Commit b4e1dbdc authored by Frédéric Buclin's avatar Frédéric Buclin

Bug 703788: Improve performance of diff_arrays() with large arrays

parent 8e99c55e
......@@ -305,36 +305,39 @@ sub use_attachbase {
sub diff_arrays {
my ($old_ref, $new_ref, $attrib) = @_;
my @old = @$old_ref;
my @new = @$new_ref;
$attrib ||= 'name';
# For each pair of (old, new) entries:
# If object arrays were passed then an attribute should be defined;
# If they're equal, set them to empty. When done, @old contains entries
# that were removed; @new contains ones that got added.
foreach my $oldv (@old) {
foreach my $newv (@new) {
next if ($newv eq '' or $oldv eq '');
if (blessed($oldv) and blessed($newv)) {
if ($oldv->$attrib eq $newv->$attrib) {
$newv = $oldv = '';
else {
if ($oldv eq $newv) {
$newv = $oldv = ''
my (%counts, %pos);
# We are going to alter the old array.
my @old = @$old_ref;
my $i = 0;
# $counts{foo}-- means old, $counts{foo}++ means new.
# If $counts{foo} becomes positive, then we are adding new items,
# else we simply cancel one old existing item. Remaining items
# in the old list have been removed.
foreach (@old) {
next unless defined $_;
my $value = blessed($_) ? $_->$attrib : $_;
push @{$pos{$value}}, $i++;
my @removed;
my @added;
@removed = grep { $_ ne '' } @old;
@added = grep { $_ ne '' } @new;
foreach (@$new_ref) {
next unless defined $_;
my $value = blessed($_) ? $_->$attrib : $_;
if (++$counts{$value} > 0) {
# Ignore empty strings, but objects having an empty string
# as attribute are fine.
push(@added, $_) unless ($value eq '' && !blessed($_));
else {
my $old_pos = shift @{$pos{$value}};
$old[$old_pos] = undef;
# Ignore cancelled items as well as empty strings.
my @removed = grep { defined $_ && $_ ne '' } @old;
return (\@removed, \@added);
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
# Contributor(s): Zach Lipton <>
# Max Kanat-Alexander <>
# Frédéric Buclin <>
#Bugzilla Test 7#
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
use lib 't';
use Support::Files;
use Test::More tests => 13;
use Test::More tests => 15;
......@@ -72,3 +72,16 @@ foreach my $input (keys %email_strings) {
is(Bugzilla::Util::email_filter($input), $email_strings{$input},
# diff_arrays():
my @old_array = qw(alpha beta alpha gamma gamma beta alpha delta epsilon gamma);
my @new_array = qw(alpha alpha beta gamma epsilon delta beta delta);
# The order is not relevant when comparing both arrays for matching items,
# i.e. (foo bar) and (bar foo) are the same arrays (same items).
# But when returning data, we try to respect the initial order.
# We remove the leftmost items first, and return what's left. This means:
# Removed (in this order): gamma alpha gamma.
# Added (in this order): delta
my ($removed, $added) = diff_arrays(\@old_array, \@new_array);
is_deeply($removed, [qw(gamma alpha gamma)], 'diff_array(\@old, \@new) (check removal)');
is_deeply($added, [qw(delta)], 'diff_array(\@old, \@new) (check addition)');
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