Commit 9410caae authored by's avatar

Bug 302599: Saved searches using "days since bug changed" fail with "Can't use…

Bug 302599: Saved searches using "days since bug changed" fail with "Can't use (to_days(now()) - to_days(bugs.delta_ts)) as a field name" error - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <> r=mkanat a=justdave
parent ea20355d
......@@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ sub init {
$f = "setters_$chartid.login_name";
"^changedin," => sub {
"^(changedin|days_elapsed)," => sub {
$f = "(" . $dbh->sql_to_days('NOW()') . " - " .
$dbh->sql_to_days('bugs.delta_ts') . ")";
......@@ -1712,9 +1712,6 @@ AddFDef("attachments.isprivate", "Attachment is private", 0);
AddFDef("target_milestone", "Target Milestone", 0);
AddFDef("creation_ts", "Creation date", 0);
AddFDef("delta_ts", "Last changed date", 0);
AddFDef("(" . $dbh->sql_to_days('NOW()') . " - " .
$dbh->sql_to_days('bugs.delta_ts') . ")",
"Days since bug changed", 0);
AddFDef("longdesc", "Comment", 0);
AddFDef("alias", "Alias", 0);
AddFDef("everconfirmed", "Ever Confirmed", 0);
......@@ -1744,6 +1741,65 @@ $dbh->do("DELETE FROM fielddefs WHERE name='attachments.thedata'");
AddFDef("attach_data.thedata", "Attachment data", 0);
AddFDef("attachments.isurl", "Attachment is a URL", 0);
# 2005-11-13 - Bug 302599
# One of the field names was a fragment of SQL code, which is DB dependent.
# We have to rename it to a real name, which is DB independent.
my $new_field_name = 'days_elapsed';
my $field_description = 'Days since bug changed';
my ($old_field_id, $old_field_name) =
$dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT fieldid, name
FROM fielddefs
WHERE description = ?',
undef, $field_description);
if ($old_field_id && ($old_field_name ne $new_field_name)) {
print "SQL fragment found in the 'fielddefs' table...\n";
print "Old field name: " . $old_field_name . "\n";
# We have to fix saved searches first. Queries have been escaped
# before being saved. We have to do the same here to find them.
$old_field_name = url_quote($old_field_name);
my $broken_named_queries =
$dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT userid, name, query
FROM namedqueries WHERE ' .
$dbh->sql_istrcmp('query', '?', 'LIKE'),
undef, "%=$old_field_name%");
my $sth_UpdateQueries = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE namedqueries SET query = ?
WHERE userid = ? AND name = ?');
print "Fixing saved searches...\n" if scalar(@$broken_named_queries);
foreach my $named_query (@$broken_named_queries) {
my ($userid, $name, $query) = @$named_query;
$query =~ s/=\Q$old_field_name\E(&|$)/=$new_field_name$1/gi;
$sth_UpdateQueries->execute($query, $userid, $name);
# We now do the same with saved chart series.
my $broken_series =
$dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT series_id, query
FROM series WHERE ' .
$dbh->sql_istrcmp('query', '?', 'LIKE'),
undef, "%=$old_field_name%");
my $sth_UpdateSeries = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE series SET query = ?
WHERE series_id = ?');
print "Fixing saved chart series...\n" if scalar(@$broken_series);
foreach my $series (@$broken_series) {
my ($series_id, $query) = @$series;
$query =~ s/=\Q$old_field_name\E(&|$)/=$new_field_name$1/gi;
$sth_UpdateSeries->execute($query, $series_id);
# Now that saved searches have been fixed, we can fix the field name.
print "Fixing the 'fielddefs' table...\n";
print "New field name: " . $new_field_name . "\n";
$dbh->do('UPDATE fielddefs SET name = ? WHERE fieldid = ?',
undef, ($new_field_name, $old_field_id));
AddFDef($new_field_name, $field_description, 0);
# Detect changed local settings
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