Commit a2005592 authored by's avatar

Bug 346212: Create POD for, and move --help message into Pod::Usage output

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> (module owner) a=myk
parent 6963781b
......@@ -35,94 +35,176 @@
# Lance Larsh <>
# A. Karl Kornel <>
# Marc Schumann <>
# Hey, what's this?
# '' is a script that is supposed to run during installation
# time and also after every upgrade.
# The goal of this script is to make the installation even easier.
# It does this by doing things for you as well as testing for problems
# in advance.
# You can run the script whenever you like. You SHOULD run it after
# you update Bugzilla, because it may then update your SQL table
# definitions to resync them with the code.
# Currently, this module does the following:
# - check for required perl modules
# - set defaults for local configuration variables
# - create and populate the data directory after installation
# - set the proper rights for the *.cgi, *.html, etc. files
# - verify that the code can access the database server
# - creates the database 'bugs' if it does not exist
# - creates the tables inside the database if they don't exist
# - automatically changes the table definitions if they are from
# an older version of Bugzilla
# - populates the groups
# - put the first user into all groups so that the system can
# be administrated
# - changes preexisting SQL tables if you change your local
# settings, e.g. when you add a new platform
# - ... and a whole lot more.
# There should be no need for Bugzilla Administrators to modify
# this script; all user-configurable stuff has been moved
# into a local configuration file called 'localconfig'. When that file
# in changed and '' is run, then the user's changes
# will be reflected back into the database.
# Developers, however, have to modify this file at various places. To
# make this easier, there are some special tags for which one
# can search.
# To Search for
# add/delete local configuration variables --LOCAL--
# check for more required modules --MODULES--
# add more database-related checks --DATABASE--
# change the defaults for local configuration vars --DATA--
# update the assigned file permissions --CHMOD--
# change table definitions --TABLE--
# add more groups --GROUPS--
# add user-adjustable settings --SETTINGS--
# create initial administrator account --ADMIN--
# Note: sometimes those special comments occur more than once. For
# example, --LOCAL-- is used at least 3 times in this code! --TABLE--
# is also used more than once, so search for each and every occurrence!
# To operate checksetup non-interactively, run it with a single argument
# specifying a filename that contains the information usually obtained by
# prompting the user or by editing localconfig.
# The format of that file is as follows:
# $answer{'db_host'} = q[
# $db_host = 'localhost';
# $db_driver = 'mydbdriver';
# $db_port = 3306;
# $db_name = 'mydbname';
# $db_user = 'mydbuser';
# ];
# $answer{'db_pass'} = q[$db_pass = 'mydbpass';];
# $answer{'ADMIN_OK'} = 'Y';
# $answer{'ADMIN_EMAIL'} = '';
# $answer{'ADMIN_PASSWORD'} = 'fooey';
# $answer{'ADMIN_REALNAME'} = 'Joel Peshkin';
# $answer{'SMTP_SERVER'} = '';
# Note: Only information that supersedes defaults from LocalVar()
# function calls needs to be specified in this file.
=head1 NAME - A do-it-all upgrade and installation script for Bugzilla.
./ [--help|--check-modules]
./ [SCRIPT [--verbose]] [--no-templates|-t]
=head1 OPTIONS
=item F<SCRIPT>
Name of script to drive non-interactive mode. This script should
define an C<%answer> hash whose keys are variable names and the
values answers to all the questions asks. For details
on the format of this script, do C<perldoc> and look for
=item B<--help>
Display this help text
=item B<--check-modules>
Only check for correct module dependencies and quit afterward.
=item B<--no-templates> (B<-t>)
Don't compile the templates at all. Existing compiled templates will
remain; missing compiled templates will not be created. (Used primarily
by developers to speed up checksetup.) Use this switch at your own risk.
=item B<--verbose>
Output results of SCRIPT being processed.
Hey, what's this?
F<> is a script that is supposed to run during
installation time and also after every upgrade.
The goal of this script is to make the installation even easier.
It does this by doing things for you as well as testing for problems
in advance.
You can run the script whenever you like. You SHOULD run it after
you update Bugzilla, because it may then update your SQL table
definitions to resync them with the code.
Currently, this script does the following:
=item *
Check for required perl modules
=item *
Set defaults for local configuration variables
=item *
Create and populate the F<data> directory after installation
=item *
Set the proper rights for the F<*.cgi>, F<*.html>, etc. files
=item *
Verify that the code can access the database server
=item *
Creates the database C<bugs> if it does not exist
=item *
Creates the tables inside the database if they don't exist
=item *
Automatically changes the table definitions if they are from
an older version of Bugzilla
=item *
Populates the groups
=item *
Puts the first user into all groups so that the system can
be administered
=item *
...And a whole lot more.
There should be no need for Bugzilla Administrators to modify
this script; all user-configurable stuff has been moved
into a local configuration file called F<localconfig>. When that file
in changed and F<> is run, then the user's changes
will be reflected back into the database.
Developers, however, have to modify this file at various places. To
make this easier, there are some special tags for which one
can search.
To Search for
add/delete local configuration variables --LOCAL--
check for more required modules --MODULES--
add more database-related checks --DATABASE--
change the defaults for local configuration vars --DATA--
update the assigned file permissions --CHMOD--
change table definitions --TABLE--
add more groups --GROUPS--
add user-adjustable settings --SETTINGS--
create initial administrator account --ADMIN--
Note: sometimes those special comments occur more than once. For
example, C<--LOCAL--> is used at least 3 times in this code! C<--TABLE-->
is also used more than once, so search for each and every occurrence!
To operate checksetup non-interactively, run it with a single argument
specifying a filename that contains the information usually obtained by
prompting the user or by editing localconfig.
The format of that file is as follows:
$answer{'db_host'} = q[
$db_host = 'localhost';
$db_driver = 'mydbdriver';
$db_port = 3306;
$db_name = 'mydbname';
$db_user = 'mydbuser';
$answer{'db_pass'} = q[$db_pass = 'mydbpass';];
$answer{'ADMIN_OK'} = 'Y';
$answer{'ADMIN_EMAIL'} = '';
$answer{'ADMIN_PASSWORD'} = 'fooey';
$answer{'ADMIN_REALNAME'} = 'Joel Peshkin';
$answer{'SMTP_SERVER'} = '';
Note: Only information that supersedes defaults from C<LocalVar()>
function calls needs to be specified in this file.
=head1 SEE ALSO
use strict;
......@@ -154,35 +236,9 @@ BEGIN {
# Check for help request. Display help page if --help/-h/-? was passed.
use Pod::Usage;
my $help = grep(/^--help$/, @ARGV) || grep (/^-h$/, @ARGV) || grep (/^-\?$/, @ARGV) || 0;
help_page() if $help;
sub help_page {
my $programname = $0;
$programname =~ s#^\./##;
print "$programname - checks your setup and updates your Bugzilla installation\n";
printf "Version: " . BUGZILLA_VERSION . " on perl %vd\n", $^V;
print "\nUsage: $programname [SCRIPT [--verbose]] [--check-modules|--help]\n";
print " [--no-templates]\n";
print "\n";
print " --help Display this help text.\n";
print " --check-modules Only check for correct module dependencies and quit thereafter;\n";
print " does not perform any changes.\n";
print " --no-templates (-t) Don't compile the templates at all. Existing\n";
print " compiled templates will remain; missing compiled\n";
print " templates will not be created. (Used primarily by\n";
print " developers to speed up checksetup.) Use this\n";
print " switch at your own risk.\n";
print " SCRIPT Name of script to drive non-interactive mode.\n";
print " This script should define an \%answer hash whose\n";
print " keys are variable names and the values answers to\n";
print " all the questions asks.\n";
print " (See comments at top of $programname for more info.)\n";
print " --verbose Output results of SCRIPT being processed.\n";
print "\n";
exit 1;
pod2usage({-verbose => 1, -exitval => 1}) if $help;
# Non-interactive override. Pass a filename on the command line which is
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