Bug 221460: perl syncronisation script for ldap (contrib)

Contributed by Andreas Höfler <andreas.hoefler@bearingpoint.com> a= justdave
parent da857afa
...@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ Things in here have not necessarily been tested or tried by anyone ...@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ Things in here have not necessarily been tested or tried by anyone
except the original contributor, so tred carefully. But it may still except the original contributor, so tred carefully. But it may still
be useful to you. be useful to you.
This file is encoded in UTF8 for purposes of contributor names.
This directory includes: This directory includes:
bug-bugzilla/ -- A standalone bug submission script. bug-bugzilla/ -- A standalone bug submission script.
...@@ -29,3 +31,11 @@ bugzilla_ldapsync.rb -- Script you can run via cron that queries an LDAP ...@@ -29,3 +31,11 @@ bugzilla_ldapsync.rb -- Script you can run via cron that queries an LDAP
for. Will optionally disable Bugzilla users with for. Will optionally disable Bugzilla users with
no matching LDAP record. Contributed by Thomas no matching LDAP record. Contributed by Thomas
Stromberg <thomas+bugzilla@stromberg.org> Stromberg <thomas+bugzilla@stromberg.org>
syncLDAP.pl -- Script you can run via cron that queries an LDAP
server for users and e-mail addresses and adds
missing users to Bugzilla. Can disable/update
non-existing/changed information. Contributed by
Andreas Höfler <andreas.hoefler@bearingpoint.com>
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the LDAP to Bugzilla User Sync Tool.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Andreas Hfler.
# Portions created by Andreas Hfler are Copyright (C) 2003
# Andreas Hfler. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Andreas Hfler <andreas.hoefler@bearingpoint.com>
use strict;
require "CGI.pl";
use lib qw(.);
use Net::LDAP;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
my $readonly = 0;
my $nodisable = 0;
my $noupdate = 0;
my $nocreate = 0;
my $quiet = 0;
# Do some preparations
foreach my $arg (@ARGV)
if($arg eq '-r') {
$readonly = 1;
elsif($arg eq '-d') {
$nodisable = 1;
elsif($arg eq '-u') {
$noupdate = 1;
elsif($arg eq '-c') {
$nocreate = 1;
elsif($arg eq '-q') {
$quiet = 1;
else {
print "LDAP Sync Script\n";
print "Syncronizes the users table from the LDAP server with the Bugzilla users.\n";
print "Takes mail-attribute from preferences and description from 'cn' or,\n";
print "if not available, from the uid-attribute.\n\n";
print "usage:\n syncLDAP.pl [options]\n\n";
print "options:\n";
print " -r Readonly, do not make changes to Bugzilla tables\n";
print " -d No disable, don't disable users, which are not in LDAP\n";
print " -u No update, don't update users, which have different description in LDAP\n";
print " -c No create, don't create users, which are in LDAP but not in Bugzilla\n";
print " -q Quiet mode, give less output\n";
print "\n";
my %bugzilla_users;
my %ldap_users;
# Get current bugzilla users
SendSQL("SELECT login_name, realname, disabledtext " .
"FROM profiles" );
while (MoreSQLData()) {
my ($login_name, $realname, $disabledtext)
= FetchSQLData();
# remove whitespaces
$realname =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$bugzilla_users{$login_name} = { realname => $realname,
new_login_name => $login_name,
disabledtext => $disabledtext };
# Get current LDAP users
my $LDAPserver = Param("LDAPserver");
if ($LDAPserver eq "") {
print "No LDAP server defined in bugzilla preferences.\n";
my $LDAPport = "389"; # default LDAP port
if($LDAPserver =~ /:/) {
($LDAPserver, $LDAPport) = split(":",$LDAPserver);
my $LDAPconn = Net::LDAP->new($LDAPserver, port => $LDAPport, version => 3);
if(!$LDAPconn) {
print "Connecting to LDAP server failed. Check LDAPserver setting.\n";
my $mesg;
if (Param("LDAPbinddn")) {
my ($LDAPbinddn,$LDAPbindpass) = split(":",Param("LDAPbinddn"));
$mesg = $LDAPconn->bind($LDAPbinddn, password => $LDAPbindpass);
else {
$mesg = $LDAPconn->bind();
if($mesg->code) {
print "Binding to LDAP server failed: " . $mesg->error . "\nCheck LDAPbinddn setting.\n";
# We've got our anonymous bind; let's look up the users.
$mesg = $LDAPconn->search( base => Param("LDAPBaseDN"),
scope => "sub",
filter => '(&(' . Param("LDAPuidattribute") . "=*)" . Param("LDAPfilter") . ')',
if(! $mesg->count) {
print "LDAP lookup failure. Check LDAPBaseDN setting.\n";
my $val = $mesg->as_struct;
while( my ($key, $value) = each(%$val) ) {
my $login_name = @$value{Param("LDAPmailattribute")};
my $realname = @$value{"cn"};
# no mail entered? go to next
if(! defined $login_name) {
print "$key has no valid mail address\n";
# no cn entered? use uid instead
if(! defined $realname) {
$realname = @$value{Param("LDAPuidattribute")};
my $login = shift @$login_name;
my $real = shift @$realname;
$ldap_users{$login} = { realname => $real };
print "\n" unless $quiet;
# Sort the users into disable/update/create-Lists and display everything
my %disable_users;
my %update_users;
my %create_users;
print "Bugzilla-Users: \n" unless $quiet;
while( my ($key, $value) = each(%bugzilla_users) ) {
print " " . $key . " '" . @$value{'realname'} . "' " . @$value{'disabledtext'} ."\n" unless $quiet==1;
if(!exists $ldap_users{$key}){
if(@$value{'disabledtext'} eq '') {
$disable_users{$key} = $value;
print "\nLDAP-Users: \n" unless $quiet;
while( my ($key, $value) = each(%ldap_users) ) {
print " " . $key . " '" . @$value{'realname'} . "'\n" unless $quiet==1;
if(!exists $bugzilla_users{$key}){
$create_users{$key} = $value;
else {
my $bugzilla_user_value = $bugzilla_users{$key};
if(@$bugzilla_user_value{'realname'} ne @$value{'realname'}) {
$update_users{$key} = $value;
print "\nDetecting email changes: \n" unless $quiet;
while( my ($create_key, $create_value) = each(%create_users) ) {
while( my ($disable_key, $disable_value) = each(%disable_users) ) {
if(@$create_value{'realname'} eq @$disable_value{'realname'}) {
print " " . $disable_key . " => " . $create_key ."'\n" unless $quiet==1;
$update_users{$disable_key} = { realname => @$create_value{'realname'},
new_login_name => $create_key };
delete $create_users{$create_key};
delete $disable_users{$disable_key};
if($quiet == 0) {
print "\nUsers to disable: \n";
while( my ($key, $value) = each(%disable_users) ) {
print " " . $key . " '" . @$value{'realname'} . "'\n";
print "\nUsers to update: \n";
while( my ($key, $value) = each(%update_users) ) {
print " " . $key . " '" . @$value{'realname'} . "' ";
if(defined @$value{'new_login_name'}) {
print "has changed email to " . @$value{'new_login_name'};
print "\n";
print "\nUsers to create: \n";
while( my ($key, $value) = each(%create_users) ) {
print " " . $key . " '" . @$value{'realname'} . "'\n";
print "\n\n";
# now do the DB-Update
if($readonly == 0) {
print "Performing DB update:\nPhase 1: disabling not-existing users... " unless $quiet;
if($nodisable == 0) {
while( my ($key, $value) = each(%disable_users) ) {
SendSQL("UPDATE profiles SET disabledtext = 'auto-disabled by ldap sync' WHERE login_name='$key'" );
print "done!\n" unless $quiet;
else {
print "disabled!\n" unless $quiet;
print "Phase 2: updating existing users... " unless $quiet;
if($noupdate == 0) {
while( my ($key, $value) = each(%update_users) ) {
if(defined @$value{'new_login_name'}) {
SendSQL("UPDATE profiles SET login_name = '" . @$value{'new_login_name'} . "' WHERE login_name='$key'" );
} else {
SendSQL("UPDATE profiles SET realname = '" . @$value{'realname'} . "' WHERE login_name='$key'" );
print "done!\n" unless $quiet;
else {
print "disabled!\n" unless $quiet;
print "Phase 3: creating new users... " unless $quiet;
if($nocreate == 0) {
while( my ($key, $value) = each(%create_users) ) {
SendSQL("INSERT INTO profiles VALUES ('',
'" . @$value{'realname'} . "',
print "done!\n" unless $quiet;
else {
print "disabled!\n" unless $quiet;
print "No changes to DB because readonly mode\n" unless $quiet;
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