Commit a54149e0 authored by's avatar

Bug 389845: Remove setup.cgi from Bugzilla (no web-based installation)

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=LpSolit, a=mkanat
parent 3ee9b0a2
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ package Bugzilla::Install::Requirements;
use strict;
use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(vers_cmp install_string is_web);
use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(vers_cmp install_string);
use List::Util qw(max);
use Safe;
......@@ -513,22 +513,9 @@ sub have_vers {
my $black_string = $blacklisted ? install_string('blacklisted') : '';
my $want_string = $wanted ? "v$wanted" : install_string('any');
# It's impossible to do the printf formatting in the install_string
# system, so we do it manually below.
if (is_web()) {
print install_string('module_details',
{ package => $package,
wanted => $want_string,
found => $vstr,
ok => $ok,
blacklisted => $black_string,
row_class => $vok ? 'mod_ok' : 'mod_not_ok' });
else {
$ok = "$ok:" if $ok;
printf "%s %19s %-9s $ok $vstr $black_string\n",
install_string('checking_for'), $package, "($want_string)";
$ok = "$ok:" if $ok;
printf "%s %19s %-9s $ok $vstr $black_string\n",
install_string('checking_for'), $package, "($want_string)";
return $vok ? 1 : 0;
......@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
......@@ -79,8 +78,6 @@ sub install_string {
# Find the first template that defines this string.
foreach my $dir (@$path) {
my $base = "$dir/setup/strings";
$string_template = _get_string_from_file($string_id, "$")
if is_web();
$string_template = _get_string_from_file($string_id, "$")
if !defined $string_template;
last if defined $string_template;
......@@ -237,23 +234,6 @@ sub vers_cmp {
# Helper Subroutines #
# Tells us if we're running in a web interface (Usually, this means
# we're running in setup.cgi as opposed to, but sometimes
# this function *might* get called from within normal Bugzilla code.)
sub is_web {
# When this is called, we may or may not have all of our required
# perl modules installed.
# The way this is written works for all of these circumstances:
# * We're in, before and after requirements-checking
# * We're in setup.cgi, before and after requirements-checking
# * We're in, the WebService interface, or something else
# (That's primarily what the "return 0" check below is for.)
my $usage_mode = eval { Bugzilla->usage_mode };
return 0 if (defined $usage_mode && $usage_mode != USAGE_MODE_BROWSER);
return i_am_cgi();
# Used by install_string
sub _get_string_from_file {
my ($string_id, $file) = @_;
......@@ -336,12 +316,6 @@ sub is_tainted {
return not eval { my $foo = join('',@_), kill 0; 1; };
sub i_am_cgi {
# I use SERVER_SOFTWARE because it's required to be
# defined for all requests in the CGI spec.
return exists $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'} ? 1 : 0;
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