Bug 179293 - time tracking js should only appear if time tracking is

enabled patch by Jeff Hedlund <jeff.hedlund@matrixsi.com> r=bbaetz, a=justdave
parent 59006d0d
......@@ -34,27 +34,29 @@
[% PROCESS bug/navigate.html.tmpl %]
[% PROCESS bug/time.html.tmpl %]
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
var fRemainingTime = [% bug.remaining_time %]; // holds the original value
function adjustRemainingTime() {
// subtracts time spent from remaining time
var new_time;
new_time =
fRemainingTime - document.changeform.work_time.value;
// get upto 2 decimal places
document.changeform.remaining_time.value =
Math.round(new_time * 100)/100;
function updateRemainingTime() {
// if the remaining time is changed manually, update fRemainingTime
fRemainingTime = document.changeform.remaining_time.value;
[% IF UserInGroup(Param('timetrackinggroup')) %]
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
var fRemainingTime = [% bug.remaining_time %]; // holds the original value
function adjustRemainingTime() {
// subtracts time spent from remaining time
var new_time;
new_time =
fRemainingTime - document.changeform.work_time.value;
// get upto 2 decimal places
document.changeform.remaining_time.value =
Math.round(new_time * 100)/100;
function updateRemainingTime() {
// if the remaining time is changed manually, update fRemainingTime
fRemainingTime = document.changeform.remaining_time.value;
[% END %]
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