Commit bcb60f70 authored by's avatar

Fix for bug 52885: automatic radio selection for reassign shouldn't

trigger if new text is same as original owner or empty. Patch by Christopher Aillon ( R=Bradley Baetz ( No 2nd review needed.
parent 3d758ec0
......@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ if ($canedit || $::userid == $assignedtoid ||
Resolve bug, mark it as duplicate of bug #
<INPUT NAME=dup_id SIZE=6 ONCHANGE=\"document.changeform.knob\[$knum\].checked=true\"><br>\n";
my $assign_element = "<INPUT NAME=\"assigned_to\" SIZE=32 ONCHANGE=\"document.changeform.knob\[$knum\].checked=true\" VALUE=\"$bug{'assigned_to_email'}\">";
my $assign_element = "<INPUT NAME=\"assigned_to\" SIZE=32 ONCHANGE=\"if ((this.value != ".SqlQuote($bug{'assigned_to_email'}) .") && (this.value != '')) { document.changeform.knob\[$knum\].checked=true; }\" VALUE=\"$bug{'assigned_to_email'}\">";
print "<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=reassign>
<A HREF=\"bug_status.html#assigned_to\">Reassign</A> bug to
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