Commit 8ac7e6f5 authored by's avatar

Bug 179242 Part 2 - Handle both conditions for the if block

parent 1a4c7d99
......@@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ sub init {
push(@supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs $table ON bugs.bug_id = $table.bug_id AND $table.who IN($list)");
push(@clist, "$table.who",'isnotnull');
} else {
my $table = "longdescs_";
my $table = "longdescs_email_$id";
push(@supptables, "longdescs $table");
push(@wherepart, "$table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
my $ptable = "longdescnames_";
my $ptable = "longdescnames_email_$id";
push(@supptables, "profiles $ptable");
push(@wherepart, "$table.who = $ptable.userid");
push(@clist, "$ptable.login_name", $type, $email);
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