Commit b8566e4d authored by Max Kanat-Alexander's avatar Max Kanat-Alexander

Bug 632718: Only return 500 search results unless the user specifically

requests to see more. r=dkl, a=mkanat
parent e81b9d51
......@@ -74,6 +74,13 @@ sub get_param_list {
name => 'default_search_limit',
type => 't',
default => '500',
checker => \&check_numeric
name => 'max_search_results',
type => 't',
default => '10000',
......@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ sub _sql_limit {
$limit = $max_results;
if (defined $offset and not defined $limit) {
if (defined($offset) && !$limit) {
$limit = INT_MAX;
if (defined $limit) {
......@@ -776,6 +776,14 @@ if ($fulltext and grep { /^relevance/ } @orderstrings) {
$vars->{'message'} = 'buglist_sorted_by_relevance'
# In the HTML interface, by default, we limit the returned results,
# which speeds up quite a few searches where people are really only looking
# for the top results.
if ($format->{'extension'} eq 'html' && !defined $cgi->param('limit')) {
$params->param('limit', Bugzilla->params->{'default_search_limit'});
$vars->{'default_limited'} = 1;
# Generate the basic SQL query that will be used to generate the bug list.
my $search = new Bugzilla::Search('fields' => \@selectcolumns,
'params' => scalar $params->Vars,
......@@ -783,6 +791,9 @@ my $search = new Bugzilla::Search('fields' => \@selectcolumns,
my $query = $search->sql;
$vars->{'search_description'} = $search->search_description;
# We don't want saved searches and other buglist things to save
# our default limit.
$params->delete('limit') if $vars->{'default_limited'};
# Query Execution
......@@ -55,9 +55,18 @@
"Whether to allow a search on the 'Simple Search' page with an empty"
_ " 'Words' field.",
default_search_limit =>
"By default, $terms.Bugzilla limits searches done in the web"
_ " interface to returning only this many results, for performance"
_ " reasons. (This only affects the HTML format of search results--CSV,"
_ " XML, and other formats are exempted.) Users can click a link on the"
_ " search result page to see all the results."
_ "<p>Usually you should not have to change this--the default value"
_ " should be acceptable for almost most installations.</p>",
max_search_results =>
"The maximum number of $terms.bugs that a search can"
_ " <strong>ever</strong> return. Tabular and graphical reports"
_ " are exempted from this limit, however."
_ " are exempted from this limit, however.",
} %]
......@@ -110,9 +110,7 @@
[% IF bugs.size > 9 %]
<span class="bz_result_count">
[% bugs.size %] [%+ terms.bugs %] found.
[% PROCESS num_results %]
[% END %]
......@@ -134,15 +132,7 @@
[%# Succeeding Status Line #%]
<span class="bz_result_count">
[% IF bugs.size == 0 %]
<span class="zero_results">[% terms.zeroSearchResults %].</span>
[% ELSIF bugs.size == 1 %]
One [% terms.bug %] found.
[% ELSE %]
[% bugs.size %] [%+ terms.bugs %] found.
[% END %]
[% PROCESS num_results %]
[% IF bugs.size == 0 %]
<ul class="zero_result_links">
......@@ -274,6 +264,10 @@
[% PROCESS global/footer.html.tmpl %]
[%# Blocks #%]
[% BLOCK edit_search_url %]
[% editqueryname = searchname OR defaultsavename OR '' %]
query.cgi?[% urlquerypart FILTER html %]
......@@ -291,3 +285,21 @@
in the "[% FILTER html %]" product
[% END %]</a>
[% END %]
[% BLOCK num_results %]
<span class="bz_result_count">
[% IF bugs.size == 0 %]
<span class="zero_results">[% terms.zeroSearchResults %].</span>
[% ELSIF default_limited AND bugs.size >= Param('default_search_limit') %]
This result was limited to [% Param('default_search_limit') FILTER html %]
[%+ terms.bugs %].
<a href="buglist.cgi?[% urlquerypart FILTER html %]
[%- "&order=$qorder" FILTER html IF order %]&limit=0">See
all search results for this query</a>.
[% ELSIF bugs.size == 1 %]
One [% terms.bug %] found.
[% ELSE %]
[% bugs.size %] [%+ terms.bugs %] found.
[% END %]
[% END %]
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