Commit c6ede85f authored by's avatar

Bug 398990: process_bug.cgi shouldn't check the 'reporter' field as this field…

Bug 398990: process_bug.cgi shouldn't check the 'reporter' field as this field is not editable - Patch by fedor ezeev <> r/a=LpSolit
parent cc932cda
......@@ -2400,7 +2400,7 @@ sub editable_bug_fields {
# Obsolete custom fields are not editable.
my @obsolete_fields = Bugzilla->get_fields({obsolete => 1, custom => 1});
@obsolete_fields = map { $_->name } @obsolete_fields;
foreach my $remove ("bug_id", "creation_ts", "delta_ts", "lastdiffed", @obsolete_fields) {
foreach my $remove ("bug_id", "reporter", "creation_ts", "delta_ts", "lastdiffed", @obsolete_fields) {
my $location = lsearch(\@fields, $remove);
splice(@fields, $location, 1);
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ sub Send {
my %values = %{$dbh->selectrow_hashref(
'SELECT ' . join(',', editable_bug_fields()) . ',
'SELECT ' . join(',', editable_bug_fields()) . ', reporter,
lastdiffed AS start, LOCALTIMESTAMP(0) AS end
FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = ?',
undef, $id)};
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