Commit c271e309 authored by's avatar

Fix for bug 86300 - If a bug didn't exist and GetBugLink() tried to create a…

Fix for bug 86300 - If a bug didn't exist and GetBugLink() tried to create a tooltip for it, you'd get uninitialized variables warnings in your error log. This path also introduces a cache so if the same bug # is mentioned more than once during the same running of the script, it only has to query the database once. r= mattyt, gerv
parent 919d42e2
......@@ -1060,42 +1060,61 @@ sub quoteUrls {
sub GetBugLink {
my ($bug_num, $link_text) = (@_);
my ($link_return) = "";
detaint_natural($bug_num) || die "GetBugLink() called with non-integer bug number";
# If we've run GetBugLink() for this bug number before, %::buglink
# will contain an anonymous array ref of relevent values, if not
# we need to get the information from the database.
if (! defined $::buglink{$bug_num}) {
# Make sure any unfetched data from a currently running query
# is saved off rather than overwritten
# TODO - Add caching capabilites... possibly use a global variable in the form
# of $buglink{$bug_num} that contains the text returned by this sub. If that
# variable is defined, simply return it's value rather than running the SQL
# query. This would cut down on the number of SQL calls when the same bug is
# referenced multiple times.
# Make sure any unfetched data from a currently running query
# is saved off rather than overwritten
# Get this bug's info from the SQL Database
SendSQL("select bugs.bug_status, resolution, short_desc, groupset
from bugs where bugs.bug_id = $bug_num");
my ($bug_stat, $bug_res, $bug_desc, $bug_grp) = (FetchSQLData());
# Format the retrieved information into a link
if ($bug_stat eq "UNCONFIRMED") { $link_return .= "<i>" }
if ($bug_res ne "") { $link_return .= "<strike>" }
$bug_desc = value_quote($bug_desc);
$link_text = value_quote($link_text);
$link_return .= qq{<a href="show_bug.cgi?id=$bug_num" title="$bug_stat};
if ($bug_res ne "") {$link_return .= " $bug_res"}
if ($bug_grp == 0 || CanSeeBug($bug_num, $::userid, $::usergroupset)) {
$link_return .= " - $bug_desc";
$link_return .= qq{">$link_text</a>};
if ($bug_res ne "") { $link_return .= "</strike>" }
if ($bug_stat eq "UNCONFIRMED") { $link_return .= "</i>"}
# Put back any query in progress
SendSQL("SELECT bugs.bug_status, resolution, short_desc, groupset " .
"FROM bugs WHERE bugs.bug_id = $bug_num");
return $link_return;
# If the bug exists, save its data off for use later in the sub
if (MoreSQLData()) {
my ($bug_state, $bug_res, $bug_desc, $bug_grp) = FetchSQLData();
# Initialize these variables to be "" so that we don't get warnings
# if we don't change them below (which is highly likely).
my ($pre, $title, $post) = ("", "", "");
$title = $bug_state;
if ($bug_state eq $::unconfirmedstate) {
$pre = "<i>";
$post = "</i>";
elsif (! IsOpenedState($bug_state)) {
$pre = "<strike>";
$title .= " $bug_res";
$post = "</strike>";
if ($bug_grp == 0 || CanSeeBug($bug_num, $::userid, $::usergroupset)) {
$title .= " - $bug_desc";
$::buglink{$bug_num} = [$pre, value_quote($title), $post];
else {
# Even if there's nothing in the database, we want to save a blank
# anonymous array in the %::buglink hash so the query doesn't get
# run again next time we're called for this bug number.
$::buglink{$bug_num} = [];
# All done with this sidetrip
# Now that we know we've got all the information we're gonna get, let's
# return the link (which is the whole reason we were called :)
my ($pre, $title, $post) = @{$::buglink{$bug_num}};
# $title will be undefined if the bug didn't exist in the database.
if (defined $title) {
return qq{$pre<a href="show_bug.cgi?id=$bug_num" title="$title">$link_text</a>$post};
else {
return qq{$link_text};
sub GetLongDescriptionAsText {
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