Commit df2d2daa authored by Frédéric Buclin's avatar Frédéric Buclin

Bug 659185: html_quote() escapes @ causing mailto links to not be processed

parent bd41885b
......@@ -229,7 +229,8 @@ sub quoteUrls {
# mailto:
# Use |<nothing> so that $1 is defined regardless
$text =~ s~\b(mailto:|)?([\w\.\-\+\=]+\@[\w\-]+(?:\.[\w\-]+)+)\b
# &#64; is the encoded '@' character.
$text =~ s~\b(mailto:|)?([\w\.\-\+\=]+&\#64;[\w\-]+(?:\.[\w\-]+)+)\b
~<a href=\"mailto:$2\">$1$2</a>~igx;
# attachment links
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