Bug 180978 - Adding keyword from enter_bug doesn't update keyword cache

r=myk, a=justdave
parent c7bc7a8e
......@@ -409,6 +409,18 @@ if (UserInGroup("editbugs")) {
SendSQL("INSERT INTO keywords (bug_id, keywordid)
VALUES ($id, $keyword)");
if (@keywordlist) {
# Make sure that we have the correct case for the kw
SendSQL("SELECT name FROM keyworddefs WHERE id IN ( " .
join(',', @keywordlist) . ")");
my @list;
while (MoreSQLData()) {
push (@list, FetchOneColumn());
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET keywords = " .
SqlQuote(join(', ', @list)) .
" WHERE bug_id = $id");
if (defined $::FORM{'dependson'}) {
my $me = "blocked";
my $target = "dependson";
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