Commit 88669f11 authored by's avatar

Bug 134474: The mass-change form in buglist.cgi offers too many groups - Patch…

Bug 134474: The mass-change form in buglist.cgi offers too many groups - Patch by Fré©ric Buclin <> r=wurblzap a=LpSolit
parent 419f1be5
......@@ -345,23 +345,31 @@ sub GetQuip {
return $quip;
# Return groups available for at least one product of the buglist.
sub GetGroups {
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $product_names = shift;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
my %legal_groups;
foreach my $product_name (@$product_names) {
my $product = new Bugzilla::Product({name => $product_name});
foreach my $gid (keys %{$product->group_controls}) {
# The user can only edit groups he belongs to.
next unless $user->in_group_id($gid);
# The user has no control on groups marked as NA or MANDATORY.
my $group = $product->group_controls->{$gid};
next if ($group->{membercontrol} == CONTROLMAPMANDATORY
|| $group->{membercontrol} == CONTROLMAPNA);
# Create an array where each item is a hash. The hash contains
# as keys the name of the columns, which point to the value of
# the columns for that row.
my $grouplist = $user->groups_as_string;
my $groups = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
"SELECT id, name, description, isactive
FROM groups
WHERE id IN ($grouplist)
AND isbuggroup = 1
ORDER BY description "
, {Slice => {}});
return $groups;
# It's fine to include inactive groups. Those will be marked
# as "remove only" when editing several bugs at once.
$legal_groups{$gid} ||= $group->{group};
# Return a list of group objects.
return [values %legal_groups];
......@@ -1166,17 +1174,17 @@ if ($dotweak) {
$vars->{'current_bug_statuses'} = [keys %$bugstatuses];
$vars->{'new_bug_statuses'} = Bugzilla::Status->new_from_list($bug_status_ids);
# The groups to which the user belongs.
$vars->{'groups'} = GetGroups();
# The groups the user belongs to and which are editable for the given buglist.
my @products = keys %$bugproducts;
$vars->{'groups'} = GetGroups(\@products);
# If all bugs being changed are in the same product, the user can change
# their version and component, so generate a list of products, a list of
# versions for the product (if there is only one product on the list of
# products), and a list of components for the product.
$vars->{'bugproducts'} = [ keys %$bugproducts ];
if (scalar(@{$vars->{'bugproducts'}}) == 1) {
my $product = new Bugzilla::Product(
{name => $vars->{'bugproducts'}->[0]});
if (scalar(@products) == 1) {
my $product = new Bugzilla::Product({name => $products[0]});
$vars->{'versions'} = [map($_->name ,@{$product->versions})];
$vars->{'components'} = [map($_->name, @{$product->components})];
$vars->{'targetmilestones'} = [map($_->name, @{$product->milestones})]
......@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
[% IF groups.size > 0 %]
<table border="1">
<th>Don't<br>change<br>this group<br>restriction</th>
......@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
<td align="center">
<input type="radio" name="bit-[% %]" value="0">
[% IF group.isactive %]
[% IF group.is_active %]
<td align="center">
<input type="radio" name="bit-[% %]" value="1">
......@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
[% END %]
[% SET inactive = !group.isactive %]
[% SET inactive = !group.is_active %]
[% group.description FILTER html_light FILTER inactive(inactive) %]
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