workflow {
my $count = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM status_workflow');
return if $count;
my $create = Bugzilla->params->{'commentoncreate'};
my $confirm = Bugzilla->params->{'commentonconfirm'};
my $accept = Bugzilla->params->{'commentonaccept'};
my $resolve = Bugzilla->params->{'commentonresolve'};
my $verify = Bugzilla->params->{'commentonverify'};
my $close = Bugzilla->params->{'commentonclose'};
my $reopen = Bugzilla->params->{'commentonreopen'};
my $create = $old_params->{'commentoncreate'};
my $confirm = $old_params->{'commentonconfirm'};
my $accept = $old_params->{'commentonaccept'};
my $resolve = $old_params->{'commentonresolve'};
my $verify = $old_params->{'commentonverify'};
my $close = $old_params->{'commentonclose'};
my $reopen = $old_params->{'commentonreopen'};
# This was till recently the only way to get back to NEW for
# confirmed bugs, so we use this parameter here.
my $reassign = Bugzilla->params->{'commentonreassign'};
my $reassign = $old_params->{'commentonreassign'};
# This is the default workflow.
my @workflow = ([undef, 'UNCONFIRMED', $create],
......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ create_htaccess() if $lc_hash->{'create_htaccess'};
# Remove parameters from the params file that no longer exist in Bugzilla,
# and set the defaults for new ones
my %old_params = update_params();
# Pre-compile --TEMPLATE-- code
......@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Bugzilla::Field::populate_field_definitions();
# Update the tables to the current definition --TABLE--
# Bugzilla uses --GROUPS-- to assign various rights to its users.
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ if ($cgi->param('repair_creation_date')) {
WHERE bug_id = ?');
# All bugs have an entry in the 'longdescs' table when they are created,
# even if 'commentoncreate' is turned off.
# even if no comment is required.
my $sth_getDate = $dbh->prepare('SELECT MIN(bug_when) FROM longdescs
WHERE bug_id = ?');
......@@ -75,18 +75,18 @@
can also edit some specific attributes of products such as
<a href="editcomponents.cgi">components</a>, <a href="editversions.cgi">versions</a>
and <a href="editmilestones.cgi">milestones</a> directly.</dd>
<td class="admin_links">
[% class = user.groups.editcomponents ? "" : "forbidden" %]
<dt class="[% class %]"><a href="editflagtypes.cgi">Flags</a></dt>
<dd class="[% class %]">A flag is a custom 4-states attribute of [% terms.bugs %]
and/or attachments. These states are: granted, denied, requested and undefined.
You can set as many flags as desired per [% terms.bug %], and define which users
are allowed to edit them.</dd>
<td class="admin_links">
[% class = user.groups.admin ? "" : "forbidden" %]
<dt class="[% class %]"><a href="editfields.cgi">Custom Fields</a></dt>
<dd class="[% class %]">[% terms.Bugzilla %] lets you define fields which are
......@@ -102,6 +102,11 @@
to some given list. This is also the place where you define legal values for some
types of custom fields.</dd>
<dt class="[% class %]"><a href="editworkflow.cgi">[%terms.Bug %] Status Workflow</a></dt>
<dd class="[% class %]">Customize your workflow and choose initial [% terms.bug %]
statuses available on [% terms.bug %] creation and allowed [% terms.bug %] status
transitions when editing existing [% terms.bugs %].</dd>
[% class = user.groups.creategroups ? "" : "forbidden" %]
<dt class="[% class %]"><a href="editgroups.cgi">Groups</a></dt>
<dd class="[% class %]">Define groups which will be used in the installation.
......@@ -38,36 +38,15 @@
musthavemilestoneonaccept => "If you are using Target Milestone, do you want to require that " _
"the milestone be set in order for a user to ACCEPT a ${terms.bug}?",
commentoncreate => "If this option is on, the user needs to enter a description " _
"when entering a new ${terms.bug}.",
commentonaccept => "If this option is on, the user needs to enter a short comment if " _
"he accepts the ${terms.bug}.",
commentonclearresolution => "If this option is on, the user needs to enter a short comment if " _
"the ${terms.bug}'s resolution is cleared.",
commentonconfirm => "If this option is on, the user needs to enter a short comment " _
"when confirming a ${terms.bug}.",
commentonresolve => "If this option is on, the user needs to enter a short comment if " _
"the $terms.bug is resolved.",
commentonreassign => "If this option is on, the user needs to enter a short comment if " _
"the $terms.bug is reassigned.",
commentonchange_resolution => "If this option is on, the user needs to enter a short " _
"comment if the resolution of the $terms.bug changes.",
commentonreassignbycomponent => "If this option is on, the user needs to enter a short comment if " _
"the $terms.bug is reassigned by component.",
commentonreopen => "If this option is on, the user needs to enter a short comment if " _
"the $terms.bug is reopened.",
commentonverify => "If this option is on, the user needs to enter a short comment if " _
"the $terms.bug is verified.",
commentonclose => "If this option is on, the user needs to enter a short comment if " _
"the $terms.bug is closed.",
commentonduplicate => "If this option is on, the user needs to enter a short comment " _
"if the $terms.bug is marked as duplicate.",
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