Commit aae01c43 authored by's avatar

Landing fix for keyword column handling--bug #39647

parent 2a5ba50f
......@@ -803,14 +803,14 @@ DefCol("summary", "substring(bugs.short_desc, 1, 60)", "Summary", "", 1);
DefCol("summaryfull", "bugs.short_desc", "Summary", "", 1);
DefCol("status_whiteboard", "bugs.status_whiteboard", "StatusSummary", "bugs.status_whiteboard", 1);
DefCol("component", "substring(bugs.component, 1, 8)", "Comp",
DefCol("product", "substring(bugs.product, 1, 8)", "Product", "bugs.product");
DefCol("version", "substring(bugs.version, 1, 5)", "Vers", "bugs.version");
DefCol("os", "substring(bugs.op_sys, 1, 4)", "OS", "bugs.op_sys");
DefCol("target_milestone", "bugs.target_milestone", "TargetM",
DefCol("votes", "bugs.votes", "Votes", "bugs.votes desc");
DefCol("keywords", "bugs.keywords", "Keywords", "bugs.keywords");
DefCol("keywords", "bugs.keywords", "Keywords", "bugs.keywords", 5);
my @collist;
if (defined $::COOKIE{'COLUMNLIST'}) {
......@@ -978,8 +978,10 @@ my @th;
foreach my $c (@collist) {
if (exists $::needquote{$c}) {
my $h = "";
if ($::needquote{$c}) {
if ($::needquote{$c} == 1) {
$h .= "<TH WIDTH=100%>";
} elsif ($::needquote{$c} == 5) {
$h .= "<TH>";
} else {
$h .= "<TH>";
......@@ -1099,11 +1101,12 @@ while (@row = FetchSQLData()) {
if ($c eq "owner") {
$ownerhash{$value} = 1;
if ($::needquote{$c}) {
if ($::needquote{$c} || $::needquote{$c} == 5) {
$value = html_quote($value);
} else {
$value = "<nobr>$value</nobr>";
pnl "<td class=$c>$value";
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