Commit 9fc653d6 authored by's avatar

The "Show list" link that is supposed to quickly get you back to the

list of bugs you queried for was busted.
parent 2ecbc5b2
......@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ query. You will have to start over at the <A HREF="query.cgi">query page</A>.
my @list = split(/:/, $::COOKIE{'BUGLIST'});
$::MFORM{'bug_id'} = \@list;
$::FORM{'bug_id'} = join('', $::MFORM{'bug_id'});
$::FORM{'bug_id'} = join(',', @list);
if (!$::FORM{'order'}) {
$::FORM{'order'} = 'reuse last sort';
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