Commit a8df8cfd authored by's avatar

Fix duplicates table check; make sure we create graphs directory.

parent 6fb4c1bb
......@@ -1784,14 +1784,13 @@ if (!($sth->fetchrow_arrayref()->[0])) {
# 2000-12-14 New graphing system requires a directory to put the graphs in
# How do we make the new directory owned by the webserver's group? Until
# we find out, make it 0777.
# This code copied from what happens for the 'data' dir above.
unless (-d 'graphs') {
print "Creating graphs directory ...\n";
mkdir 'graphs', 0777; # was 0770 in the code (above) I pinched this from
mkdir 'graphs', 0770;
if ($::webservergroup eq "") {
chmod 0777, 'graphs';
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