Commit 93065508 authored by's avatar

include error messages for each bug in the exporter's confirmation mail

parent 1765489b
......@@ -555,8 +555,15 @@ for (my $k=1 ; $k <= $bugqty ; $k++) {
"($id, $exporterid, now(), " . SqlQuote($long_description) . ")");
$log .= "Bug $bug_fields{'bug_id'}\@$urlbase imported as bug $id.\n";
if ($err) {
$log .= "The following problems were encountered importing this bug.\n";
$log .= "You may have to set certain fields in the new bug by hand.\n";
$log .= $err;
$log .= "\n\n";
$log .= "\n\n
my $subject = "$bugqty bug(s) successfully moved from $urlbase to "
. Param("urlbase") ;
my @to = ($exporter);
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